“MARKETING MIX” POOL ITEMS (Chs. 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (NOT 16) 17 (NOT 18

Chapter 9—Product Concepts


1.A _____ is everything, both favorable and unfavorable, that a person receives in an exchange. It can be tangible, intangible, a service, an idea, or a combination of these things.

a. / brand equity
b. / quality
c. / warranty
d. / transaction
e. / product


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

2.The _____ is the starting point in creating a marketing mix.

a. / price
b. / product
c. / distribution channel
d. / promotional media
e. / production line


The product must be specified before other marketing mix variables can be planned.

PTS:1REF:131OBJ:09-1 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

3.Why is creation of a product the starting point for the marketing mix?

a. / The production department must know what to produce first.
b. / Production strategy is the first of the four Ps listed in the marketing mix.
c. / Determination of the price, promotional campaign, and distribution network cannot begin until the product has been specified.
d. / Product development takes the longest amount of time to complete.
e. / Actually, the product does not have to be the starting point--promotional strategies are often the starting point.


The product is the first decision around which the others are based.

PTS:1REF:131OBJ:09-1 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product | TB&E Model Strategy

4.Which of the following is NOT an example of a product's tangible feature?

a. / brand equity
b. / packaging
c. / color
d. / weight
e. / size


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

5.In the long run, regardless of the effort put into the product management process, the most important factor determining if a consumer product will succeed or fail is:

a. / the product mix plan
b. / the way the firm implements its production strategy
c. / the marketing plan it selects for its products
d. / how well the manufacturer satisfies its customers' needs
e. / the competition encountered by the manufacturer


Products succeed because they deliver benefits and satisfy customer needs.

PTS:1REF:131OBJ:09-1 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product | TB&E Model Customer

6.When PaintingsDirect, an online seller of contemporary original art, markets its art to home decor buyers for retailers, custom-framing stores, and intermediaries that supply furniture and home furnishings retailers, it is selling _____ products.

a. / specialty
b. / consumer
c. / business
d. / convenience
e. / unsought


Business products are purchased for (1) use in the production of other goods or services, (2) use in an organization's operations, or (3) resale to other customers.

PTS:1REF:131OBJ:09-2 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

7.The consumer product classification system is based on:

a. / how the market is segmented
b. / the way the products are manufactured
c. / the way products are used
d. / the physical attributes of the product
e. / the amount of effort consumers spend to acquire the product


Products are classified by the amount of effort that is normally expended in the acquisition process.

PTS:1REF:132OBJ:09-2 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

8._____ products are purchased with little shopping effort. These products typically are purchased regularly, usually with little planning, and require wide distribution.

a. / Convenience
b. / Specialty
c. / Branded shopping
d. / Unbranded shopping
e. / Generic


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

11.Which of the following is the best example of a convenience product?

a. / the purchase of an engagement ring
b. / the weekly purchase of a TV Guide
c. / a one-of-a-kind bird bath for the garden
d. / a piano stool for the new piano
e. / the annual vacation cruise


This is a relatively inexpensive purchase. and if the individual habitually buys the magazine, she probably did not do any comparison shopping.

PTS:1REF:132OBJ:09-2 TYPE: App

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

12.The convenience product marketing strategy includes:

a. / wide distribution of the product
b. / higher than ordinary prices
c. / few retail outlets other than convenience stores
d. / significantly lower promotion budgets
e. / products that are not easily substitutable


To sell large amounts of products that consumers are unwilling to search for, there must be a large number of retail outlets.

PTS:1REF:132OBJ:09-2 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

13.Compared to the other classifications of consumer products, shopping products are:

a. / widely available so they need little or no promotion
b. / usually less expensive than convenience products
c. / purchased without significant planning
d. / usually more expensive than convenience products and are found in fewer stores
e. / purchased immediately after the consumer realizes he or she needs them


Shopping products are typically items such as clothing, automobiles, and major appliances. Consumers usually compare items across brands or stores.

PTS:1REF:132OBJ:09-2 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

14.Harrison wanted a gas water heater. He watched newspaper ads until he found one on sale. For Harrison the water heater is a(n) _____ product.

a. / shopping
b. / convenience
c. / component
d. / unsought
e. / specialty


Harrison is comparing ads looking for a low price. This is shopping product behavior.

PTS:1REF:132OBJ:09-2 TYPE: App

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product | TB&E Model Customer

15.Which of the following is the best example of a shopping product for most consumers?

a. / a light bulb for the front porch fixture
b. / Vital Radiance makeup by Revlon for women over 50
c. / a ream of paper for your printer
d. / a gas grill for the new patio
e. / a copy of the Wall Street Journal


Shopping products are typically more expensive than convenience products and are found in fewer shops. Vital Radiance describes a specialty product because of the specification of a brand name, as does The Wall Street Journal

PTS:1REF:132OBJ:09-2 TYPE: App

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product | TB&E Model Customer

16.The two types of shopping products are:

a. / unsought and convenience
b. / generic and family
c. / exclusive and intensive
d. / heterogeneous and homogeneous
e. / consumer and business


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

17._____ are products consumers see as being basically the same, so consumers shop for the lowest price.

a. / Low-prestige specialty products
b. / Product equivalents
c. / Heterogeneous shopping products
d. / Generic convenience products
e. / Homogeneous shopping products


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product | TB&E Model Customer

18.Andrea needs to find a kennel for boarding her son’s dogs. There are several different kennels in her community, and Andrea believes all of them to be basically alike. The only feature she is genuinely concerned about is low price. For Andrea, the kennel for boarding dogs would be classified as a(n) _____ product.

a. / specialty
b. / unsought
c. / heterogeneous shopping
d. / basic convenience
e. / homogeneous shopping


Homogeneous products are products that consumers see as being basically the same, so consumers shop for the lowest price.

PTS:1REF:132OBJ:09-2 TYPE: App

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product | TB&E Model Customer

19._____ products are seen by consumers to differ in quality, style, suitability, and lifestyle compatibility. Comparisons between these products are often quite difficult because they may have unique features and different levels of quality and price.

a. / Product equivalents
b. / Comparative convenience products
c. / Homogeneous shopping products
d. / Product counterparts
e. / Heterogeneous shopping products


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product | TB&E Model Customer

20.Which of the following products is most likely to be considered an example of a heterogeneous shopping product?

a. / an off-campus apartment
b. / a package of pencils
c. / a Rolex watch
d. / a stapler
e. / a flea collar


Heterogeneous shopping products are essentially different. Housing is one of the examples given in the text.

PTS:1REF:132OBJ:09-2 TYPE: App

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

22._____ products are searched for extensively, and substitutes are not acceptable. These products may be quite expensive, and often distribution is limited.

a. / Exclusive shopping
b. / Homogeneous convenience
c. / Branded shopping
d. / Specialty
e. / Heterogeneous convenience


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

25.When deciding on distribution plans for specialty products, companies generally ensure that the items are:

a. / made available only as private brands
b. / made available in a large number of stores in a geographic area
c. / made available only through the mail
d. / distributed to a considerable number of stores in a geographic area
e. / distributed to only a few stores in the geographic area


Specialty products are searched for extensively, and substitutes are not acceptable. These products may be quite expensive, and often distribution is limited.

PTS:1REF:132OBJ:09-2 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product | TB&E Model Distribution

27._____ products are products that are not known about or not actively searched for by consumers. These products require aggressive personal selling and highly persuasive advertising.

a. / Hidden
b. / Specialty
c. / Equity
d. / Unsought
e. / Shopping


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

29.Unsought products typically are products that:

a. / consumers purchase when they see them in a convenient location
b. / consumers definitely don't want
c. / only require reminder advertising to be successful
d. / require little or no decision making by the buyer
e. / consumers don't know about or don't actively look for


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

30.Most people under the age of 25 have a strong belief in their own personal invincibility. An insurance agency targeting this group for life insurance would find this market segment categorizes the insurance as a(n) _____ product.

a. / heterogeneous shopping
b. / specialty
c. / unsought
d. / relationship
e. / exclusive


The buyer does not actively seek to buy this product.

PTS:1REF:133OBJ:09-2 TYPE: App

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product | TB&E Model Customer

31.A product line is a group of products that are closely related because the:

a. / products share the same product managers
b. / products all function in a similar manner and provide similar benefits
c. / same company developed the idea for each product
d. / products are all sold under the same brand name
e. / products are all priced about the same


A product line is a group of closely related products offered by the organization that basically perform the same tasks and provide the same benefits.

PTS:1REF:133OBJ:09-3 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

35.Product mix width may be defined as:

a. / the number of different product categories found within an industry
b. / the average number of products within each product line in the company
c. / the average number of products offered by the company
d. / the number of different product lines an organization offers for sale
e. / the extensiveness of the coverage of the line from high end (expensive) to low end (inexpensive)


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

38.Which of the following is an example of a product modification?

a. / lowering the price of textbooks
b. / dropping a product from the product line
c. / changing the color of a laundry detergent
d. / changing the amount of management time spent overseeing production
e. / increasing the number of distribution outlets


Product modification entails changing one or more of a product's characteristics.

PTS:1REF:134OBJ:09-3 TYPE: App

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

47.A style modification is a(n):

a. / change in the product's durability or dependability
b. / safety improvement
c. / aesthetic product change
d. / way to add convenience
e. / improvement in product versatility and effectiveness


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

62.A(n) _____ refers to brands where at least 20 percent of the product is sold outside the home country.

a. / evoked set
b. / global brand
c. / equity brand name
d. / master brand
e. / ethnocentric trademark


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

64.A consumer who consistently and repeatedly purchases the same brand is said to have:

a. / brand loyalty
b. / product equity
c. / product loyalty
d. / product repetition
e. / store loyalty


Brand loyalty is the consistent preference of the same brand by the same consumer. Product loyalty could easily involve a variety of brands.

PTS:1REF:136OBJ:09-4 TYPE: Def

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product | TB&E Model Customer

65.Brand loyalty can:

a. / increase product diffusion
b. / encourage competition
c. / shorten the amount of time a product spends in the maturity stage
d. / help ensure repeat sales
e. / sell a bad product


Brand loyalty ensures repeat and regular sales.

PTS:1REF:136OBJ:09-4 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

74.When a company markets several different products under the same brand name, it is referred to as a(n) _____ brand.

a. / family
b. / generic
c. / bargain
d. / dealer
e. / umbrella


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

82.A _____ is a legal term indicating the owner's exclusive right to use a brand name or other identifying mark.

a. / trademark
b. / patent
c. / brand
d. / private brand
e. / right of warranty

ANS:APTS:1REF:138-139OBJ:09-4 TYPE: Def

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

84.When a product name becomes generic,:

a. / the firm must use black-and-white packaging
b. / competitors are prohibited by law from using the trademark
c. / the price will have to drop to appeal to lower-income consumers
d. / the product name is no longer recognized as the exclusive property of one firm
e. / a firm can reapply for exclusive trademark protection at the U.S. Patent Office


A generic product name can be used by any firm and is public property.

PTS:1REF:139OBJ:09-4 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

86.Which of the following is NOT identified by the text as one of the major functions of packaging?

a. / contain the product
b. / guarantee product quality
c. / protect the product
d. / promote the product
e. / facilitate product storage, use, and convenience

ANS:BPTS:1REF:140OBJ:09-5 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

88.You have to convince your boss that packaging will be the key to increasing sales of the company's new line of instant pudding mixes, so you tell him the packaging:

a. / will cause no environmental damage
b. / allows products to be shipped more easily
c. / conforms to government regulations
d. / can be used to help promote the product
e. / will conforms to all ethical standards


Promotion is a prime function of packaging that can help stimulate sales.

PTS:1REF:140OBJ:09-5 TYPE: App

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

92.Which of the following statements about bar codes is true?

a. / Bar codes are also called universal pricing codes (UPCs).
b. / Bar codes were first used in 2000.
c. / Bar codes can be read by optical scanners.
d. / Bar codes cannot be used as a marketing research tool.
e. / None of these statements about bar codes is true.


Bar codes are the same as universal product codes. They were first developed in 1974. Also bar codes can be used in single-source research.

PTS:1REF:141OBJ:09-5 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

93.The two types of package labeling in common usage today are:

a. / informational and persuasive
b. / promotional and nonpromotional
c. / functional and persuasive
d. / government-mandated and seller-controlled
e. / motivational and required


TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

94.Labels that contain standard promotional claims like "new," "improved," and "super" are examples of _____ labels.

a. / descriptive
b. / functional
c. / repositioning
d. / informational
e. / persuasive


Persuasive labels primarily focus on a promotional theme or logo and try to sell the customer on a new or changed feature.

PTS:1REF:141OBJ:09-5 TYPE: App

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

95.Mia's new raincoat contains a label that reads "Professional dry clean only." This is an example of a(n) _____ label.

a. / data
b. / union mandated
c. / persuasive
d. / informational
e. / functional


Informational labeling is designed to help consumers in making proper product selections and to lower cognitive dissonance after the purchase. These labels often include care and use information and an explanation of construction standards.

PTS:1REF:141OBJ:09-5 TYPE: App

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

96.Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of universal product codes (UPCs)?

a. / allow scanners to match codes with brand names, package sizes, and prices
b. / print product and price information on cash register tapes
c. / assist retailers in preparing records of customer purchases
d. / allow retailers to accurately track sales and control inventories
e. / provide the detailed nutritional information required by the FDA


Universal product codes do not contain nutritional information.

PTS:1REF:141OBJ:09-5 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

97.Which of the following does NOT need to be a branding and packaging consideration for companies considering global marketing?

a. / whether to use one brand name with no adaptation to local markets or to use one name but adapt and modify it for each local market
b. / translation or pronunciation problems with brand names
c. / different currencies in each country, exchange rates, and final retail prices
d. / whether to use different brand names in different markets for the same products
e. / product labeling, package aesthetics, and climate considerations


Currency and pricing considerations are not the prime considerations when considering global branding and packaging strategies.

PTS:1REF:140-141OBJ:09-6 TYPE: Comp

TOP:AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Product

98.Which of the following is NOT an important consideration for a French manufacturer that wants to market its products in Canada?

a. / There may be aesthetic issues associated with developing a packaging strategy.
b. / Alternative messages could be developed for promoting the brand.
c. / Keeping the current brand names will allow the firm to capitalize on current domestic brand equity.
d. / Sturdy packaging will be needed to ship the products to Canada.
e. / Unique labels may be required by the Canadian government.