Faculty Data Review Chart
You may complete this form as a Word file or via Google form by going to this link:[

Department: ______

Program Director Name: ______

Program: ______

Date(s) of Faculty Review/Discussion of Data (must be by March 1): ______

  1. Review any previous goals for program improvement identified on last year’s SACS reports. Verify the status of the goals and determine if the goals have been met.
  2. If goals are not met, consider the progress and relevance of these goals as you review the data sources.
  1. Complete the charts below, noting strengths/areas of improvement from each data source. A list of all data sources for all programs is available from the COED Assessment office. Not all programs will have the same number of data sources. Only report what is applicable to your program.
  • Internal = collected by COED / assessed by COED faculty. All SACS data sources must be reviewed;however, anecdotal data may also be considered, particularly as supporting evidence (i.e., university supervisors consistently report that student teachers struggle with classroom management).
  • External = Assessed outside of COED / represent external stakeholder feedback. All SACS data sources must be reviewed.

Data Source - Internal / Trends/observations (strengths/areas for improvement)
Programs should add/delete rows as needed.Not all programs will have the same number of data sources. Only report what is applicable to your program.
Data Source - External / Trends/observations (strengths/areas for improvement)
Programs should add/delete rows as needed.Not all programs will have the same number of data sources. Only report what is applicable to your program.
  1. If there are additional data sources or external factors NOT ALREADY REPORTED HERE that require faculty to make programmatic changes, please describe those below and explain the impact on the program(s):
    Example: A legislative mandate requiring a change in program.
  1. SYNTHESIZE the information presented above and determine 1 or more goals for program improvement. In addition, establish “next steps,” identify who is responsible for working on the goals, and note the timeline for completion. Remember to consider any previous goals not yet met.

Goal / Next steps / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline
1. (required)
2. (optional)
(add additional lines for goals as needed).
  1. Use the information compiled here to initiate program improvement changes and to write SACS reports, documenting program improvements.
  2. Submit this form to the COED Assessment office by March 1 in one of two ways:
  3. Complete the Google form (preferred) [


  1. Completing the Word form and placing it in the designated folder on the S: drive:
  2. Computer  Shared Drive (S:)  coed  shared  Assessment  SACS Reports and Program Review  Spring 2017 (reporting on 2016 data)  (choose your department)  (choose your program).
  3. Save the Word file as: “Data_Review_2016_(program name)”
    example: Data_Review_2016_ELED_BA

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