Classis Latina Extra Credit Guidelines

You are eligible for up to 20% of extra credit per grading period. I will only accept 2 extra credit assignments (10 extra credit points) per week, so plan ahead if you would like to take full advantage!

I. Personal Journal

Some suggestions for your entry:

  • Write whatever you feel like in Latin: a story, a poem, a series of unrelated sentences, a dialogue, a record of your daily thoughts or activities.
  • Try translating a favorite song, poem, or story into Latin.
  • Write model sentences based on our exercises and readings.

Each entry should be about 25 words. ~ 25 words = 5 extra credit points

II. Latin Comic

Create a six panel comic strip in Latin. Get a 6 panel comic strip blank from me or create your own. (Please do not use lined paper.) Each comic strip should have about 25 Latin words.

III. Notetaking

Look through the notes, quizzes, exams or papers you have written in other classes. Highlight those polysyllabic words that use Latin roots, prefixes, and/or suffixes and show them to me.

5 unique words =1 extra credit point (25 words = 5 extra credit points)

IV. Poster

Design a poster demonstrating a point of Latin (or related English) grammar.

To be accepted for credit your poster will:

  • be on 14” x 22” posterboard
  • have visual appeal
  • demonstrate craftsmanship and attention to detail
  • be legible from a distance (across a classroom)
  • demonstrate a concept of Latin grammar.

This can be very general:

noun, verb, tense, voice, conjugation, declension, case, etc.

Or more specific:

ablative, ablative of means, ablative endings, passive voice, adverb, etc.

If your poster meets the criteria above, I will grant you 5 points. If I decide to keep it for use in my classes, I will give you an additional 5 points of extra credit.

V. Vocabulary Picture

Send me a picture that illustrates a vocabulary word or words (be sure to specify the word)

1 picture = 1 extra credit point

I want you to have fun and explore with these assignments, and make sure you are using the Latin you know in addition to looking up new, fun words. Don't just translate your English writing word by word into Latin, write using Latin vocabulary and grammar you know or look up. This represents a sincere attempt at Latina vera using appropriate vocabulary, cases, tenses, etc.


The online Latin/English dictionary “Words” is a great tool.

If you would like to download this program onto your own computer to use offline it is here:

Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency by John C. Traupman is available at new bookstores or on Amazon. This book has a lot of modern vocabulary translated into Latin. I have a copy during office hours that you are welcome to use.

A Latin dictionary of your very own is always useful.