- Hygiene – aim, subject, tasks, methods. Hygienic standards – principles and methods.
- Influence of men on the biosphere. Hygienic – ecological problems, related to pollution of biosphere. Pollution of air.
- Measures for prophylaxis of air pollution. Indexes for atmosphere pollution.
- Ecological and health problems due to air pollution. Methods for assessment of the influence of air pollution over risk groups of the population. Ecological and biological monitoring.
- Physical factors of atmosphere (solar radiation, atmosphere pressure, air ionization) and their influence over health.
- Meteorological factors of atmosphere and their influence over health.
- Complex influence of the physical factors of atmosphere. Methods for complex assessment of the meteo-complex. Health aspects of thermal metabolism between human’s organism and environment.
- Climate, weather and microclimate – characteristic. Climate-prophylaxis and climate-treatment. Influence of climate and weather over health.
- Importance of the chemical components of water for dissemination of some non-infectious diseases Prophylaxis of meteotropic reaction and diseases. Acclimatization.
- Importance of water (biological, hygienic, epidemiological, ect.). Water- epidemics.
- Hygienic-ecological and health problems, connected with pollution of water-reservoirs and water-supply systems.
- Organoleptic, chemical and microbiological qualities of drinking water – hygienic standards, assessment, importance for human’s health.
- Methods for purification of drinking water – sedimentation, filtration, coagulation. Special methods for improvement of the qualities of drinking water
- Methods for disinfection of drinking water. Assessment and control of disinfection.
- Mechanical composition and quality of soil. Importance for settlements.
- Solid waste. Management of waste in settlements
- Urbanization. Hygienic problems.
- Noise and electromagnetic fields in towns and villages, influence on health. Prevention of healthy problems.
- Residential environment. Requirements and criteria for good lighting, heating and ventilation. Sick building syndrome.
- Hygienic requirements for building of medical institutions. Systems of hospital construction. Types of medical institutions.
- Hygienic requirements for planning, building, furnishing of hospitals. Lightening, heating, ventilation of hospitals.
- Hygienic requirements for clinics in risk-pediatric, obstetric and gynecology, surgery, operation theaters.
- Hygienic requirements for clinics in risk- psychiatric, infectious diseases, TB hospitals.
- Medicinal protective regime. Nozocomial infections – definition, types, conditions for occurring. Organization and management of nosocomial infections preventive programs.
- Occupational medicine and health problems of the personnel in medical institutions. Unfavorable factors of working conditions. Health risk and prophylaxis
- Ionizing radiation – characteristic and biological influence. Main principals of protection.
- Main principals of protection of radiation in medical institutions. Hygienic requirements for X-ray and radiological clinics. Closed sources of radiation.
- Open sources of radiation.
- Personal hygiene – subject and tasks. Healthy way of life. Prophylaxis of diseases, caused by unhealthy way of life.
- Food, nutrition and health. Healthy nutrition – main principles and requirements, physiological standards for nutrition.
- Diseases due to improper nutrition and misbalance of nutritive substances. Alimentary risk factors. Prophylaxis
- Methods for dietary assessment. Hygienic assessment of nutrition. Nutritional status.
- Proteins – biological meaning, sources, utilization, physiological standards.
- Fats - biological meaning, sources, utilization, physiological standards.
- Carbohydrates and ballast substances - biological meaning, sources, utilization, physiological standards.
- Macro and microelements - biological meaning, sources, utilization, physiological standards.
- Watersoluble vitamins – biological meaning, sources. Specific health problems due to excess or lack of vitamins.
- Fatsoluble vitamins – biological meaning, sources. Specific health problems due to excess or lack of vitamins.
- Nutrition of children and adolescents.
- Nutrition of pregnant women and breastfeeding.
- Nutrition of people involved in mental work.
- Nutrition of old and elderly people.
- Curative nutrition – main principles and diets
- Food products – classification and characteristic according to their biological meaning and physiological importance. Indexes and methods for hygienic assessment of food products.
- Milk and milk products – nutritional and biological value. Hygienic assessment – indexes and methods.
- Meat and meat products nutritional and biological value. Hygienic assessment – indexes and methods.
- Grains and grain foods- nutritional and biological value.
- Food fats- animal, plant, margarines- nutritional and biological value.
- Fruits and vegetables – nutritional and biological value.
- Legumes, nuts- nutritional and biological value.
- Culinary preparation of foods, tinned foods. Effect on the nutritional and biological value.
- Nutritional toxic-infections (salmonellas, etc.) – prophylaxis
- Nutritional intoxication – staphylococcal intoxication and botulism. Prophylaxis.
- Mycotoxicosis.
- Diseases due to chemical contaminants in food. Food additives and supplements.
- Hygienic requirements to restaurants. Control of the health condition of the staff and requirements for personal hygiene.
- Industrial medicine – subject and tasks. Occupational risk factors and occupational diseases. Principles of prophylaxis.
- Contemporary types of labor – classification and physiological characteristic. Ergonomics.
- Functional changes in the organism during physical labor.
- Principles of ergonomics.
- Problems of mental work and its physiological organization.
- Working ability – nature, factors, influencing working ability. Tiredness and over-work – principles of occurrence, indexes, prophylaxis.
- Industrial microclimate. Hygienic characteristic, influence over health and working ability of workers.
- Air pressure as a factor of working environment. Biological importance of high and low pressure. Prevention.
- Infrared and ultraviolet radiation as an occupational factor.Sources, Biological effect.
- Electromagnetic fields. Lasers.
- Noise – hygienic characteristic, distribution, influence over the organism. Methods for assessment of noise – main requirements. Occupational diseases caused by the influence of noise. Prophylaxis.
- Infra, ultrasound. Application, sources, prevention of diseases.
- Occupational vibrations. Sources, distribution, hygienic characteristic. Methods for assessment of vibrations – main requirements. Occupational diseases caused by the influence of vibrations over the organism. Prophylaxis.
- Chemical factors of occupational environment – classification, sources, general characteristic. Importance of way of penetration, metabolism, cumulation and elimination of the chemical pollutants for the development of occupational poisoning.
- Factors on which depends the effects of the chemical compounds in occupational environment. Types of poisoning.
- Heavy metals – Pb, Hg, Mn, Kd, Cr. Hygienic-toxicological characteristic. Prophylaxis of intoxication.
- Toxic gases – chlorine, SO2, SH, nitrate gases, ammonium. Prophylaxis of intoxication.
- Organic solvents. Hygienic-toxicological characteristic. Prophylaxis of intoxication.
- Carbon oxide. Hygienic-toxicological characteristic. Prophylaxis of intoxication.
- Dust – physico-chemical factor of working environment. Classification, main sources, pathogen features, threatened branches and professions. Prophylaxis of dust diseases.
- Occupational hazards in the work with pesticides.
- Hygiene of the work of a woman.
- Occupational hygiene in the work with computers.
- Occupational hygiene in the work in mines.
- Occupational hygiene in the work in metallurgy.
- Occupational hygiene in the work in chemical industry.
- Occupational hygiene in the work in agriculture.
- Occupational hygiene in the work in textile industry.
- Growth and development. General characteristics, age dynamics of the main morphological indexes.
- Indexes and methods for assessment of the physical development of children and adolescents.
- Anatomic –physiological characteristics of children’s organism during early childhood and pre-school age.
- Anatomic –physiological characteristics of children’s organism during school age.
- Biological age – meaning, importance, assessment. Acceleration. School maturity.
- Physiological and hygienic principles of education of children and adolescents. Prophylaxis of tiredness. Health education.
- Hygienic bases of physical education, sports, tempering. Main principles.
- Hygienic requirements to kindergartens.
- Hygienic requirements to schools.
- Specific pathology during childhood and adolescence. Prophylaxis.
- Early intervention programs.
- Air Quality Guidelines – GlobalUpdate 2005. WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006
- Children'shealthand theenvironment, WHO,Geneva, 2004
- Oxford HandbookofOccupational Health, 2ndEdition. Oxford University Press, 2013
- Preventionofhospital-acquiredinfections. A practicalguide, 2ndEdition. Ed. by G. Ducel, J. Fabry, L. Nicolle. WHO, 2002.
- Environmental health, Dade W. Moeller, Harvard University press, Third edition, 2005
- Environmental health- from global to local- Howard Frumkin, Second edition, 2010
- Handouts for students from department lectures
1. Хигиена, хранене и професионални болести. Под ред. на проф.Б. Попов,С.2011
2. Хигиена и екология, том І, под ред. на проф. Д.Цветков, изд. “Знание”,