UOML-X TC Meeting Minutes

2014, March 13 - Time 01:34am – 02:25am, EST

Duration: 51 Minutes

1  Roll-call

Voting members in attendance:

Alex Wang Chair, Sursen

Yan Shi Chair, Sursen

Youbing Jin Sursen

Peter Junge Secretary, Sursen

Tianhai Yin Sursen

Yasong Sun Sursen

Voting members absent:

-- None --

Membership notice



6 of 6 voting members (100 %) were in attendance, a quorum was reached

2  Agenda

●  Roll Call

●  Approval of the Agenda

●  Approval of meeting minutes from December 6, 2013

●  TC Plan 2014

●  Discussion: UOML Part 2 Security (WD 2, rev 0)

●  Other business

●  Adjournment

3  Approval of Agenda

The agenda was unanimously approved.

4  Approval of the Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2013

The meeting minutes of December 6 were unanimously approved.

5  TC Plan 2014

<not discussed>

6  Discussion of UOML Part 2 Security

The TC started discussing working draft 2 of UOML Part 2 which was send to the TC members on Monday before the meeting. In that document, section 5 “Digital Signatures”, which was discussed in detail during the previous meetings, was edited while all other sections remained unmodified.

As to section “3.1.2 Role”, item 4: Alex pointed out that the term “DoCbase administrator” isn’t correct here because there’s no specific DoCbase administrator role specified with UOML. This should rather be changed to “administrator role”.

Next in the discussion were multiple signatures, means a single document can be digitally signed by one to many persons. Dr. Jin proposed to postpone this topic because it’s non-trivial and that single signatures should be matured first. All other TC members agreed.

For the next meeting all members should review the new working draft and discussion will commence from the start again.

7  Other Business


7.1  Open Action Items:

Action item: Peter to prepare a written proposal how to integrate RDF, Dublin Core metadata into UOML but preserving the old model to maintain backward compatibility.

8  Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 02:25am US Eastern Time.