1. Hygiene – aim, subject, tasks, methods. Hygienic standards – principles and methods.
  2. Influence of men on the biosphere. Hygienic – ecological problems, related to pollution of biosphere. Pollution of air.
  3. Measures for prophylaxis of air pollution. Indexes for atmosphere pollution.
  4. Ecological and health problems due to air pollution. Methods for assessment of the influence of air pollution over risk groups of the population. Ecological and biological monitoring.
  5. Physical factors of atmosphere (solar radiation, atmosphere pressure, air ionization) and their influence over health.
  6. Meteorological factors of atmosphere and their influence over health.
  7. Complex influence of the physical factors of atmosphere. Methods for complex assessment of the meteo-complex. Health aspects of thermal metabolism between human’s organism and environment.
  8. Climate, weather and microclimate – characteristic. Climate-prophylaxis and climate-treatment. Influence of climate and weather over health.
  9. Importance of the chemical components of water for dissemination of some non-infectious diseases Prophylaxis of meteotropic reaction and diseases. Acclimatization.
  10. Importance of water (biological, hygienic, epidemiological, ect.). Water- epidemics.
  11. Hygienic-ecological and health problems, connected with pollution of water-reservoirs and water-supply systems.
  12. Organoleptic, chemical and microbiological qualities of drinking water – hygienic standards, assessment, importance for human’s health.
  13. Methods for purification of drinking water – sedimentation, filtration, coagulation. Special methods for improvement of the qualities of drinking water
  14. Methods for disinfection of drinking water. Assessment and control of disinfection.
  15. Mechanical composition and quality of soil. Importance for settlements.
  16. Solid waste. Management of waste in settlements
  17. Urbanization. Hygienic problems.
  18. Noise and electromagnetic fields in towns and villages, influence on health. Prevention of healthy problems.
  19. Residential environment. Requirements and criteria for good lighting, heating and ventilation. Sick building syndrome.
  20. Hygienic requirements for building of medical institutions. Systems of hospital construction. Types of medical institutions.
  21. Hygienic requirements for planning, building, furnishing of hospitals. Lightening, heating, ventilation of hospitals.
  22. Hygienic requirements for clinics in risk-pediatric, obstetric and gynecology, surgery, operation theaters.
  23. Hygienic requirements for clinics in risk- psychiatric, infectious diseases, TB hospitals.
  24. Medicinal protective regime. Nozocomial infections – definition, types, conditions for occurring. Organization and management of nosocomial infections preventive programs.
  25. Occupational medicine and health problems of the personnel in medical institutions. Unfavorable factors of working conditions. Health risk and prophylaxis
  26. Ionizing radiation – characteristic and biological influence. Main principals of protection.
  27. Main principals of protection of radiation in medical institutions. Hygienic requirements for X-ray and radiological clinics. Closed sources of radiation.
  28. Open sources of radiation.
  29. Personal hygiene – subject and tasks. Healthy way of life. Prophylaxis of diseases, caused by unhealthy way of life.
  30. Food, nutrition and health. Healthy nutrition – main principles and requirements, physiological standards for nutrition.
  31. Diseases due to improper nutrition and misbalance of nutritive substances. Alimentary risk factors. Prophylaxis
  32. Methods for dietary assessment. Hygienic assessment of nutrition. Nutritional status.
  33. Proteins – biological meaning, sources, utilization, physiological standards.
  34. Fats - biological meaning, sources, utilization, physiological standards.
  35. Carbohydrates and ballast substances - biological meaning, sources, utilization, physiological standards.
  36. Macro and microelements - biological meaning, sources, utilization, physiological standards.
  37. Watersoluble vitamins – biological meaning, sources. Specific health problems due to excess or lack of vitamins.
  38. Fatsoluble vitamins – biological meaning, sources. Specific health problems due to excess or lack of vitamins.
  39. Nutrition of children and adolescents.
  40. Nutrition of pregnant women and breastfeeding.
  41. Nutrition of people involved in mental work.
  42. Nutrition of old and elderly people.
  43. Curative nutrition – main principles and diets
  44. Food products – classification and characteristic according to their biological meaning and physiological importance. Indexes and methods for hygienic assessment of food products.
  45. Milk and milk products – nutritional and biological value. Hygienic assessment – indexes and methods.
  46. Meat and meat products nutritional and biological value. Hygienic assessment – indexes and methods.
  47. Grains and grain foods- nutritional and biological value.
  48. Food fats- animal, plant, margarines- nutritional and biological value.
  49. Fruits and vegetables – nutritional and biological value.
  50. Legumes, nuts- nutritional and biological value.
  51. Culinary preparation of foods, tinned foods. Effect on the nutritional and biological value.
  52. Nutritional toxic-infections (salmonellas, etc.) – prophylaxis
  53. Nutritional intoxication – staphylococcal intoxication and botulism. Prophylaxis.
  54. Mycotoxicosis.
  55. Diseases due to chemical contaminants in food. Food additives and supplements.
  56. Hygienic requirements to restaurants. Control of the health condition of the staff and requirements for personal hygiene.
  57. Industrial medicine – subject and tasks. Occupational risk factors and occupational diseases. Principles of prophylaxis.
  58. Contemporary types of labor – classification and physiological characteristic. Ergonomics.
  59. Functional changes in the organism during physical labor.
  60. Principles of ergonomics.
  61. Problems of mental work and its physiological organization.
  62. Working ability – nature, factors, influencing working ability. Tiredness and over-work – principles of occurrence, indexes, prophylaxis.
  63. Industrial microclimate. Hygienic characteristic, influence over health and working ability of workers.
  64. Air pressure as a factor of working environment. Biological importance of high and low pressure. Prevention.
  65. Infrared and ultraviolet radiation as an occupational factor.Sources, Biological effect.
  66. Electromagnetic fields. Lasers.
  67. Noise – hygienic characteristic, distribution, influence over the organism. Methods for assessment of noise – main requirements. Occupational diseases caused by the influence of noise. Prophylaxis.
  68. Infra, ultrasound. Application, sources, prevention of diseases.
  69. Occupational vibrations. Sources, distribution, hygienic characteristic. Methods for assessment of vibrations – main requirements. Occupational diseases caused by the influence of vibrations over the organism. Prophylaxis.
  70. Chemical factors of occupational environment – classification, sources, general characteristic. Importance of way of penetration, metabolism, cumulation and elimination of the chemical pollutants for the development of occupational poisoning.
  71. Factors on which depends the effects of the chemical compounds in occupational environment. Types of poisoning.
  72. Heavy metals – Pb, Hg, Mn, Kd, Cr. Hygienic-toxicological characteristic. Prophylaxis of intoxication.
  73. Toxic gases – chlorine, SO2, SH, nitrate gases, ammonium. Prophylaxis of intoxication.
  74. Organic solvents. Hygienic-toxicological characteristic. Prophylaxis of intoxication.
  75. Carbon oxide. Hygienic-toxicological characteristic. Prophylaxis of intoxication.
  76. Dust – physico-chemical factor of working environment. Classification, main sources, pathogen features, threatened branches and professions. Prophylaxis of dust diseases.
  77. Occupational hazards in the work with pesticides.
  78. Hygiene of the work of a woman.
  79. Occupational hygiene in the work with computers.
  80. Occupational hygiene in the work in mines.
  81. Occupational hygiene in the work in metallurgy.
  82. Occupational hygiene in the work in chemical industry.
  83. Occupational hygiene in the work in agriculture.
  84. Occupational hygiene in the work in textile industry.
  85. Growth and development. General characteristics, age dynamics of the main morphological indexes.
  86. Indexes and methods for assessment of the physical development of children and adolescents.
  87. Anatomic –physiological characteristics of children’s organism during early childhood and pre-school age.
  88. Anatomic –physiological characteristics of children’s organism during school age.
  89. Biological age – meaning, importance, assessment. Acceleration. School maturity.
  90. Physiological and hygienic principles of education of children and adolescents. Prophylaxis of tiredness. Health education.
  91. Hygienic bases of physical education, sports, tempering. Main principles.
  92. Hygienic requirements to kindergartens.
  93. Hygienic requirements to schools.
  94. Specific pathology during childhood and adolescence. Prophylaxis.
  95. Early intervention programs.



  1. Air Quality Guidelines – GlobalUpdate 2005. WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006
  2. Children'shealthand theenvironment, WHO,Geneva, 2004
  3. Oxford HandbookofOccupational Health, 2ndEdition. Oxford University Press, 2013
  4. Preventionofhospital-acquiredinfections. A practicalguide, 2ndEdition. Ed. by G. Ducel, J. Fabry, L. Nicolle. WHO, 2002.
  5. Environmental health, Dade W. Moeller, Harvard University press, Third edition, 2005
  6. Environmental health- from global to local- Howard Frumkin, Second edition, 2010
  7. Handouts for students from department lectures


1. Хигиена, хранене и професионални болести. Под ред. на проф.Б. Попов,С.2011

2. Хигиена и екология, том І, под ред. на проф. Д.Цветков, изд. “Знание”,