Republic of Belarus
220079 Minsk, Kalwarijskaja str. 33
Tel./fax +37517 204 08 20; 256-11-43; 204-08-23

General director: Kurs Fjodor Mikhajlovich (8017) 204-08-23

General accountant: Sushko Natalia Alexandrovna (8017) 204-60-36

General engineer: Telitsa Alexander Antonovich (8017) 204-08-25

  1. General information about the organization:

The history of the organization

The companyis organizedin the FirstFive-Year Planin the form ofthe farmcooperative"Metrinstrument", which producedwoodenmeters.Initialnumber of employeeswas about300 people.In theprewar years,improvedmanufacturingactivityexpandedproduct range, mastered the production ofheavysports equipment.

During the war,productionconstructions of the enterprisehave been partiallydestroyed andthe equipmentand inventory were dismantled. In1944the companyresumedwork andbecame known asa furniturefactory(artel) "Homeland" of Belpromsovet.

The conversionof the plant in thefurniture factorywas caused byan understandablenecessity.The city was destroyedand neededthe equipmentof schools, offices, retail outlets.The factory wasat thattime, the onlyfurniturecompanyin Minsk, and therefore made ​​a significantcontribution to therestoration of the city: the first post-warschool desks, blackboards, desks, racks, equipment for the outlets.

Beginning in1947, the factory graduallyswitched to themanufacture ofa wide rangeof cabinethousehold furniture: tables,cabinets,cupboards anda secretary. According to the decision ofthe MinskExecutive Committeeof5 June 1952the farm"Rodina"is allocateda land plot of4.6hectaresfor expandingproduction and buildingengineering corps. In 1954, thefactory "Homeland"is a part of theMinlespromBSSR.

In February of1957to develop newmodels of furniturein the Ministry ofForestryand Wood Industrieswas establishedBelorussiaDesign Bureau(PCB). In 1963,on the basis ofthe furniturefactories of"Homeland" and PKBwas organized bythe experimentaldesign officefurniture (EKBM) Departmentof Forestry,paper and woodindustryof the Economic Councilof the BSSR.In theshort termEKBMdevelopeddozens ofnew models offurniturethat have successfullymasteredthe furnitureindustryof the country.Severalsamplesof the newfurnitureis recognizedthe best in theAll-Union exhibitions.

In 1971, theexperimentaldesign officefurniturereorganized inDesignand Productionof furniture (PBUH), which in 1975became known asthe MinskScientific-Production Association (NPO) "Minskproektmebel." In 1994,on the basisof designserviceswithin theassociation,wascreateda separateself-supportingdivision ofPlanning and DesignTechnological OfficeFurniture(PKTBM). In 1997, thescientific productionassociation was transformed intoOpen Joint Stock Company(OJSC)"Minskproetmebel."

The Company is acommercial organization, hasseparate property, independent balance, print.
Statutoryfund of the companyamounts to4,599,998,480rubles.
Statutory fundis divided into32,857,132common (ordinary)shares with a nominalvalue of140 rubleseach.
Inthe Unified State Registerof legal entitiesand individual entrepreneurs"Minskproektmebel" is registered undernumber100135477by decision of Minskcity executive committeeon June 12,2000№631.

The company may have stamps, letterheads with its name, its own logo, trademark (service mark), open to the established order of the current (settlement) and other bank accounts.
The main purpose of the Society is making a profit.

The Companyhas the followingseparateself-supportingstructural units- brancheswitha separate balance sheet, which is included in theconsolidated balance sheet ofJSC "Minskproektmebel":
PKTBM-ProjectDesign Technological OfficeFurniture
Kopit-Plantand cateringtrade.

The main activityof"Minskproektmebel" is the production of other furniture(36,140). The shareof the activityin totalrevenuefor2011was69.7%, for 4 months in 2012-76.3%.

The Companyundertakes the following activities:
51471Wholesale tradeof householdfurniture,
52,110retail tradein non-specializedstores withfood, beverages and tobacco
52120Otherretail sale innon-specializedstores

60240 Freight transport by road,
63400 Organization of cargo,
70,200 hiring your own real estate
74,201 work in the field of architecture, engineering services,
74,300 technical tests and studies

74 840to provideother servicesto consumers,
74,870investigations andsecurity,
85,140other activitiesto protect human health,
02,250design and construction ofbuildings and structuresI andII levels of responsibilityand conductengineering surveysfor these purposes,
activities in thefield of road transport,
efforts to ensurefire safetymedical activity,
security activity,
retail saleof alcoholic beveragesand (or) tobacco
and others.

Activities to be licensed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus are carried out after receipt of the special permit (license). JSC "Minskproektmebel" produced the following licenses:

-To carry outmedical activities,
-To carry out activitiesin the field ofroad, inland waterway, maritime transport,
-To engage inretail trade (including alcoholic beverages and tobacco), and catering,

-To carry out activitiesto ensure the securityof businesses and individuals,
-To carry outthe activities"Design andconstruction of buildingsI andII levels of responsibilityand conductengineeringsurveys for these purposes."
JSC "Minskproektmebel" has the certificate of conformitycertifying thatthe quality management systemof cabinetfurnituremeets the requirements ofSTB ISO 9001-2009.

The balance of production capacity
for 2010-2012 years (At constant prices in thousands of rubles for 01.01.2011)

Indicators 2010г 2011г 2012г

Power atthe beginning ofthe year 32418792 3203726032022760

Increase incapacity 6529 10500130 000

Disposalfacilities 388061 2500040000

The average annualcapacity 32228026 320301032067760


productat constant prices 24296460 28455000 30186000

utilizationfactor of
the averagepower 0,75 0,86 0,94

Capacityat year-end 32037260 32022760 32112760 These datacharacterize theloading ofequipment during2012.

Furniture productioncapacitiesallow to producefurniture inlarge quantities,anda largeassortment ofdifferent functions: the productof small forms(tables, cabinets), desks, office furnitureandcustom. Currently,the societyproducedmore than 150articles,120of which areexported.JSC "Minskproektmebel" produces in a yearof commercial productsworth more than14.0 billionrubles.

JSC "Minskproektmebel" has a favorable geographicalposition in relationto the marketsof raw materials,as well as forexport tothe countryand abroad.
JSC "Minskproektmebel" is located in the Frunzedistrictof Minskadministrationon the streetKalvariyskaya, 33. According to thesanitary classificationof enterprises andfacilities and other sites(Sanitary 10.5.2002), the company refersto the Vclass.Throughputis carriedby road.

I I. Financial indicators of economic activity of the organization
Indicators / 2009 / 2010 / 2011
Net asset value, mln. / 14 982 / 17 690 / 36 672
Proceeds fromsales of products,
works and services, mln.
15082 / 21 238 / 27 645
Profitbalance, mln. / 460 / 379 / 1 394
Profitsfrom sales,
works and services, mln.
990 / 790 / 2 876
Netprofits, mln. / 135 / 54 / 738
Profitability of
productsand services,%
8,34 / 4,6 / 13,9
Accounts receivable, mln. / 1 816 / 2 391 / 1 648
Accountsreceivable, mln. / 5 465 / 4 563 / 2 016
Average wages, thousand rbl. / 942 / 1 049 / 1 519

III. Expanded rangeof products, works and services:

Production, works and services
(by species) / The output / Year
2009 / 2010 / 2011
Total for the community / Mln. / 12 018 / 15 364 / 23 905
Manufacture of furniture / Mln. / 9 236 / 12 523 / 20 179
Manufacture of other wooden products / Mln. / 3 / 3 / 46
Activities in the field of architecture and engineering services / Mln. / 2 295 / 2 428 / 2 981
Research and development on natural sciences and engineering / Mln. / 42 / 0 / 0
retail trade / Mln. / 187 / 165 / 457
catering / Mln. / 255 / 245 / 242

Product range:
•A set of furniturefor the living room, "Verona" (40 units).
•A set of furniturefor the living room"Omega""(17units).
•A set of furniturefor the living room"Victoria"(21units).
•A set of furniturefor the bedroom, "Titian" (with 3 -doorand 5-door cabinet)
• A programof furniture«WINDSOR» (25 units).
• Furniturefordrawings andsketches of the customer

IV Implementedover the past3 yearsinvestment projects:
In 2009 werepurchasedfourtrucksMAZin the amount of451.5mln., 2 trailerMAZin the amount of69million rubles.andother fixed assetsamounting to14million rubles.

In 2010, investment in fixed assets amounted to 199 million rubles, including forklift - 106 million rubles., tractor MTZ-80 - 37 million rubles., Computer Science - 20 million rubles and other fixed assets - 36 million rubles.

In 2011investments in fixed assetsamounted to120mln., including Computer Science- 7mln., the tool 28mln., equipment 60 million rubles(machine disk, distribution cabinetSR, resonant converters -7units), otheroperating systems- 25million rubles(a fence w / w, trees, etc.).

It should be notedthat in accordancewith the planof modernizationof production of JSC"Minskproektmebel" in 2007, was acquired by theinstallation ofautomaticsprayapplication ofaqueouscoatingsworth2.4billion rubles.With the installationof the equipmentintroducedmodern technologyfurniturepolisheswaterhaving no analoguesin the Republicof Belarusand CIS countries.The quality ofthe varnish filmprovides productionof environmentally friendly products, increases the service lifeof furnitureandconsumer demand.Withthe introductionof the technologyissuesweighedhazardousworking conditions andemissions of harmfulsubstances into the atmosphere, greatly reducedlabor costs,energy consumptionand pollution.

List of investmentprojects andtheir sources offunding for2012
№ / Name of investment projectimplementation / Periodof the project / Totalinvestmentproject costs / Total / Amongthe sourcesof funding
Equity (earnings) / Borrowings
1 / Purchase ofoffice equipment / 2012 / 10 / 10 / 10 / -
2 / Purchase oftractor trailertipping2PTS- 4.5with theadded boards / I qr. / 40 / 40 / 40 / -
3 / Acquisition ofautomaticsharpeningmachined/ otools / IV qr. / 150 / 150 / 150,0 / -
4 / Totalcapital costexcluding VAT / 200 / 200,0 / 200,0 / -
5 / Value added tax / 40,0 / 40,0 / 40 / -
6 / TOTALcosts / 240,0 / 240 / 240

V.Structure ofworking:

Age / Total
Quantity, including. / 25 / 25-35 / 35-40 / 40-45 / 45-50 / 50-55 / 55+
- - Number of employees with
higher education / 10 / 35 / 6 / 1 / 7 / 22 / 20 / 101
- - With secondary special
education / 20 / 10 / 32 / 18 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 89
- With secondary education / 4 / 1 / 34 / 27 / 29 / 25 / 9 / 129
- - From basic education
/ 7 / 15 / 10 / 32
The total number of employees: / 351
- The number ofadministrative staff / 35
-The number of industrial personnel / 316
Includingnumber ofkeyworkers / 221

VI.The structure of theimplementationof works (services):

Structure ( %) / 2009 / 2010 / 2011
Domestic market / 84 / 87 / 87,7
Foreign market / 16 / 13 / 12,3
Total / 100 / 100 / 100

The main buyers offurniture productsof JSC "Minskproektmebel" in 2011on the domestic marketare the followingtrade organizations: JSC "Mebelstroymarket" Volkovysk, LLC "Mirage - M", Zhlobin, PUE "Premertorg", Minsk, Inc. "TD"Furniture", Grodno, Inc. "Household Goods", Pinsk, Inc. "DT" Svisloch", Minsk, Inc." Furniture, household goods ", Brest, LLC" ITL ", Mogilev, KTUP"Pramen" Orsha.

In2011the share ofcertified productsin totalproductionwas 94%. The share of newproducts amounted to- 27%.In2008JSC "Minskproektmebel" received a certificateconfirming that thequality management systemof cabinetfurniture productionrequirements of STB ISO9001.

The structure ofexportshas changedin the direction ofdominancein theimplementation of theCIS countries. The volumeof productsshippedto the marketin theCISin 2011amounted to378.9thousanddollars, or86.7%of totalexports. The main consumeris the Russian Federation-97.1%of total exportsin thenear abroad.

Shipmentto foreign countriesamounted to57.3thousand dollars
Shipment of the goodsproducedin thenear abroad: FE "Lobov LV" Kostroma,LLC "Furniture - Salon" Victoria "Yakutsk, FE"DemidovAI", Tver, LLC"InterturanConcern", the Baku,OOO"Saturn", Smolensk, Inc. "OurFurniture"Lipetsk,LLC "Furniture city" the city of Smolensk,LLC "Furniture Union", St. - Petersburg,LLC "Soyuzmebel" Omsk,LLC "Velez "Saratov, LLC" Chance - TV "Novozybkov, Inc." TRIZ "Shchelkovo FE"ZiminLS"Chita, LLC"Furniture -Bobrov "St. - Petersburg,FE"MedvedevO."Obninsk, FE"DolganovskyAV"Sosnovy Bor.

Shipmentto foreign countriesmade​​in Germany by: Minto Mobel Handels - GmbH andAkzent Import $ Export GmbH.

VII. Information about the land plots which are in use, lease of property:

Location ofsite / Area, ha / The right(permanent/temporary use,lease,the property) / Land UseAct(№,date)
Minsk,ul.Kalvariyskaya, 33
/ 4,2806 / permanent
free use, housing / № 1201 п.п.2.2 from 18.10.98
Str. R. Luxemburg, 128 / 0,0893 / permanent
free use, housing / № 500/141-623 from 26.05.2005
Minsk, str. Bazisnaja, 53 / 0,1027 / free use, housing / № 726 п.6 from 09.07.1998 dec.1327
Minsk, str. Krylovicha, 30 / 0,0168 / free use, housing / № 2440-ф from 10.12.2007
Agreement № 1 from 20.10.2008
№ / Inventory № / The name of the inventory object / Year of construction / number of storeys / Square, м2 / The arealeased, м2 / The term ofthe lease / The general condition
1 / 47 / Administrative buildingof ABA / 07.1979г / 4 / 3807 / 406,94 / 05.2015г / Satisfact.
2 / 8 / Administrative buildingwith a pavilionICC / 10.1972г / 2 / 1495 / 671,12 / 03.2014г / Satisfact.
3 / 49 / buildinga garage / 12.2080г / 2 / 513 / 12,3 / Satisfact.
4 / 2 / The building ofRIC / 12.1999г / 1 / 60 / Satisfact.
5 / 12 / The buildingdepartmentof the 1stsample / 12.1958г / 1 / 739 / 07.2012г / Satisfact.
6 / 11 / boiler room / 01.1960г / 2 / 444 / Satisfact.
7 / 54 / Production building / 12.1983г / 3 / 11761 / Satisfact.
8 / 62 / checkpoint / 04.1993г / 1 / 48 / Satisfact.
9 / 18 / PANELshop / 12.1962г / 1 / 684 / Satisfact.
10 / 63 / Reconstruction of thecuttingof plateand sheet materialsJV / 12.1993г / 3 / 4693 / 252 / 03.2013г / Satisfact.
11 / 13 / Machine repair shop / 12.1969г / 1 / 1053 / Satisfact.
12 / 48 / fuel storage / 12.1979г / 1 / 292 / 48,3 / 03.2013г / Satisfact.
13 / 55 / WarehouseChipboard1ststart-up complex / 12.1996г / 1 / 351 / Satisfact.
14 / 60 / Warehouseplate / 12.1990г / 1 / 360 / Satisfact.
15 / 16 / Warehousetechnical materials / 12.1969г / 1 / 677 / Satisfact.
16 / 59 / dining room / 12.1989г / 2 / 3505 / 877,46 / 12.2016г / Satisfact.
17 / 17 / dryingDepartment / 12.1962г / 1 / 882 / Satisfact.
18 / 19 / transformer substation / 12.1962г / 1 / 70 / Satisfact.
19 / 61 / Sitecuttingof plateand sheet materials / 12.1991г / 1 / 3857 / Satisfact.
20 / 53 / Landassembly andpackaging andstorage of finished products / 12.1982г / 3 / 3056 / Satisfact.
21 / 102 / Watersfire / 12.1960г / Satisfact.

IX.Information on themachinesand equipment for the01.01.2012:

Inventory number / Name of equipment / Quantity / Destination
(Place in the process) / Year / Condition (% of wareout)
167 / The line oflaminating«KUPER» / 1 / Wrappingveneerpieces / 02.08 / 20,81
175 / LinecuttingboardsfurnitureHOMAG FP / 1 / Trimpiecesto size / 07.08 / 13,99
76 / Paper-cutting machineBR-72 / 1 / Cuttingveneeralong the length ofthe plots / 12.83 / 100
921 / Paper-cutting machineBR-72 / 1 / Cuttingveneeralong the length ofthe plots / 09.81 / 100
448 / guillotine / 1 / Prirezkiplotsthe width of theveneer / 10.74 / 100
1177 / GuillotineNY-28 / 1 / -//- / 12.86 / 100
98 / GuillotineNY-28 / 1 / -//- / 12.05 / 100
1032 / Scissors forNY-18-1 / 1 / -//- / 01.84 / 100
5186 / Machining centervikb/a / 1 / drilling holes / 12.04 / 94,17
77 / CNC Machining Center«ROVER-20.BIE» / 1 / -//- / 11.03 / 96,71
174 / Machining center with CHPUWEEKE OPTIMA / 1 / Drilling,milling / 07.08 / 16,58
80 / Hydraulic Press II-A 713 b / a / 1 / Wrappingveneerpieces / 08.04 / 91,63
548 / Press the membrane / 1 / Profilewrappingveneerdetails / 08.97
445 / Vertical drilling machine groove. the tree / 1 / Drilling holesin the details / 08.75 / 100
1283 / Vertical milling machine / 1 / Millingparts / 02.89 / 100
172 / Machine for edge banding Homag optimat
/ 1 / Milling andveneerwrappingkromokPVH / 07.08 / 19,71
176 / Edge bandingmachine. Optimat KTD-820 / 1 / Wrappingon theedgeprofiledetails / 10.08 / 31,67
364 / The machine istrimmingBrantf10/ek11 / 1 / Removing theoverhangon theedges of thecoreparts / 07.99 / 100
363 / Edge bandingmachineBrandtKTD-51 / 1 / Wrappingon theedgeprofiledetails / 07.99 / 100
5 / Edge-grinding machine / 1 / sandingthe edges / 12.99 / 99,92
405 / Circularmachinefor wood / 1 / Cutting andmachining of partsin thesize of / 01.58 / 100
404 / The machine iscircularWood / 1 / -//- / 01.58 / 100
401 / The machine isversatilecircularwood / 1 / -//- / 01.73 / 100
5041 / CircularmachineformattedALTENDO / 1 / -//- / 12.04 / 87,50
692 / Machinebeltsander / 1 / Sandingplasticshieldparts / 01.71 / 100
3 / MachinesandingFlap / 1 / Grinding ofprofileddecorative items / 12.99 / 99,83
1265 / Machineodnopilnyprireznoy / 1 / Cutting andmachining of partsin thesize of / 11.88 / 100
69 / Machineforoblitsov.poverh. FRIZ RU15/30b/a / 1 / Profile surfacesbywrapping"softformint" / 10.03 / 94,92
5020 / The machinefillerDubebh2 / 1 / drilling holes / 12.04 / 100
485 / Machineprofiledthin. 092-88 / 1 / Grinding ofprofiledparts / 01.94 / 100
452 / machinerebroskleivayuschy / 1 / Gluingveneerplots / 04.76 / 100
916 / machinerebroskleivayuschy / 1 / -//- / 06.81 / 100
1039 / MachinerebroskleivayuschyPC-9 / 1 / -//- / 12.83 / 100
1040 / MachinerebroskleivayuschyPC-9 / 1 / -//- / 12.83 / 100
72 / MachinerebroskleivayuschyPC-9 / 1 / -//- / 07.04 / 74,19
874 / thicknessermachine / 1 / Slicingblanksfrom an array / 10.79 / 100
546 / Machine-softforming optimatesK-79/E12/53 / 1 / Millingand wrappingedgeprofiles / 07.97 / 100
5315 / Lathe-grinding XEMPEL / 1 / Turning andgrindingdetails / 12.04 / 87,50
446 / Unimatmachine / 1 / Planingand millingof partsfrom an array / 06.91 / 100
667 / Machineusovochny"Haffner" DTS-182 / 1 / Kickoffof partsat an angle of45 degrees / 06.96 / 100
142 / Machine-PANEL form.K-700/03FELDER / 1 / The processingdetails in thesize of / 12.06 / 62,50
111 / The machineformat andexpanded.withnaklon.piloy / 1 / -//- / 01.01 / 100
110 / The machineformat andexpanded.withnaklon.piloy / 1 / -//- / 01.01 / 100
866 / MillingMachinekopirovaln.potree / 1 / Millingprofilein detail / 02.79 / 100
443 / Milling-machine copying. "Zuckerman" / 1 / -//- / 12.90 / 100
5438 / Milling-machine copying. VPM-2 b/ u / 1 / -//- / 12.04 / 100
543 / Milling-machine copying. from theRMC / 1 / -//- / 06.97 / 100
601 / Millingmachinefor woodtenoningOS-111 / 1 / Millingthornin the details / 02.95 / 100
441 / Milling machinefor thevillage. / 1 / milling / 10.73 / 100
347 / JointingMachineSp4-1B / 1 / Createda basesurfacepreparations / 11.95 / 100
1178 / Machinegrinding andbelt / 1 / Grinding ofsurfaces of parts / 12.86 / 100
502 / The machine isgrinding andthe treebeltShlPS-2 / 1 / -//- / 04.66 / 100
434 / Machinegrinding andbeltwith amovable table / 1 / -//- / 05.75 / 100
467 / MachinesandingShlPS-2 / 1 / -//- / 02.76 / 100
1374 / machineSHLPS / 1 / -//- / 05.90 / 100
5198 / Machine-Cooper for bondingveneerb/a / 1 / Gluingveneerplots / 12.04 / 100
173 / Device forcuttingboardsHOLZMA HPP250 / 1 / Cuttingchipboard, MDFblanksand details / 07.08 / 14,02
22 / CabPulverization / 1 / The application ofthe patina, stain, varnish / 01.00 / 100
5674 / CabPulverizationb/a / 1 / -//- / 12.04 / 100
1182 / Cabspray linesof woodworking / 1 / -//- / 12.86 / 100
547 / CabPulverization / 1 / -//- / 08.97 / 100
325 / The linefor therollerdyeing anddrying / 1 / The application ofthe dyeon thedetails of thepanel / 08.98 / 100
531 / Machine forglass processing / 1 / Sandingthe edgesof theglassin the details / 09.93 / 100
5312 / Machineusovochny099-88b/a / 1 / Kickoffof decorative elementson the "whisker" / 12.04 / 100
140 / Installing theapplication ofaqueouscoatingsautom. / 1 / The application ofdyeand waterpaints / 07.07 / 24,86
5104 / Machinecopy routerR9 SCM / 1 / Milling ofdifferent profiles / 12.04 / 100
183 / MAZ437143-331 / 1 / Transportation of furniture, materials, etc. / 08.09 / 33,32
184 / MAZ437143-332 / 1 / -//- / 09.09 / 32,14
188 / MAZ5440A8-360-361 / 1 / -//- / 08.09 / 29,16
187 / MAZ5440A8-360-361 / 1 / -//- / 08.09 / 29,16
186 / Semitrailer MAZ975830-3012 / 1 / -//- / 08.09 / 19,44
185 / Semitrailer MAZ975830-3012 / 1 / -//- / 08.09 / 19,44
170 / CarVolkswagenPassatB6 / 1 / Transport of people / 12.06 / 58,07

General director F.M.Kurs

General accountant ______Mikhaylova O.M.


Specialist in foreign economic activity ______Zharnikova M.V.
