Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What is CheckRight?

CheckRight is a web-based checking account management education module.

2.  How can a referring organization use CheckRight?

A referring organization can use CheckRight by adding it to their website to allow their customers to learn how to manage a checking account.

3.  How is CheckRight added to the referring organization website?

CheckRight can be added to the referring organization website by adding the url behind the CheckRight logo.

4.  Are marketing materials available to promote CheckRight?

Yes, a newsletter article and web verbiage are available for the referring organization to promote CheckRight.

5.  How do users use CheckRight?

Users simply click on the CheckRight logo from the referring organization’s website and begin using CheckRight. A user can read the content, use practice exercises, and/or take the associated quiz.

6.  Does the user have to take the quiz?

No, the user does not have to take the quiz. The user can use CheckRight to learn about checking account management without taking the quiz.

7.  If the user does take the quiz, do the results have to be sent to a referring organization?

No, a user can take the quiz and choose not to send the results to the referring organization.

8.  If the quiz results are sent to a referring organization, what should they do with the results?

The referring organization can use the results as part of their decision making process. For example, a financial institution may want to use the results as part of a decision to give the user a first-time checking account.

9.  Who will receive the quiz results at the referring organization?

The referring organization will provide the name and email address of the person who will be responsible for using the quiz results. When a user from the referring organization chooses to send the quiz results to the referring organization, the designated person at the referring organization will receive the results via email.

10.  Will the referring organization receive reports on who used CheckRight?

In the data collection screen, a user can select the organization that referred them to CheckRight. If the user selects a referring organization, data will be available on a periodic basis to the referring organization. The data available will be the name, address, and email address of the user as well as the quiz date(s) and results.