Developed by: Marilee Smith

Marilyn Beebe, 12/16/2003




1.0 / Course Title: / Electronic Records System
2.0 / Catalog Number: / OF161U
3.0 / Semester Credit Hours:
3.1 Lecture Hours: /
3.2 Lab Hours: / 0
4.0 / Course Description: / Create, collect, process, maintain, retrieve, use, store, disseminate, and dispose of records using an electronic records system. Student will use the Windows environment to store records according to ARMA (Association of Records Managers and Administrators, Inc.) alphabetic rules. Numeric, geographic and subject filing rules will be explored. Students will research and present up-to-date material on retention, retrieval, and transfer of records.
6.0 / General Course Competencies / 1. Apply ARMA rules to file correspondence both manually and electronically.
2. Become proficient in several Windows operating systems.
3. Design an electronic filing system.
4. Explore alternative filing systems.
5. Research current information on retention, retrieval, and transfer of records
7.0 / Major Units of Instruction: / 1. Application of ARMA rules of filing.
2. Fundamentals of using Windows Operating Systems.
3. Fundamentals of Information Management, Records Retention, Retrieval, and Transfer.
4. Understanding and applying Electronic Records Systems
5. Exploring alternative filing systems.
6. Exploring electronic imaging procedures.
7. Emerging technologies in Information Management
8.0 / Unit objectives: / 1.1 Describe the management functions necessary to effectively operate an information management program.
1.2 Apply alphabetic filing procedures.
1.3 Select appropriate subject categories to use within an alphabetic arrangement.
2.1 Use Windows Explorer to copy, move, rename, create and delete files and folders.
2.2 Learn to proficiently use the Windows desktop.
2.3 Effectively use the start menu and the control panel.
2.4 Use the Windows Help tools including the contents and index sheets.
2.5 Work with Windows multitask functions.
3.1 Apply the procedures for storing correspondence.
3.2 Research and determine appropriate storage equipment and supplies.
3.3 Describe records control procedures.
4.1 Explore electronic database systems.
4.2 Understand issues related electronic records systems and network security.
4.3 Design an electronic information management system.
4.4 Find and retrieve information in an electronic filing system.
5.1 Understand the need for and use of subject, numeric and geographic filing methods.
6.1 Research state-of-the-art image records control systems.
7.1 Explore cost, efficiency, and performance control aspects of information management systems.
9.0 / Course Bibliography / RECORDS MANAGEMENT, 7th Edition, Read-Smith & Ginn & Kallaus, South-Western Educational Publishers, 2002
RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROJECTS, 7th Edition, Smith, South-Western Educational Publishers, 2002
SAM/TOM CD, Course Technology, 2002