Extend apparel labour reform to all sectorsnow

The apparel industry, like most others, has constantly been complaining about the lack of labour flexibility, so critical in an export-driven industry that is inherently seasonal in nature. So, during the UPA tenure, it even suggested a double-NREGA package to the government.

ESIC Mohali row, medical facilities to insured MSME workers moves from bad to pathetic: MIA

Despite several representations made before the department as well as the central government, medical facilities at the Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) for the ESIC insured MSME workers in Mohali continue to remain pathetic, Mohali Industries Association informed.

Contractual Workers in Mining Sector

As per the details provided by Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS) under the Ministry of Labour & Employment, the number of contract workers are not higher than the regular workers.

Retrenched Verizon employees to move court

Retrenched employees of Verizon Data Services Private Limited, who are being assisted by Forum for IT Professionals (4IT), are now mulling knocking on the doors of courts of law.

EDC forms task force for employment generation

A six-member employment creation task force has been constituted by the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to collect and collate suggestions from stakeholders, including industrial associations and citizens, on creation of suitable employment in Goa.

Modern capitalism has opened a major new front for strike action –logistics

The decline of trade unions across the developed nations is nothing new. In the US the proportion of workers in unions fell from a high of 35% in 1954, mostly in the private sector, to 11% in 2016 with nearly half in the public sector. Union density in the UK fell from a high of 55% in 1979 to 25% in 2016.

  • Employee engagement is the art and science of engaging people in authentic and recognized connections to strategy, roles, performance, organization, community, relationship, customers, development, energy, and happiness to leverage, sustain and transform work into results.
  • Nature is our treasure, help save it.”