Synergistic effects of climate and land cover: Are gGrassland birds are more vulnerable to climate change.? SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
Title: Synergistic effects of climate and land cover: Are gGrassland birds are more vulnerable to climate change.?
Supplementary Material
Appendix S1. Information regarding proportion of blocks classified as species persistence, extinction, and colonization.
Table S1.1. Proportion of BBA blocks quantified aspersistence, extinction, and colonization for each species.If proportion of blocks designated as persistence,extinction, or colonization for any species was lower than 0.05, then that dynamic for that species was removed from further analysis due to insufficient statistical power.
Habitat Preference / Species / Proportion of BBA blocks designated asCommon Name / Scientific Name / Persistence / Extinction / Colonization
Forest / Blue-gray gnatcatcher / Polioptilacaerulea / 0.091 / 0.075 / 0.111
Blue-headed vireo / Vireo solitaries / 0.301 / 0.075 / 0.217
Golden-crowned kinglet / Regulussatrapa / 0.100 / 0.094 / 0.116
Great crested flycatcher / Myiarchuscrinitus / 0.692 / 0.134 / 0.100
Red-breasted nuthatch / Sittacanadensis / 0.245 / 0.086 / 0.202
White-breasted nuthatch / Sittacarolinensis / 0.710 / 0.108 / 0.129
Tufted titmouse / Baeolophus bicolor / 0.267 / 0.024 / 0.326
Veery / Catharusfuscescens / 0.714 / 0.117 / 0.092
Black-and-white warbler / Mniotiltavaria / 0.398 / 0.143 / 0.138
Black-throated blue warbler / Setophagacaerulescens / 0.260 / 0.084 / 0.116
Black-throated green warbler / Setophagavirens / 0.405 / 0.067 / 0.193
Blackburnian warbler / Setophagafusca / 0.256 / 0.085 / 0.149
Canada warbler / Cardellinacanadensis / 0.159 / 0.178 / 0.098
Magnolia warbler / Setophaga magnolia / 0.253 / 0.081 / 0.163
Pine warbler / Setophagapinus / 0.042 / 0.024 / 0.170
Yellow-rumped warbler / Setophagacoronata / 0.342 / 0.068 / 0.209
American redstart / Setophagaruticilla / 0.714 / 0.110 / 0.129
Winter wren / Troglodytes hiemalis / 0.181 / 0.060 / 0.170
Overbird / Seiurusaurocapilla / 0.721 / 0.065 / 0.134
Swainson’s thrush / Catharusustulatus / 0.083 / 0.061 / 0.035
Wood thrush / Hylocichlamustelina / 0.807 / 0.108 / 0.038
Black-billed cuckoo / Coccyzuserythropthalmus / 0.170 / 0.204 / 0.223
Scarlet tanager / Pirangaolivacea / 0.732 / 0.103 / 0.109
Dark-eyed junco / Junco hyemalis / 0.383 / 0.070 / 0.170
Purple finch / Haemorhouspurpureus / 0.436 / 0.168 / 0.177
Pileated woodpecker / Dryocopuspileatus / 0.399 / 0.131 / 0.279
Red-bellied woodpecker / Melanerpescarolinus / 0.164 / 0.019 / 0.243
Broad-winged hawk / Buteoplatypterus / 0.210 / 0.173 / 0.177
Red-shouldered hawk / Buteolineatus / 0.046 / 0.091 / 0.125
Sharp-shinned hawk / Accipiter striatus / 0.058 / 0.108 / 0.218
Mean / 0.345 / 0.097 / 0.159
Grassland / American kestrel / Falco sparverius / 0.467 / 0.185 / 0.098
Northern harrier / Circus cyaneus / 0.757 / 0.109 / 0.060
Eastern bluebird / Sialiasialis / 0.410 / 0.068 / 0.321
Eastern kingbird / Tyrannustyrannus / 0.814 / 0.099 / 0.028
Horned lark / Eremophilaalpestris / 0.087 / 0.119 / 0.047
Grasshopper sparrow / Ammodramussavannarum / 0.038 / 0.122 / 0.052
Savannah sparrow / Passerculussandwichensis / 0.483 / 0.092 / 0.109
Vesper sparrow / Pooecetesgramineus / 0.057 / 0.161 / 0.055
Bobolink / Dolichonyxoryzivorus / 0.551 / 0.113 / 0.060
Eastern meadowlark / Sturnella magna / 0.469 / 0.200 / 0.034
Mean / 0.413 / 0.127 / 0.087
Table S1.2.Relativepersistence,extinction, and colonization for each species. Relative persistence was calculated as the number of blocks designated as persistence divided by the number of all blocks occupied in BBA1980; relative extinction was calculated as the number of blocks designated as extinction divided by the number of all blocks occupied in BBA1980; relative colonization was calculated as the number of blocks designated as colonization divided by the number of all blocks occupied in BBA1980; relative % change was calculated as the number of blocks occupied in BBA2000 minusthe number of blocks occupied in BBA1980, divided by the number of blocks occupied in BBA1980. All values reflect percentages.
Habitat Preference / Species / RelativeCommon Name / Scientific Name / % Persistence / % Extinction / % Colonization / % Change
Forest / Blue-gray gnatcatcher / Polioptilacaerulea / 54.7 / 45.3 / 66.4 / 21.1
Blue-headed vireo / Vireo solitaries / 80.1 / 19.9 / 57.7 / 37.8
Golden-crowned kinglet / Regulussatrapa / 51.7 / 48.3 / 60.0 / 11.7
Great crested flycatcher / Myiarchuscrinitus / 83.8 / 16.2 / 12.1 / -4.1
Red-breasted nuthatch / Sittacanadensis / 74.0 / 26.0 / 61.1 / 35.1
White-breasted nuthatch / Sittacarolinensis / 86.8 / 13.2 / 15.7 / 2.5
Tufted titmouse / Baeolophus bicolor / 91.8 / 8.2 / 112.3 / 104.2
Veery / Catharusfuscescens / 58.9 / 14.1 / 11.1 / -3.0
Black-and-white warbler / Mniotiltavaria / 73.6 / 26.4 / 25.5 / -0.9
Black-throated blue warbler / Setophagacaerulescens / 75.7 / 24.3 / 33.7 / 9.4
Black-throated green warbler / Setophagavirens / 85.8 / 14.2 / 40.8 / 26.7
Blackburnian warbler / Setophagafusca / 75.0 / 25.0 / 43.7 / 18.8
Canada warbler / Cardellinacanadensis / 47.1 / 52.9 / 29.0 / -23.9
Magnolia warbler / Setophaga magnolia / 75.6 / 24.4 / 48.7 / 24.4
Pine warbler / Setophagapinus / 63.4 / 36.6 / 254.9 / 218.3
Yellow-rumped warbler / Setophagacoronata / 83.4 / 16.6 / 51.1 / 34.5
American redstart / Setophagaruticilla / 86.6 / 13.4 / 15.6 / 2.2
Winter wren / Troglodytes hiemalis / 75.0 / 25.0 / 70.6 / 45.6
Overbird / Seiurusaurocapilla / 91.7 / 8.3 / 17.1 / 8.8
Swainson’s thrush / Catharusustulatus / 57.7 / 42.3 / 24.4 / -17.9
Wood thrush / Hylocichlamustelina / 88.2 / 11.8 / 4.1 / -7.7
Black-billed cuckoo / Coccyzuserythropthalmus / 45.3 / 54.7 / 59.6 / 4.9
Scarlet tanager / Pirangaolivacea / 87.9 / 12.3 / 13.1 / 0.8
Dark-eyed junco / Junco hyemalis / 84.5 / 15.5 / 37.5 / 22.0
Purple finch / Haemorhouspurpureus / 72.2 / 27.8 / 29.3 / 1.5
Pileated woodpecker / Dryocopuspileatus / 75.2 / 24.8 / 52.7 / 27.9
Red-bellied woodpecker / Melanerpescarolinus / 89.9 / 10.1 / 132.7 / 122.5
Broad-winged hawk / Buteoplatypterus / 54.8 / 45.2 / 46.1 / 0.9
Red-shouldered hawk / Buteolineatus / 33.4 / 66.6 / 91.6 / 25.0
Sharp-shinned hawk / Accipiter striatus / 35.0 / 65.0 / 130.8 / 65.8
Mean / 71.3 / 27.8 / 55.0 / 20.6
Grassland / American kestrel / Falco sparverius / 71.6 / 28.4 / 15.0 / -13.4
Northern harrier / Circus cyaneus / 87.4 / 12.6 / 7.0 / -5.6
Eastern bluebird / Sialiasialis / 85.8 / 14.2 / 67.2 / 53.0
Eastern kingbird / Tyrannustyrannus / 89.2 / 10.8 / 3.1 / -7.7
Horned lark / Eremophilaalpestris / 42.2 / 57.8 / 22.8 / -35.0
Grasshopper sparrow / Ammodramussavannarum / 23.6 / 76.4 / 32.3 / -44.1
Savannah sparrow / Passerculussandwichensis / 84.0 / 16.0 / 18.9 / 2.9
Vesper sparrow / Pooecetesgramineus / 26.3 / 73.7 / 25.1 / -48.5
Bobolink / Dolichonyxoryzivorus / 82.3 / 17.1 / 9.1 / -8.0
Eastern meadowlark / Sturnella magna / 70.1 / 29.9 / 5.1 / -24.8
Mean / 66.3 / 33.7 / 20.6 / -13.1