1992 / 2000 / 2005 / 2010 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
Actual final
consumption of households
(at current prices)1), bln. roubles (1992 -
trln. roubles) / 7.9 / 3813.5 / 12455 / 27962 / 39807 / 44053 / 48515 / 49996 / 51227
of GDP / 42.8 / 52.3 / 57.3 / 59.8 / 59.4 / 61.8 / 61.3 / 59.9 / 60.7
percent of
previous year 2) / 97.3 / 105.9 / 110.8 / 104.3 / 105.9 / 103.5 / 101.7 / 91.2 / 95.9
per capita,
(1992 -
thou. roubles) / 53 / 26014 / 86784 / 195744 / 277981 / 306971 / 332086 / 341486 / 349259
Average per capita money income of population
roubles(1992 -
thou. roubles) / 4.0 / 2281 / 8088 / 18958 / 23221 / 25928 / 27767 / 30467 / 30738
Real disposable money income 4), percent of
previous year / 52 / 112 / 112 / 106 / 105 / 104 / 99 / 97 / 94
Accrued average monthly nominal wages of
employees of
organizations 5), roubles (1992 -
thou. roubles) / 6.0 / 2223 / 8555 / 20952 / 26629 / 29792 / 32495 / 34030 / 36746
Continued table 7.1
1992 / 2000 / 2005 / 2010 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
Real accrued wages of employees of organizations, percent of previous year / 67 / 121 / 113 / 105 / 108 / 105 / 101 / 91 / 101
Average pension6), roubles (1992 -
thou. roubles) / 1.6 / 694.3 / 2364 / 7476 / 9041 / 9918 / 10786 / 11986 / 12391
Real pension6) , percent of
previous year / 52 / 128 / 110 / 135 / 105 / 103 / 101 / 96 / 97
minimum level
(average per capita):
roubles per month (1992 -
thou. roubles ) / 1.9 / 12107) / 30188) / 5688 / 6510 / 73069) / 8050 / 9701 / 9828
percent of
previous year / … / 12010) / 11910) / 110 / 102 / 10810) / 110 / 121 / 101
minimum level of a pensioner for the purpose of receiving an additional social support 11), roubles per month / 4780 / 5564 / 6131 / 6354 / 7161 / 8803

Continued table 7.1

1992 / 2000 / 2005 / 2010 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
with subsistence minimum level,
of average per capita money
income3) / 212 / 189 / 268 / 333 / 357 / 355 / 345 / 314 / 313
of accrued
average monthly nominal wages 5) / 281 / 168 / 263 / 341 / 378 / 379 / 374 / 325 / 347
of average
pension6) / 119 / 76 / 98 / 165 / 177 / 165 / 163 / 151 / 153
Population with money income
below subsistence minimum level12):
mln. persons / 49.3 / 42.3 / 25.4 / 17.7 / 15.4 / 15.5 / 16.1 / 19.5 / 19.8
percent of
total population / 33.5 / 29.0 / 17.8 / 12.5 / 10.7 / 10.8 / 11.2 / 13.3 / 13.5
percent of
previous year / ... / 84.910) / 88.510) / 96.2 / 86.0 / 92.310) / 103.9 / 117.4 / 101.5
Deficit of money
income of indigent population 12):
bln. roubles
(1992 -
trln. roubles) / 0.4 / 199.2 / 288.7 / 375.0 / 370.5 / 417.9 / 478.6 / 700.8 / 722.3
percent of total money income of population / 6.2 / 5.0 / 2.1 / 1.2 / 0.9 / 0.9 / 1.0 / 1.3 / 1.3

Continued table 7.1

1992 / 2000 / 2005 / 2010 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
Coefficient of
funds (coefficient differentiation of
income)12), in times / 8.0 / 13.9 / 15.2 / 16.6 / 16.4 / 16.3 / 16.0 / 15.7 / 15.7
Minimum wages (annual average)5), roubles (1992 –
thou. roubles) / 0.7 / 107.8 / 746.7 / 4330 / 4611 / 5205 / 5554 / 5965 / 6852
Real minimum wages, percent
of previous year / 41.5 / 106.9 / 110.4 / 93.6 / 98.1 / 105.7 / 99.0 / 93.0 / 107.3

1)See footnote, page 183.

2)At constant prices.

3)Since 2010 – including data on the ChechenRepublic.

4)Since2011 – including data on the ChechenRepublic.

5)For 2014 without account to data on the Crimean Federal district.

6)For 2000 - with compensation.

7)Since 2000 according to changes of the normative legal base and methodology for compilation of the size of subsistence minimum (see methodological guidelines page) the estimation published is based on data determined by the Government of the Russian Federation for I-IV quarters of corresponding years.

8)Since 2005 the structure of the consumer goods basket was revised to determine the subsistence minimum value, based on the Federal Law of October 24,1997 №134-FZ «On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation».

9)On the basis of the Federal Law № 233-FZ from December 3, 2012 " On Amending the Federal Law" On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation" since 2013 the procedure for compiling the size of subsistence minimum has been changed.

10)By comparable methodology of subsistence minimum compilation.

11)Since January 1, 2010, in accordance with the Federal Law №213-FZ from July 24, 2009 for the purpose ofbringing the financial security for pensioners up to the subsistence minimum level of pensioners, set in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, additional social support is provided.

12)Since 2012 – including data on the ChechenRepublic.