Clermont PTA Meeting Minutes

September 16, 2015 Clermont Cafeteria 6-7 p.m.

In Attendance:

Estelle Maletz, Sara King, Andrew King, Tysen Perszyk, Donna France, Carlota Cox, Kathy Turner, Kathy Off, DeeDee Denton, Serena Lambeth, Julie Rhodes, Rima Leiato, Kerri Carter, Dennis Marksbury, Margaret Biastre, Stephanie Byrd, Scott Lisko, Meghan Scott, Leila Remaili, Jim Dahl, Michael Montante, Jury Chavez, Christine Donahue, Dawn Biggins, Sandra Carver, Lisa Gibson, Raechel Acosta, Jen Owens, Shey Gift, Jessica Leith, Betsy Mullet, D. Brightdawn Strutton, Amanda Phillips, Mary Ann Marrone, Steve Gauan, Rolando Montoya, Meaghan Dobson, Krisryna Meyer, Chris Reese, Riad Dib, Peter Smith, Paula Treger, Kannan Cangro, Antoinette Lawrence, Neffie Jacobs, Karen Anderson, Ricardo Pardo, Giovani Pardo, Daphne Biasalgane, Dina Katz, Paola Omonte, Sherry Carr, Karman Reese, Shelby Workman, Beth Henderson, Teresa Bearden, Anne Stokowski, Jennifer Jacobs

PTA President Karman Reese called meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. and gave welcome remarks

Karman Reese introduced the PTA board for 2015-2016 which includes herself, Shelby Workman, First Vice President, Beth Henderson, Second Vice President, Brendan Mulvaney, Treasurer, and Teresa Bearden, Secretary

Vote On Number of General Membership Meetings

Karman Reese proposed a vote to change the number of General Membership meetings from 4 to 7 per school year. Motion made by Beth Henderson, second by Kristin Paul, motion passed.

Treasurer's Report

Karman Reese presented the 2015-2016 budget to the gathering. Motion was made by Shelby Workman to adopt the 2015-2016 budget as presented, second was made by Sara King, motion passed.

Membership Dues

Karman Reese proposed a vote lowering membership dues to $10 per individual, $5 each individual, motion made by Beth Henderson, second made by Sara King, motion passed

Board Minutes Vote

Karman Reese proposed a vote to approve June 2015 board meeting minutes, motion made by Sara King, second made by Tysen Perszyk, motion passed


Kathy Black spoke about membership, become members of Fairfax, Virginia, and National PTA


Shelby Workman, First Vice President spoke about her open committees

After School Enrichment Programs (need volunteer for yoga)

Odyssey of the Mind

Liz Tucci Hall spoke about Odyssey of the Mind program, coaches needed

School of Excellence

Committee Chair is Jen Ackerman, Shelby Workman spoke that she will be taking stock of the school and get road map to become a School of Excellence

Learning Garden

Committee Chair, Tysen Perszyk spoke, 3 gardens at Clermont, native plants garden in courtyard near library, memorial garden, raised beds for each grade/class, need a garden parent from each class, need volunteers to help weed and do some plantings.

Global Chinese

Younger kids taught by Mrs. Gift, older kids will be taught by another teacher, after school classes will begin in October


Committee Chair, Kristin Paul spoke. Kristin got a grant for the school to help pay for the Assemblies. The PTA pays for assemblies that come to the school and also sponsor book author visits. If anyone knows of a children’s book author that can come to the school assemblies, the dates are posted on the school calendar

Book Fair

Book Fair will be in the spring and will be run by Kara Reid

Teacher Treat Days

Way of appreciating teachers

Picture Day

ran by Samantha Mulvaney

Spirit Events

go to local restaurants and socialize with teachers and eat with families and get a percentage donated by the restaurants

Spirit Wear

Lynette Bertman

Thanksgiving Luncheon

need a chair person

School Supplies

Jury Chavez is new committee chair person

Wish List

listing of items that teachers and staff would like to have

Beth Henderson, Second Vice President, spoke about her open committees

Library Volunteers

Jen Martin is library coordinator


Judges Needed

Running at Recess

Sara King is committee chair, need volunteers

Special Education

Michael Montante is our liaison, works with Cheryl Hauser at the school, can always use more volunteers

Box Tops

Be sure to clip them, Karen Anderson is point of contact

Watch DOGS

opportunity for dads to be positive role models in the school

Bingo Night

coming up next month

Silent Auction

Dee Dee Denton and Nicole Olsen are committee chairs and spoke about this year's Silent Auction. This year’s theme is 80’s. There will be a DJ, an online bidding system, cocktails, drinks, beers, no kids, location is the PTO building. There will be a website for awesomely bad 80’s photo contest (Facebook page), and a costume contest. They are in need of volunteers, donations, class baskets, check in and check-out volunteers, and food and beverage donations and volunteers.

Principal's Report

Ms. Stokowski spoke about her appreciation for the Clermont parents and volunteers. She discussed the bus riders' change in times and the transportation issues. She requested that during pick up and drop off, parents and students use the kiss and ride line, children should not be running through bus route and will be re-routed to cross walk.

No questions were posed to Ms. Stokowski

Ms. Stokowski asked that we pay attention to the current county budget and spoke about not meeting the budget next year, so that we can keep class sizes down and keep our extracurricular activities.

The meeting self-adjourned at 7:00 p.m. and Back To School Night began.