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Candidate Number: 9GoughSquarePupillageApplicationForm2019

9 Gough Square Pupillage Application Form

Please refer to the Guidance whilst completing this form


A Levels, AS Levels, SCE Highers, IB or equivalent

Qualification type / Subject / Grade / Date awarded / Institution

Undergraduate Degree(s)

Qualification type / Subject / Grade / Date awarded / Institution


Grade / Date awarded


Grade / Date awarded

Other academic or professional qualifications

Qualification type / Subject / Grade / Date awarded / Institution

Periods of significant previous employment

Dates / Company/Institution / Title / Summary of Duties/Responsibilities

Mini-pupillages or other short-term legal placements

Dates / Chambers/Organisation / Type of Placement / Brief Details

Why do you want to be a barrister, and why at 9 Gough Square?[400-word total limit]

Please give details of your experience of mooting, mock trials, debating, etc. [500-word limit]

Please give details of your experience of legal voluntary or legal advisory work[500-word limit]

Please concisely explain a recent legal development and give reasons why you consider it to have been correct or incorrect. [500-word limit]

Additional details: please use the space below to add any other details or information that may be relevant to your pupillage application, e.g. further details of any significant previous employment, any exceptional mitigation in respect of disappointing exam results, non-legal voluntary work, sports, hobbies or interests.[No word limit]

Forms must be submitted by the closing date advertised on the website:

Guidance for completing this form is also available on the website.

Please note the following important points.

  1. You must ensure that you complete this form as fully as possible: we will base our decision as to whether or not to invite you for interview on the information contained in this form.
  2. Do NOT attach a CV or covering letter: they will be deleted and will NOT be considered.
  3. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  4. You will receive an acknowledgement email from us once we have received your application, after receipt of which there is no need to contact us further unless there is a problem. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail please contact us at .