(To be hung at IT Notice Board)
To be filled-in by Installation Manager
Shutdown Schedule / Date: / From Time: To Time:
Purpose of Shutdown
Shutdown Co-ordinator
IT Services To Be Shutdown / ☐ SAP ECC 6.0 ☐ SRM e-Tender ☐ Oilep ☐ BIZ-TALK
☐ E-mail ☐ Internet ☐ Oilweb ☐ MPLS N/W
☐ E&P ☐ HIS ☐ PMS ☐ Anti-Virus
Concurrence Information / ERP (Concurrence) : / Ref: / Not Reqd ☐
F&A (closing etc) : / Ref: / Not Reqd ☐
Admin (VIP visit) : / Ref: / Not Reqd ☐
Electrical : / Ref: / Not Reqd ☐
Email to users / Sent on Date: 25/02/2016 Reminder on:
Responsibility Matrix(Name to be specified) / Landscape / Shutdown / Start-up / Remarks
60 kVA UPS
Monitoring of Elec Work if any / Operator on duty to assist
DC Installation Manager: Signature …………………………………. Name ……….…………………………………………….
To be filled-in by respective Sections1. Shutdown of Systems
Slno / System / Sequence * / Shutdown at / Action By / Remarks1 / SAP / 1
2 / E&P / 1
3 / Non-SAP / 1
4 / Email / 1
5 / BIZ-TALK / 1
6 / Anti-Virus / 1
7 / AD / 2
8 / Network, MPLS / 2
9 / SAP UPS / 3
10 / 60 kVA UPS / 3
*Sequence – Events with higher Sequence can start ONLY after completion of events with lower Sequence;
Events with same Sequence can be initiated simultaneously;
2. Start-up of Systems
Slno / System / Sequence * / Start-up at / Action By / Remarks1 / SAP UPS / 1
2 / 60 kVA UPS / 1
3 / Network, MPLS / 2
4 / AD / 2
5 / SAP / 3
6 / E&P / 3
7 / Non-SAP / 3
8 / Email / 3
9 / BIZ-TALK / 3
10 / Anti-Virus / 3
*Sequence – Events with higher Sequence can start ONLY after completion of events with lower Sequence;
Events with same Sequence can be initiated simultaneously;
3. Remarks by Shutdown Initiator:
i. Shutdown schedule completed in planned time span (Y/N):……………; If ‘N’, then fill up ii) below
ii. Reasons for delay: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
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