September 30, 2012

Board Members Present: Billy Lamastus, John Terlecki, Carrie Simpson, Butch Bagsby, Donnie Guthrie, Dennis Deblock, Joe Riley, Jody Britt

Board Members not present: Shannon Britt (illness)

Non-members present: Ralph Neblett, Paula Tidwell

  1. The meeting was called to order at 3:01 pm at the Dickson Housing Authority Meeting room.
  2. Approval of August 26, 2012 Board meeting minutes: A motion to approve the August 26th minutes was made by Butch, John gave the second and all were in favor.
  3. Relationship between DCYAA Board and the City of DicksonParks and Recreation
  4. There have been numerous rumors circulating concerning whether or not the City is going to renew our agreement. At this time, no decision has been made, or shared with any member of DCYAA. One of the rumors circulating is that they will make their decision in October. This has not been confirmed.
  5. All Board members were in agreement that we should continue to meet and plan on having a Spring season at BucknerPark. There are numerous functions of the Board that need to be completed before the Spring season, so we must prepare.
  6. Relationship with the CPA who has completed tax returns for DCYAA in the past.
  7. DCYAA has not had a tax return filed since 2008. 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 have not been filed. The CPA reports that he has not received the information from DCYAA to file our taxes. Tim Heath, our former league President, states he took them over twice, and Shannon Britt, our current Treasurer has taken the 2011 information to him. It is uncertain why these taxes have not been filed, but because they have not been filed, DCYAA has lost their 501(3)(C) status.
  8. A lengthy discussion followed on whether or not the league needs a CPA to file our taxes. Several members indicated that it could be done on Turbo tax and others suggested that there no longer be an agreement with the CPA. It is apparent that there has been a breakdown in communication by previous Board members and the CPA, resulting in the taxes not being filed. He states that if he gets the information he needs, he will file all taxes.
  9. Onecall Now account: Onecall now is the phone tree system that DCYAA uses to notify parents and coaches of rainouts and delays. It also is used to remind coaches and Board Members of meetings.
  10. The Onecall account is on auto renewal using the league’s Tristar debit card. The Onecall website states that there is a problem with the debit card and our account is currently inactive. The problem is that no one knows who has the debit card. The security code off of the back of the card is needed to renew the account. Supposedly, Tim Heath, former President, gave it to Paul Crowder, former Vice President, who gave it to Bridgette England, former Director, who in turn gave it to Shannon Britt, current Treasurer, who states she doesn’t have it. This brought up several issues:
  1. Why are there 3 bank accounts?
  2. Who has the debit card?
  3. Why are we paying $76 per month for a phone tree service?
  4. Resolution: Carrie will discuss with Shannon changing the Onecall information to our Bank of Dickson account.
  5. It was agreed by all Board members that the league does not need three bank accounts. Apparently there are three checking accounts. There was one account at Tristar that the former President used for field maintenance supplies and another at Tristar for concession supplies. It was agreed that the two Tristar accounts would be closed and the Bank of Dickson account will be the only account the league uses. This will greatly help Shannon in keeping track of all expenses.
  6. Everyone is going to get online and look at a cheaper system. Everyone is in agreement that we need the system, but not at $76 per month.
  1. Vacant Board positions
  2. Brian Ellis, Vice President of softball, and Bridgette England, Director both resigned. The Board has the choice, per the bylaws to fill this position by a majority vote.
  3. Billy suggested that we all think about this and decide if we want to fill these positions or not. If we don’t fill the positions, we have a smaller working group. Smaller groups usually are more productive and get along much better, without dividing into opposing camps, than a large group.
  4. For the next meeting we will decide if we want to fill the positions, and if so, who do we want to ask to work with us.
  5. Discussion of having no paid positions within DCYAA.
  6. There are currently several paid positions within the league. These include the concession manager, field maintenance supervisor, Umpire in Charge and equipment manager. Billy proposed that we fill these positions with volunteers with a savings of approximately $10,000 for the league. If these paid positions are filled by volunteers we can lower the registration cost for the parents.
  7. John Terlecki, Vice President of Baseball, has volunteered his time to be the equipment manager.
  8. Billy has volunteered to be Umpire in Charge and will not receive a salary.
  9. The concession manager position was being paid $375 per week, plus $40 mileage. All members are in agreement that this position can be filled by everyone pitching in to help and only having one concession stand open. Jody volunteered to help get supplies. Dennis suggested we look at delivery companies that would be cheaper. It will take all members floating time and filling in as manager for the day.
  10. Jody has been doing a large portion of the field maintenance, but feels that he needs three others to help him. This could also be on a rotating schedule.
  11. Concession stand supplies and supplier
  12. Currently supplies were bought at Sams Club and Wal-Mart. It has been suggested that we decrease the number of items we sell in the concession stand and look at getting our items delivered. Dennis is going to look for another supplier.
  13. Billy suggested that because the travel ball teams have fields 5 and 6 most nights that we run one concession stand, the lower and we limit the types of food we sell. Some controversy surrounding this because we all know how good a ballpark burger is!
  14. Outstanding sponsorship checks
  15. There are still outstanding sponsor checks from the Spring season. These are being pursued by Board members and there should be resolution by the next meeting.
  1. Tabled topics from August 26th: All the below items were once again tabled until a future meeting. By no means are these items not important, but due to time constraints and the more pressing issues, they will be tabled until the next meeting.
  2. Catchers’ gear and pitching mounds
  3. Board picture for the website
  4. Picture lab
  5. ID cards for Board members
  1. Establish future Board meeting dates
  2. Until an agreement is reached with the City of Dickson Parks and Recreation, our meetings can be held at the Housing Authority meeting room.
  3. The next meeting is Sunday October 28, 2012 at 3 p.m. at the Housing Authority meeting room.
  4. Roundtable- no items were brought forward.
  5. Adjournment: the meeting was adjourned at 4:32 p.m.