Director’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday, March 3rd , 2016 7:30 pm at, Blackfish Pub, Gibsons, BC

Quorum: It was agreed that a quorum was present for the SCYSA board meeting. Jay Ritchlin opened the meeting at 7:40 pm. Board members Jay Ritchlin, Martin Blackwell, Darren Inkster, Blair Collie, Sharon Norris, Kara McDonnell, Marnie Marshall, Karl Messner, Matthew Wilson and River Rohlicek were available to attend. Staff members Stephanie Cannaday and Ken Campbell were available to attend.

Minutes: It was MOVED by and SECONDED by and CARRIED to accept the minutes from the meeting onFebruary 18th, 2016.


Jay Ritchlin, President –Nothing to report

Matthew Wilson, Treasurer – Budget is based upon what we have spent up til this point. Spring league revenue is not in… Looking at this year relative to past three years. Been trying to break down if each division of the league is paying for itself and it looks to be the case.

It was MOVED by Blair, SECONDED by Karl and CARRIED to approve the Treasure’s report.

Kara McDonnell & Marnie MarshallHouse Director –

Due to an incident that occurred after a game between board members and the referee of a game, concerning the roughness and safety of the players, there was a discussion about how to properly deal with these type of situations in the future. The responsibility of the board is the protection of the children in the league. That being said, the refs should be communicated to through the Head Referee. He should know that it is his responsibility to pass on the board’s concerns to the referees . The board needs to be very specific with our concerns when explained to the Head Referee. There needs to be a formal, clear process created for concerns to be expressed between parents, coaches, referees and the board. Jay will communicate with the Head Referee. Sharon will begin formulating a draft for that process.

It was MOVED by Karl, SECONDED by Blair and CARRIED to approve the House Director’s report.

Ken Campbell, Technical Director- Nothing to report

Stephanie Cannaday, Administrative Coordinator – Nothing to report

Martin Blackwell, Rep Director – Nothing to Report.

Karl Messner, Field Director – SCRD wants to know if we want to buy another set of full sized goals in order to share freight costs. Do we need them? Need U12 nets more… Can we get U12 nets in the order with SCRD and do we want to? Karl will ask about whether its possible to get U12 nets and how much? Men’s and Women’s leagues have been notified that we will not be lining fields after the tournament weekend. After that, we will be prepping for Spring league. Men’s League says they will give a lump sum donation towards field lining. Matt feels it sets a better precedent to invoice for services rather than take a donation. Women’s league has paid $1200. Looking at ways to decrease the annual cost of lining the fields. Karl is working on streamlining layout, Ken suggests decreasing frequency of lining from 7-10 days when it becomes viable later in the season after the mowing slows down. Karl is also moving on getting reimbursed for faulty paint cans.

It was MOVED to rescind the $1500 invoice to the Women’s League and send out a $1200 invoice to replace it by Marnie, SECONDED by Matt and CARRIED.

It was MOVED to inform the Men’s League that the SCYSA has been lining the field at Connor Park and to send out an invoice for $1200 for said lining by Blair, SECONDED by Marnie and CARRIED.

It should be a priority to go over a detailed description of the field lining expectations, duties and fees with the Men’s and Women’s leagues prior to the beginning of next season.

It was MOVED by Kara, SECONDED by Marnie and CARRIED to approve the Field Director’s report.

Blair Collie, Director

Sharon Norris –

Darren Inkster –

River Rohlicek –

Adjournment: It was MOVED by Blair , SECONDED by Karl and CARRIED to adjourn until the next meeting onThursday April 7 , 2016 at 7:00pm at Blackfish Pub. Meeting adjourned at 10pm.