Week 8 Vocabulary

1.  absolve- v. to declare free from guilt and blame; to set free from a promise or an obligation.

2.  antipathy- n. a strong dislike; an aversion

3.  antipodes- n. any two places at directly opposite points on the earth; two opposite things

4.  indigent- adj. poor; needy

5.  infringe- v. to violate or disregard a law or an agreement; to trespass; to break in on

6.  nettle- n. a stinging plant; c. to sting with, or as if with, a nettle, to cause sharp annoyance; to irritate

7.  ostensible- adj. outwardly professed: apparent; seeming

8.  retroactive- adj. applying to events that are past

9.  specious- adj. seemingly desirable, reasonable, or true but not really so; having a deceptively good appearance

10.  subjugate- v. to subdue; to conquer; to force to submit

11.  maybe- adverb meaning possibly

12.  may be-verb phrase- Tomorrow may be a better day.

13.  passed-past tense of the verb pass

14.  past-belonging to a former time

15.  your-possessive pronoun- Is this your paper?

16.  you’re-contraction for you are

17.  bureaucracy

18.  awkward

19.  guarantee

20.  immediately

Please do not write on this paper~ Please do not write on this paper

Week 8 Practice

1.  Kipling viewed Eastern and Western philosophies and lifestyles as totally different. He commented on the ______of Asian and European cultures in “The Ballad of East and West.”

2.  Kipling did not consider it a ______to say, “Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet . . . “ To him, the statement made sense and was utterly true.

3.  Kipling’s interest in children’s stories was not ______, stemming from unfinished business to his own childhood; it grew from his desire to make up stories for his own children.

4.  In his story “The Elephant’s Child,” a young elephant is constantly punished for asking questions. He asks the Kolokolo Bird, who is sitting in a sharp ______, to help him. The Kolokolo Bird looks down at him from his perch in the spiny plant.

5.  The Kolokolo Bird appears to help the little elephant, but his ______friendly advice really places the elephant child in danger.

6.  The other animals have failed to ______the little elephant’s curiosity, which seems to have no end. They don’t know how to stop such inquisitiveness.

7.  They think that his never-ending questions ______on their right to live in piece and quiet.

8.  All the animals have an ______for the Elephant Child’s curiosity, but he finds ways to get even for their hostility and mistreatment of him.

9.  Eventually, the little elephant comes home with something all of his relatives want, and they ______him, forgiving him of his curiosity.

10.  The popularity of this story and others in Just So Stories brought Kipling a good income, so he was never ______.











Sentence Patterns Practice--Write a sentence correctly demonstrating the following sentence patterns:

11.  S V Dependent Clause

12.  S, Appositive, V

13.  Appositive, S

14.  Determine whether each of the following sentences is correctly punctuated. If not, correct the sentence.

14. I need to get home, because it’s getting late.

15. Alex Haley, the author of Roots, attributed his interest in writing to stories his grandmother and great-aunts told.

Vocab 8 Practice Answers

  1. antipodes
  2. specious
  3. retroactive
  4. nettle
  5. ostensibly
  6. subjugate
  7. infringe
  8. antipathy
  9. absolve

10.  indigent

  1. S V Dependent Clause
  2. S, Appositive, V
  3. Appositive, S V
  4. no comma needed
  5. yes