CLN 4U Mr. J Cummings

St. James Catholic High School

Legal Philosophers Slideshow Presentation


Research one of the assigned philosophers using textbooks and the internet. Use the information to assemble and present a powerpoint or Prezi slideshow for your classmates. These presentations will form the basis of your notes for this segment of the course.


Groups are assigned a legal theorist

CLN 4U Mr. J Cummings

St. James Catholic High School

·  Socrates

·  Plato

·  Aristotle

·  Cicero

·  Hugo Grotius

·  David Hume

·  Immanuel Kant

·  Jean Jacques Rousseau

·  St. Thomas Aquinas

·  Thomas Hobbes

·  John Locke

·  Jeremy Bentham

·  John Austin

·  HLA Hart

·  John Rawls

CLN 4U Mr. J Cummings

St. James Catholic High School

Your research should cover the key points, including:

·  Time period in history and background

·  Category of philosophy: natural or positive law. Explain how their philosophy fits in a particular area.

·  A summary of this person’s views on the law (contributions, viewpoints, influence, what role should it play in society etc, who should obey laws etc). Slides should be organized and categorized appropriately (labels, headings).

·  Applicability of this person’s thinking still to present day law or legal issue. For instance, show how the theorists view would apply to a current law in Canadian society.

Your presentation must have between 5 to 10 slides. You should include a fill in the blank handout for your classmates to complete as you complete your slideshow. You should include creative illustrations or images in your presentation.

You are also responsible for putting this information in your own words (i.e. you CANNOT cut and paste from the internet – this is plagiarism) and organizing your slideshow to educate your classmates. Information should be edited down into key point form (well edited and point form). Each group member should alternate slides when presenting information.

Timeline: Presentations take place on ______

You have 2 classes to research and begin assembling your presentation. Computers with internet access are available.

You are responsible for uploading your presentation to wikispace site or emailing your presentation to Mr. Cummings at by Friday Feb. 22nd. I should have your handout by this date also.

Your presentation should be approximately 5-10 minutes long (this includes time for classmates to take notes or ask questions).


Evaluation will reflect the level of contribution each member brings to the group.

Total value: 70 marks in the performance task category.

Your slide presentation will be evaluated on the following criteria:

Criteria / Marks
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
(K) / Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. / Audience has difficulty following presentation because students jumps around. / Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. / Students present information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. / 15
(K) / Students do not have grasp of information; students cannot answer questions about subject. / Students are uncomfortable with information and are able to answer only rudimentary questions. / Students are at ease with content, but fail to elaborate. / Students demonstrate full knowledge (more than required)with explanations and elaboration. / 15
(T) / Limited insight regarding the usefulness of theorist views today. / Some insight regarding the usefulness of theorist views today. / Considerable insight regarding the usefulness of theorist views today. / High degree of insight regarding the usefulness of theorist views today. / 15
(C) / Students’ presentation had significant spelling errors and/or grammatical errors. / Presentation had some spelling and grammatical errors. / Presentation shows considerable grammatical, punctuation and spelling accuracy. / Presentation shows a high degree of grammatical, punctuation and spelling accuracy. / 5
(C) / Students mumble, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear. Student reads directly off slide and does not seek to explain. / Students incorrectly pronounce terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation. Student reads directly off slide and does not seek to explain. / Student’s voice is clear. Students pronounce most words correctly. Student does not rely on side and seeks to explain. / Students used a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms. Student engages class with presentation skill. Strong eye contact and high ability to explain information / 10
(A) / Students used no visuals. / Students occasionally used visuals that rarely support text and presentation. / Visuals related to text and presentation. / Students used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation. / 10
K / T / C / A
Total----> / /70
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