Years 7-10 Suggested Scripture Scope and Sequence

Year 7
Suggested Scripture / Knowledge and Understanding
Gen 1:1-2:25 Creation myths / Compare the biblical accounts of creation and discuss their different images of Creation -Genesis 1&2
Mt 19:16-29 (The rich young man) / Examine the role of Jesus as teacher and healer
Lk 17:12-19 (The healing of the ten lepers) / Examine the role of Jesus as teacher and healer
Gen 11:1-9 (Tower of Babel) - Myth
Letter to Philemon - Letter
Eccl 3:1-8 – Wise sayings
Ps 104 - Psalm
1 Kg 9:15-28 (Actions of Solomon) – Historical narratives / Identify various genres in the Bible.
Mt 3:13-17; Mk 1:9-11; Lk 3:21-22 (The Baptism of Jesus) / Define what a synoptic Gospel is and locate a common text.
Acts 9:1-15 (The conversion of Saul) / Describe Paul’s role as Apostle to the Gentiles in the establishment of the early church.
Acts 14:8-20 (Paul and Barnabas in Lystra) / Locate on a map significant places in the travels of Paul and significant events at each.
Suggested Scripture / Knowledge and Understanding
Deut 5:1-21 / Show how the Ten Commandments describe a way of life faithful to God’s love. (Students deal with Exodus version in Year 6)
Year 8
Suggested Scripture / Knowledge & Understanding / Skills
Gen 12:1-9 (Abram and Sarai)
Ex 3:1-5:1 (Moses’ call and response)
Jer 1:4-10 (Jeremiah’s call) / Construct an overview of the themes, people and events of the Old Testament.
Investigate the way God’s people heard and responded to God’s call in the Old Testament.
Identify individuals in the Old Testament who responded to God’s call.
Gen 9: 8-17 (The covenant with Noah)
Gen 15:18-21 (The covenant with Abram)
2Sam 7:4-17 (The covenant with David) / Examine the text structure and features of some Old
Testament covenant narratives to identify common themes and features
Lk 16:19-31 (The rich man and Lazarus) / Identify times when Jesus used parables to challenge people to change their lives.
Examine parables and the challenges they pose.
Suggested Scripture / Knowledge & Understanding / Skills
Mt 5:44
Lk 11:1-13 / Demonstrate an understanding of Jesus’ teaching on prayer.
Year 9
Suggested Scripture / Knowledge & Understanding / Skills
Is 49:15-16
Jer 18:1-8
Am 8: 4-7
Mic 6:6-8
Ezek 4 / Identify images of God in the prophetic literature.
Communicate central messages and themes of Hebrew prophets.
Explore the relationship between the dramatic actions and challenging messages of some Old Testament prophets.
Mt 28:16-20
Lk 24:36-53 / Use scripture to discern how the early Christian community understood the Resurrection of Jesus.
Suggested Scripture / Knowledge & Understanding / Skills
Lk 1:57-79 (Joy)
Phil 1:3-11 (Hope)
Lam 1: 1-2 (Grief)
Mk 14:32-37 (Anxiety) / Draw on examples from Scriptures to explain how experiences of joy, hope, grief and anxiety lead to prayer.
Year 10
Suggested Scripture / Knowledge & Understanding / Skills
Jn 1:1-14
Mk 8:29
Mt 16:15
Lk 9:20 / Explore their own considered and critical questions about the person of Jesus Christ.
Jn 14:15-26Jn 20:19:22
Lk 11:9-13
Acts 1:6-8
Acts 4:23-31 / Analyze ideas and images of the Trinity that communicate the fundamental Christian belief of Trinity as expressed in Church teachings (e.g. Scripture, creeds).
Assess images of the Trinity and explain how these images express the interrelatedness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Suggested Scripture / Knowledge & Understanding / Skills
Jer 1:4-10
Mt 4:18-22
Mt 9:9-13
Mt 19:16-30 / Identify the value and use of the Scriptures and Catholic Tradition in understanding vocation.
Jn 2:1-12
Acts 6:1-6 / Outline the history and nature of the sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders.
Suggested Scripture / Knowledge & Understanding / Skills
Mt 25:31-46 (The judgement of the nations)
Mt 5:3-12 (The Beatitudes) / Generate findings on an exploration of a moral issue, using Scripture and Church documents.