October 26, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Location: Hyatt, Rosemont

Participants: Project Directors and Leadership

§  School Climate Transformation Grant

§  Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Program

§  Project Prevent

§  PBIS Center Partners


1.  Strategies for and examples of alignment, integration, and sustainable implementation capacity.

2.  Increased effectiveness and efficiency of communications, management, and evaluation of cross program initiatives.

3.  Opportunities to share and learn about successful implementation efforts within and across programs and initiatives.

4.  Opportunities to engage project officers and technical assistance providers.

Tentative Agenda

9:00 Overview and Introduction (Rob Horner)

9:10 Welcome (David Esquith)

9:15 Implementation Capacity Development (Rob Horner & George Sugai)

The common goal of all grant projects is to improve the social culture of schools in a manner that is effective, scalable and sustainable for all students. To achieve this goal, deliberate decisions and actions are needed to enhance implementation capacity.

·  Review of MTSS fundamentals for school and mental health implementation (15 min. George Sugai).

·  MTSS Implementation Capacity Development (60 min. Rob Horner)

10:30 Break

10:45 Lessons Learned and Examples from the SEA and LEAs (Tim Lewis)

As expected, individual grantees progress with implementation at different rates and levels. However, the long-term goal of high fidelity and durable implementation capacity is common to all. Discussions related to the many challenge, solutions, and accomplishments faced by grantees can be informative for each of us as we move forward. The purpose of this session is to learn from LEA and SEA examples in their efforts to align, integrate, and develop implementation capacity.

·  Elements of Effective Alignment and Capacity development (10 min. Tim Lewis)

·  Alignment at the SEA level (20 min.)

§  Ohio – Mike Petrasek & Amity Noltemeyer

§  Nevada – Ashley Greenwald & Vickie Blakeney

·  Alignment at the LEA Level (20 min.)

§  Lincoln Public Schools, NE – Russ Uhing

§  Duval Public Schools, FL – Erica Trent

·  Alignment Brief & Integrated System Framework 15 min. (Susan Barrett & Lucille Eber)

·  Team Alignment Self-Check and Discussion (10 min.)

11:30 Comments and Suggestions for Using the Conference (Lucille Eber)

11:45 Closing Comments and Afternoon Organizer (Dave Esquith and George Sugai)

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Individual Grant Meetings

5:00 Adjourn


October 26, 2016

1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Location: Hyatt


Project Directors and Leadership, LEA School Climate Transformation Grant

PBIS Center Partners


•  Strategies for and examples of alignment, integration, and sustainable implementation capacity.

•  Increased effectiveness and efficiency of communications, management, and evaluation of cross program initiatives.

•  Opportunities to share and learn about successful implementation efforts within and across programs and initiatives.

•  Opportunities to engage project officers and technical assistance providers.

Tentative Agenda

1:00 Overview and Welcome

1:10 Small Group Discussions (4 Topics)

ü  Moving to Tiers II and III – What does it entail? What are the 1st steps? What should training look like? What can be learned from the experience of others?

ü  Partnerships – Does your state support MTSS? Do they know about your work? Who at the state level can/does support you? Share examples of partnerships.

ü  Promotion/Marketing – How are you spreading the word about your work? How are you engaging parents? How are you engaging the community? Share examples of web sites, newsletters, events, awards, recognitions.

ü  Challenges & Solutions – For the report out at the end of the day, each table can share a challenge (that is applicable to more than one site) along with suggestions about how it might be resolved.

2:30 Break (15 minutes)

3:00 Small Group Discussions (Continued)

3:45 Report Out to Larger Group

4:45 Closing Reflections

5:00 Adjourn

SEA School Climate Transformation Grantee Session

Office of Safe and Healthy Students

Project Directors Meeting

October 26 2016

Location: ______

1:00 Welcome, Introductions, & Expected Outcome

Bryan Williams, US Department of Education

Expected Outcome: SEA-SCTG grantee participants will enhance their (a) common understanding of SEA-SCTG grant purpose, expectation, and outcomes and (b) individual analysis and planning with respect to development of implementation capacity.

1:10 “Where Have We Been & What’s on the Horizon?”

Bryan Williams, US Department of Education

·  Review of Goals, Outcomes, & Expectations

·  Progress to Date

·  2016 & Beyond

·  Every Student Success Act

·  Office of Safe & Healthy Students

1:30 Review of Systems Implementation Best Practice and Organizational Implementation Capacity Development

George Sugai, PBIS TA Center

·  School Climate & Multi-tiered Systems of Support

·  Core Features of State Implementation Systems

·  Shaping Alignment from SEA to LEA to School to Classroom

2:30 Break

2:45 Topical Group Discussion on SCTG SEA Policy & Program Alignment, Implementation Fidelity & Sustainability, & Authority & Accountability

George Sugai & Bryan Williams

·  Program alignment

·  Implementation Fidelity

·  Implementation Sustainability

·  Accountability

·  Leadership

3:45 Break

4:00 General Discussion & Questions-Answer

George Sugai & Bryan Williams

§  What has worked well?

§  What could be done differently/again?

§  What should we do new this year?

4:45 Wrap-up

Bryan Williams

5:00 Adjourn

October 5, 2016