
Choose the right word to complete the sentence :

bathroom - balcony - palace - museum - zoo - knee pads

1-Ibrahim is in the ...... He has a shower every morning.

2-We usually have lunch on the ...... You can see the city

from there.

3-There are 200 bathrooms in the ......

4-There is an arts and crafts ...... in this city.

5-The children love parrots. Let's take them to the ......

6- Hashim wants to go rollerblading but he hasn't got ......

Write the correct word under the picture :

fridge - table - armchair - bed - bookcase - poster


Underline the right word :

1-There ( is - are - am ) two bathrooms downstairs.

2-There ( is - are - am ) a green jacket in the wardrobe.

3-My brother goes to bed ( in - on - at ) midnight.

4-My sister is crazy about clocks. She's got ( an - the - a ) red clock on her desk.

5-Our house ( there are - has got - there is ) a beautiful garden.

6-( There are - There is - has got ) a small window in the bathroom.

Do as shown between the brackets :

1-Ted is a nice person . Do you like ...... ( add an object pronoun )

2-Give ...... that newspaper. I want to read it. ( add an object pronoun )

3-Open the door ! ( change to negative )


4-The rabbit is ...... the hat. ( add a preposition )

5-The rabbit is ...... the table. ( add a preposition )


Choose the correct spelling :

1- cafe efac acfe 2- yrarbil library rarylib

3- knab knba bank 4- hospital latipsoh psohlati

5- kitchen nehctik tiknehc 6- egarag garage ragega

Choose the correct letter :

1- flo - r ( o - g - i ) 2- ba - k (n - k - x )

3- ta - le ( q - b - u ) 4- lib - ary ( a - s - r )

5- wa - l ( e - w - l ) 6- hosp - tal ( e - i - m )

Complete the spelling :