Author’s name:______

*On the day you are presenting your article, make sure to have 2 questions ready that will help spark a class discussion. This will still be your grading rubric.

Topic / Was it covered? / Summary of the author’s answer
Who did the event affect?
2 pts.
What happened?
I shouldn’t have to read the article to understand.
2 pts.
Where did it happen?
2 pts.
When did it happen?
Be specific (Day as well as month, unless it is an ongoing event)
2 pts.
Why is this event important?
2 pts.
How does it connect with your life or school?
2 pts.
What is your opinion on the event?
2 pts.

1 pt. for being an active participant in the group discussion regarding the current events presented in class.

Total points: 15

Current Event 6th Grade

Being aware and informed about the world around us is an important part of being a member of society and a person of faith. God's world is so much larger than Arroyo Grande, California and I want you to broaden your horizon and find out what's going on in this great place God created.

After finding an article(s) that explains a current event you will then write a summary that answers these 6 questions:

1.Who did the event effect?

2.What happened and what is your opinion (if necessary)?

3.Where did it happen?

4.When did it happen?

5.Why is it important, why does it matter?

6.How does it apply to your life, or our subject matter?

Your summaryshould turn out to be at least a page double spaced. 12 point, Times New Roman font should be used.

It may be helpful to break up the paragraphs in this format.

I: Summary of/intro to the article

II: Your opinion of the event or more details describing what happened

III: Why is it important, why does it matter?

IV: How does it apply to your life, or our subject matter?

*Attach the article(s) that was used for the summary, please (only the main part of the article, copy and paste it into word if needed to make it shorter).

One due date out of the year you will be responsible for presenting your article to the class instead of turning in a paper summary. Your presentation should have some kind of visual aid. You should also prepare 2 questions that will spark a discussion about the article you presented. In your presentation you are still responsible for answering the same questions as the written summary.

Links that may be helpful

Current Event Due Dates: Choose a day to present your current event to the class instead of turning in a hard copy.

September 30______


October 28______


November 30 ______


December 19 ______


January 31______


February 28______


March 31______


April 28______


May 29______
