Autumn 1 – PEACE

Music – Blue, Collective Worship Team Helper – Red, Eucharist - Green

Week commencing / Mon – DM
Key Stage / WSch Class
Intro Music – Peace Perfect Peace / Tues
Key Stage 1 – In own Year groups Key Stage2 - Prayer & Praise
Intro -Composer of Half term / Wed
Key Stage 1 - Prayer & Praise
Composer of Half term
Key Stage 2 – Eucharist
Intro Music – Peace Perfect Peace / Thurs
Own class / year group / Fri
Intro Music – Here I am to Worship
1/9/14 / Prayers and Praise / Fr Stephen / Celebration
8/9/14 / CM
-  Give me joy in my heart
VFL – Peaceful Places
PP- Lucy & Ellie May
Music - Jess & Kirsty / Prayers and Praise – JM & JM
-  Peace perfect peace
-  We are marching in the light of God
PP – Jess & Ellie May
Music – Lucy & Scarlett / 6T & Fr Stephen
Gods Way pg 104
Matt 16:21-23
Prayers and Praise – JM & EF
-  We are marching in the light of God
-  Give me joy in my heart
-  Autumn Days / Celebration
Give me joy in my heart
PP- Chloe & Jake
Music – Scarlett & Neve
15/9/14 / KH / AM
-  Give me joy in my heart
VFL – Making Peace
Genesis 13
PP –Chloe & Neve
Music – Lucy & Jake / Prayers and Praise – JM & KD
-  We are marching in the light of God
-  - Peace is flowing like a river
PP –Neve & Kirsty
Music – Lucy & Ellie-May / 4M & Fr Stephen
Be forgiving pg 108
Matt 18:23-35
Prayers and Praise – JM & KB
-  Loaf of bread
-  Harvest samba
-  We are marching in the light of God / Celebration
Give me joy in my heart
PP –Jess & Scarlett
Music – Lucy & Neve
22/9/14 / 3W
-  Peace is flowing like a river
PP –Jess & kirsty
Music – Neve & Jake / Prayers and Praise – JM & MT
-  We are marching in the light of God
-  I will bring to you the best Gifts I can offer
PP –Lucy & Neve
Music – Chloe & Jake / 3L & Fr Stephen
Making Choices pg 112
Matt 21: 28-32
Prayers and Praise – JM & LB
-  Autumn Days
-  Harvest samba
-  We are marching in the light of God / Celebration
Peace is flowing like a river
PP –Lucy & Kirsty
Music – Jess & Ellie May
29/9/14 / JH
-  We are marching in the light of God
VFL - Prince of Peace
PP –Chloe & Kirsty
Music – Lucy & Neve / Prayers and Praise – JM & RG
-The Lord is my Shepherd
-  I will bring to you the best Gifts I can offer
PP –Jess & Ellie May
Music – Lucy & Kirsty / Fr Stephen
KS2 Church Harvest Festival
Parable of the Sower
Matt 13: 1-23
KS1 Harvest Worship
-  Autumn Days
-  Loaf of bread
-  Harvest samba / Celebration
We are marching in the light of God
PP –Cloe & Ellie May
Music – Lucy & Neve
6/10/14 / 6M
-  I will bring to you the best gift I can offer
PP –Lucy & Kirsty
Music – Jess & Jake / Prayers and Praise – JM & KW
-  Let there be love shared amongst us
-  The Lord is my Shepherd
PP –Chloe & Neve
Music – Lucy & Ellie May / 6M & No Fr Stephen
Listen to God’s message pg114
Matt 21: 1-14
-  Prayers and Praise – JM & LM
-  We are marching in the light of God
-  Give me joy in my heart / Celebration
I will bring to you the best gift I can offer
PP –Jess & Kirsty
Music – Chloe & Jake
13/10/14 / EF / JM
-  Let there be love shared amongst us
VFL – Living at peace with the world (St Francis of Assisi)
PP –Jess & Kirsty
Music – Neve & Ellie May / Prayers and Praise JM & SB
-  Shalom my friends
-  We are marching in the light of God
PP –Lucy & Jake
Music – Chloe & Kirsty / 5G & Fr Stephen
The Wedding Party
Matt 22: 1-14
Prayers and Praise – JM & KH
-  We are marching in the light of God
-  Give me joy in my heart / Celebration
Let there be love shared amongst us
PP –Jess & Lucy
Music – Neve & Jake
20/10/14 / CM
-  We are marching in the light of God
VFL – Being a Peace maker
PP –Chloe & Jake
Music – Lucy & Kirsty / Prayers and Praise JM &AL
-  Shalom my Friends
-  Give me joy in my heart
PP –Neve & Jake
Music – Jess & Ellie May / 4B & Fr Stephen
Give to God what belongs to God
Matt 22: 15-21
Prayers and Praise – JM & KH
-  We are marching in the light of God
-  Give me joy in my heart / Celebration
We are marching in the light of God
PP – Lucy & Jake
Music – Neve & Chloe

VFL = Values for life file & CD