February 9, 2015


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors for London House Condominium Association was held at 6:30 p.m. on February 9, 2015 in the Club Room 1233 Ogden Street, Denver, Colorado.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. The following Directors were present: Art Kerkezian, Kym Bloom, Raymond Stein, and Alex Ferber. Roger Mitchell was present from Western States Property Services and Richard Seeman, Resident Manager, was present.

Homeowner Forum

§  302 – Homeowner signed in to listen to the meeting.


The Board reviewed the January 12, 2015 minutes previously approved via email and were formally approved at the meeting.

Staff Report

Richard reported that 4 mailboxes had been broken into on 2/9/15.Richard will repair them and look into the cost of new ones. He also reported that he would have to post a notice to close the pool while he was replacing the filter. He submitted 2 new leases; Unit 107 and Unit 505

Manager Report

The Managers Report was reviewed and is included with the meeting records.


The Board reviewed the January financials and after discussion, accepted as submitted. It was moved, 2nded and approved to transfer $5,000.00 from the reserve account to the operating account. The Board anticipated being $4,347.00 short in the operating account due to payment of two insurance policies , two months of reserve payment and repair bill to Unit 512. The board asked Western States to hold the two reserve payment as well as transfer .the $5,000.00from the reserve account to ensure that there were adequate funds to cover all expenses.

The Board discussed snow removal being $900 over budget at this time. The board decided to maintain current level of service but the snow removal will need to be monitored closely moving forward.


Homeowners Correspondence

§  Unit 511 – Homeowner requested the Board consider inspecting /repairing the ledges outside his bedrooms and bathroom.

Old Business

§  Plumbing Maintenance and Repair

Ø  Unit 512 – The Board reviewed the proposal from 5280 Drywall and Repair and SPCS. It was moved, 2nded and the Board approved the SPCS Proposal at $2,587.00

Ø  Unit 201 – The Board decided to wait for a 2nd bid from 5280 Drywall and Repair and wanted them to breakout the cost of replacing the P-trap

Art Work – The Board moved, 2nded and approved more art work to be purchased for $700 for all the floors, with two large pieces on each floor. The board discussed positive feedback from the artwork and to proceed with the rest of the floors. The board agreed to a third piece for each floor for a total of about $900. This amount and more was previously approved for just the first group of test prints. Richard and Art will hang the art work.

§  Architectural Request

Ø  Unit 107 – the Board moved, 2nded and formally approved the request.

§  Building Locks – Manager to discuss with Richard as to whether it has been reset.

§  Upcoming Projects– The following items are upcoming projects for this year.

Ø  Mansard Roofing Repairs – Manager is in the process of getting proposals. Ask for options of colors and kind of paint that should be used. It was mentioned that the drainage pipes on the 6th floor be looked at while the contractors are here for the proposals ( Huge dangerous icicles forming during really cold temperatures)

Ø  Lawn and Tree Care Program -- Manager is in the process of getting proposals

Ø  Update Reserve Study – Manager to contact Reserve Study Contractors

Ø  Review Resident Manager Duties and Responsibilities – Board agreed that more time was needed to review the provided information

Ø  Awning Installation – The Board agreed to table this issue for now

Ø  Stair Covers – the Board requested the Manager to research and find out price of materials

Ø  Laundry Room Floors/ Mats – Board requested Alex to research and find out price of material

Ø  Elevator Cabs -- discussion was tabled. Michael was getting bids.

New Business

§  Dirty Shoes Left in the Hallways Outside of the Unit Doors

Ø  Board requested Manager to have Richard put up a notice requesting residents to not leave their shoes outside in the common hallways in front of their doors

Ø  The Board discussed putting the new parking space rental policy in a newsletter to be able to explain it clearly. No timeline was set.



There being nothing further brought up for discussion; the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.