Haydock Sports College
Job Description
Job Title: Main Scale Teacher Job Holder:Line Managed By: Head of Department Date:
- To provide a high quality educational experience for all students by carrying out the duties of a teacher as set out in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions document.
- To plan and deliver a personalised high quality teaching programme with regard to the College’s Mission Statement, Policies and Schemes of Work.
- Provide clear structures for sequences of lessons which maintain pace, motivation and challenge based on objectives which students fully understand.
- To be able to set realistic and challenging pastoral and academic targets for individual students.
- To assess, record and report on attendance, progress, development and attainment of students and to keep records as required.
- To prepare and update teaching materials.
- To maintain effective classroom management in accordance with College’s procedures.
- To encourage good practice with regard to punctuality, behaviour and standards of work.
- To work as a designated team member.
- To contribute to effective working relations in college.
- To take part in staff development programmes by participating in CPD arrangements.
- To engage actively in performance management.
- Principal Accountabilities
- To prepare all lessons thoroughly making reference to the department’s schemes of work.
- To deliver a personalised high quality teaching programme.
- To assess, record and report on attendance, progress, development and attainment of students.
- To contribute to enrichment programmes within and beyond curriculum time.
- To maintain high quality records.
- To participate in performance management.
- To undertake any duties as may reasonably be required by the Headteacher.
- Competencies
- To be child centred.
- To be a good communicator with all stakeholders.
- To play a full part in college life by actively supporting our distinctive mission and ethos and to encourage colleagues to follow this example.
- To work with high expectations and quality assurance in all aspects of the role.
- To keep high quality academic and pastoral records of pupil progress.
- To promote a positive image of college.
- Knowledge and Experience
- Have in depth subject knowledge.
- Understand how student learning is affected by their physical, intellectual, emotional and social development.
- Select and make good use of ICT for academic, pastoral and management support.
- Be familiar with College’s current systems as outlined in policy documentation including Health/Safety and Child Protection policies.
- Understand and utilise national and college data including NC test data and FFT information which can be used to set clear targets for student achievement.
6. Performance Standards
- The above job description will be used for performance purposes and incorporated into annual review documentation and performance management.
8. Additional information:
9. Sign Off
Post Holder: ………………………………………………… Date: …………………
Manager: …………………………………………………… Date: ………………….