European Union’s Support for Transport Infrastructure Development – Achievements and Future Perspective

20 October 2016, 9:00-14:00

Riga, EU House, Aspazijas Blvd 28, 2nd floor, Fireplace Hall


8:30-9:00 / Coffee, Registration
9:00-9:15 / Opening Speeches / Edgars Tavars,
Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Transport of Latvia
Inna Šteinbuka,
Head of European Commission Representation in Latvia
1st session: Multimodal Mobility, Seamless European Transport Infrastructure Connections
9:15-9:40 / EU-Supported Investments in Transport Infrastructure of Latvia; Insight into Post-2020 / Ilze Aleksandroviča,
Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Transport of Latvia
9:40-9:45 / Future of EU Transport Policy – Priorities and Developments / Michael Cramer,
Chair of TRAN Committee, European Parliament (video address)
9:45-9:55 / Questions, Discussion
2nd session: Challenges to Transport Infrastructure Development
9:55-10:15 / Work Plan of the TEN-T Network Corridor Development. Perspective of Transport Infrastructure Users: Corridors to be Developed, Bottlenecks to be Eliminated.
Financing Infrastructure in Ports. / Andris Maldups, Ministry of Transport of Latvia
10:15-10:35 / Financing Public Road and Railway Infrastructure – Regulatory Framework, Investment Needs and Availability of Resources; Financing Infrastructure in Airports, Attracting Public Financing / Dins Merirands,
Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Transport of Latvia
10:35-10:50 / Questions, Discussion
10:50-11:10 / Coffee Break
3rd session: EU and National Public Financing, and Private Investments in Transport Infrastructure: Achievements and Next Steps
11:10-11:30 / The Future of Transport Infrastructure Financing – Indicative Views and Priorities in the Framework of Multiannual Financing of the EU / Stephane Ouaki, DG MOVE, European Commission
11:30-11:50 / Alternative Financing Sources: Financial Instruments, PPPs, etc. / Vigo Legzdiņš, Senior Transport Specialist, Projects Directorate, European Investment Bank
11:50-12:10 / PPP Project Preparation in Latvia in the Framework of EFSI: Ķekava Ring Road / Mārtiņš Lazdovskis, Latvian State Roads
12:10-12:30 / Lithuanian experience in expanding opportunities for investments in transport sector for 2014-2020) / Loreta Maskalioviene, Ministry of Finance of Lithuania
12:30-13:00 / Conclusion, Next Steps / Experts, Lithuanian and Estonian opinion, comments
13:00-14:00 / Lunch, informal discussions