For Immediate Release

(Chardon, Ohio) June 23, 2005

Contact: Kimm Leininger, 440.285.8097

GCI Seeks Community Input on Vision for Geauga County

Geauga Community Impact is seeking input on a vision that has been drafted for Geauga County. A vision is a way of looking forward and imagining what Geauga County could be, under the best of circumstances. The following vision is the result of compiling the work completed by county residents and leaders who attended the GCI Citizen’s Convention on May 14, 2005.

Geauga County is a caring, safe and vibrant community where people of all cultures and ethnicities are valuable and valued.

Our thriving community balances agriculture, industry, and tourism in an environmentally responsive manner. We take pride in our preservation of green space and natural resources such as clean air and fresh water, while continuing to nurture business and industry to provide high quality jobs for area residents. We embrace Geauga’s rural heritage including the maple industry, Amish culture and park system. We understand our responsibility to protect the headwaters of the Cuyahoga, Grand and Chagrin Rivers.

A broad range of housing opportunities in the county attracts people of all ages and incomes. Our arts, culture and outdoor recreational opportunities are varied and accessible. Our unique public/private transportation system is recognized as a model for rural counties across the country.

We promote wellness for all through comprehensive, affordable and coordinated health and human services.

As civic-minded citizens we respond to changing community needs, and work collaboratively on a local as well as a regional basis to develop solutions to issues that impact the common good and overall quality of life.

We pursue our interests and passions through comprehensive, high quality educational services and life long learning opportunities, which facilitate the achievement of career and personal goals of our residents.

Geauga County continues to be one of the best places to live and work in Ohio.

GCI is inviting you to provide your thoughts and feedback about the above vision in the following ways: 1) Respond in writing to: Kimm Leininger, GCI Project Director, 209 Center Street, Chardon, OH 44024 2) E-mail to or 3) visit our website and click on “Your Thoughts”. Please provide your feedback no later than July 14, 2005.

GCI is a collaboration of community leaders from local businesses, faith groups, law enforcement, health care, government and neighborhoods that have come together to plan for the future of Geauga County’s health and human service needs. Funding for the collaboration has been provided in part by the Lake-Geauga Fund of The Cleveland Foundation, Geauga County Department on Aging, Geauga County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, Geauga County Department of Job and Family Services, Geauga Family First Council and United Way Services of Geauga County.

For more information, please contact Kimm Leininger at 440-285-8097 or email to .


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