Dear High School Science Teachers,

We enjoyed being in many of your classes last year and want to let you know what we’re offering this year to help your students learn, evaluate, and possibly pursue a career in the medical field.


Crossroads AHEC continues to provide hands-on experiences for students. Our presenters guide your classes in identifying, understanding, and exploring different body systems. Plus, students are led to understand the importance of each body system within the health care industry. All of the equipment, organs, and materials needed for each lab below areprovided by Crossroads AHEC.
Heart Dissection
This presentation begins with a quick review of the flow of blood and anatomy of the heart. Students are then put in groupsof two to three to dissect a pig’s heart and are able to identify the unique differences of each atrium, ventricle, and valve. Our presenter will also bring a cow heart to use as a demonstration tool. This lab takes 60-90 minutes and has a fee of $200

Eyeball Dissection

After discussing the protective tissues surrounding the eye, students work with a partner to dissect a cow’s eye. Students are able to isolate and remove the cornea, iris, lens, vitreous humor, and retina. Students are also able to see and touch theaqueous humor, sclera and optic nerve. This lab takes 60 minutes and has a fee of $110 per class.

Tissue & Suturing

Tissue layers are identified, then the class is instructed how to suture. Students are paired and given a chicken wing. Students learn to apply, tie, and remove stitches on a skin that is very similar to that of humans. This lab takes 60 minutes and has a fee of $120 per class.

Chicken Wing Dissection

This is a great presentation for students to learn about the musculo-skeletal system. Students are able to cut away the skin to review joints, muscles and connective tissues while learning their functions. This lab takes 60 minutes and has a fee of $100

I am getting this information to youearly in the school year so you can book labs to take place while teaching about each appropriate system. All per class prices are available for up to 30 students, if you have a larger class, we can give you the additional fee when you contact us. Please contact us via e-mail to arrange the dates that are best for your schedule or with any other ways we can help you out.

Mindy Bateman, Director

Crossroads Area Health Education Center 801-957-6291