Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Technology Questions for Faculty, Staff, and Students

Subject Areas




Info Bear


Macintosh Computers

Mobile Devices



Phone Systems

Printing Services

Teacher Station Support

User Accounts


Q: Where would I go to find answers to my Banner Questions?

A: View Banner FAQs.

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Q: The Blackboard Windows Closes Unexpectedly- What Can I Do?

A: Please make sure that you have the latest version of the Java Run Time- Download the latest version from

Q: I Am Having Problems Using the Discussion Board using MAC OSX.

A: Please disable the Visual Text Box Editor. To do so, login to Blackboard, Click on Personal Information -> Set Visual Text Box Editor Options -> Set Availability- click the Unavailable button.

Q: I am Unable to Claim my Blackboard Account- What Should I Do?

A: To Claim a Blackboard Account, go to BSU Home On the left hand side of the page mouse over Quicklinks and go down to "Account Registration" and then "Register yourself in blackboard" and follow the directions. In order to claim a Blackboard Account, you must have already claimed a BSU User Account, which a support services staff could check Active Directory to verify. If you typed in your user name and password and receive an error message: Error: Invalid username or password, please reset your BSU user account password or come to either of the counters in Moakley or the Maxwell library. If you are notified that the user account has already been claimed, you must wait 24 hours after initially claiming your account before you can successfully log in to Blackboard. Please have a support services staff member verify that you have a Blackboard account- they will, however, also be unable to see your account until after the initial 24 hour period.

Q: How Can I Un-enroll in a Class on Blackboard?

A: If it is an old course the student has completed, then at the end of the class, the professor should remove the user from the class. If this was not done the student should contact the professor and ask to be removed. If the student accidentally enrolled in the class they should still email the professor explaining the mistake and ask them to un-enroll the student. IT Support Services can put in a ticket under the problem type Blackboard if the professor does not respond to the students request. Please be sure to give them the course number and the title of the class that you wish to be un-enrolled in.

Q: My Examination Has Errors or I Was Unable to Complete an Exam Because of Computer Problems

A: Only the professor can reset the examination once it has been started. Please contact the professor for more information or assistance.

Q: When Trying to Enroll in a Course, I Receive a "Access Denied" Error Message

A: Please make sure when attempting to enroll in a course that you are clicking on the gray enroll button to the right of the course you are trying to enroll in the course listing page. Clicking on the course name itself as opposed to the gray enroll button will cause this error message. If you are receiving a different error message when attempting to enroll, such as the course is locked for enrollment or you cannot self enroll in the course, please contact the professor that is administering the Blackboard course.

Q: I Have Forgotten My Blackboard Password- What Should I Do?

A: Your Blackboard password and your Email password should be the same. If this doesn't help you can reset your password. You may also come to either the Moakley Open Access Lab or the Support Counter in the basement of the Maxwell Library with your BSU Connect Card to have your password reset.

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Q: How do I tell if I have a BSU Webmail or Live@Edu email account?

A: The best way to tell at the moment would be to go to and under Quicklinks click BSU Webmail. If you log in with just your username and password and receive an internal server error it means you have a Live@Edu account. If you are able to log in correctly you have a BSU Webmail account.

Q: How do I log into my Live@Edu account?

A: To log into your Live@Edu account you will go to and under Quicklinks click Live@Edu. It will ask for a Windows ID and password. You will supply them with your full email address () as the Windows ID.

Q: What is the size of the Live@Edu Mailbox?

A: Currently Live@Edu has 5 GB of space for email and attachments.

Q: I cannot access the BSU Webmail using the webmail link- what should I do?

A: Please make sure that if you are using a PC that you are browsing to our website using Internet Explorer or if browsing with a Mac, that you are using Safari. You can check what browser you are using by going to the Help menu, then clicking on about. If you are using the correct browser, please try clearing all cookies and set passwords by going to Tools -> Internet Options and then clicking on Delete Cookies and Delete Flies. Please also make sure that you are not including the "" suffix in the user name field. If you are still unable to access your webmail, please have a support services staff check to see if they can access your email via the webmail login. If they cannot, then please reset your password.

Q: How Do I Set Up Outlook (On Campus Only)?

A: These instructions infer that Office 2007 is installed- if not, please contact the help desk for further instruction. From the desktop, click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Mail. In the dialogue that pops up, click on the Email Accounts button. Then, click on Add a new Account and click Next. Select the email server type to Microsoft Exchange Server and click Next. Then, type in as the exchange server and your user name as the user name. If you are successful, when you click on Check Name, your username should change into Last, First. Click Next and then Finish to finish the wizard. Then click on email accounts again on the dialogue and choose View or Change an existing email account. Make sure Microsoft Exchange Server is selected, and choose Mailbox- Last, First as your Deliver new email to the following location. You can now close all dialogues and open outlook- your email has been successfully configured. When you open outlook, you may be prompted to save shortcuts- please select No.

Q: My Mailbox Is Over its Size Limit- What Should I Do?

A: Please delete emails from all folders (Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, Drafts) until your mailbox is under the size limit. If you believe you have done this, please open the full version of outlook (can only check on campus), Right Click on Mailbox- Last, First and then click on Properties. Then, click on the Folder Size button to view the size of your mailbox.

Q: What are the Current Size Limits on Mail?

A: Currently, students are allowed 100 MB of storage space on the exchange server. This is a fairly new limit. If you receive messages stating that you are over a 10 MB limit, please contact the helpdesk to have a ticket placed in to have your mailbox size increased. After the 100 MB limit is reached, you will be unable to send or receive messages until you clean up your mailbox.

Q: I Receive Notification of my Password Expiring When Logging On- What Should I Do?

A: Please change your password as instructed before logging on. Please note that this does not change your InfoBear pin. If the wizard asks for a domain, please type BSC

Q: Not all Messages are Displayed in Webmail- What Should I Do?

A: Only 25 messages are displayed at a time in webmail. Click on the blue right arrow at the top of the screen to view more messages.

Q: I Would Like to be Added to a Distribution List- How Can I Be Added?

A: If you would like to be added to one ofBridgewater State College's Listservs (ex. ALLREGA, ALLFRSHA, etc) please contact a support services member via the helpdesk at (508) 531-2555 to put in a ticket for you to be added to the list. If it is not a listserv maintained distribution list, you must contact the owner of the distribution list in order to be added to it.

Q: I Would Like to be Removed from a Distribution List- How Can I Be Removed?

A: Directions for unsubscribing to the Distribution List should be included at the bottom of the email. Usually for Bridgewater Distribution Lists, send an email to with a subject line of UNSUBSCRIBE and the list serv name. Ex: UNSUBSCRIBE ALLREGA

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Q: I am Unable to Login to InfoBear- What Should I Do?

A: Please make sure that you are not using your Email or Blackboard User ID - your InfoBear pin should be your banner id as the username and a 6 digit pin. Please make sure not to use your Social Security Number, as this number used to be accepted as the username, but is not anymore. Please also make sure that you are using Internet Explorer if you are using a Windows Based Machine or Safari if you are using a Macintosh Based Computer. If you have any problems logging in to Infobear please contact the Registrar's office at x1231 from an on campus phone or 1-508-531-1231 from an off campus phone.

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Q: There is No Internet Connectivity in my Classroom/Office- What Should I Do?

A: If you are in a classroom instructing a class, please contact the help desk immediately for assistance. If you are unable to connect to the network, please check to make sure that the Ethernet cable is connected firmly to both the back of the desktop and the wall. Next, please click on Start -> Run and then type cmd Once in the command prompt, type ipconfig /release and then ipconfig /renew. If you receive any error messages when executing these commands, please follow the appropriate troubleshooting methods. If you are unable to resolve the issue, please call the help desk who can put in a ticket to have the problem investigated.

Q: There is No Internet in Resident Halls- What Should I Do?

A: If there is no wireless connectivity and usually there is, please contact ResNet ext. 7999 to troubleshoot the problem. Please follow the aforementioned troubleshooting for There is No Internet Connectivity in my Classroom/Office- What Should I Do? If when clicking on internet explorer, you are brought to a network authentication page, please make sure that Cisco Clean Access Agent is logged in. For additional assistance, please contact ResNet at ext. 7999.

Q: How Do I Configure My Notebook for the Wireless Network?

A: Please reference the following for wireless setup- Either helpdesk can also assist you with setting up the wireless network by visiting them with your notebook during normal operating hours.

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Macintosh Computers

Q: I have Macintosh (Mac OS X)-based desktop or laptop computer. What is the best operating system to have installed on my computer to gain the easiest access to on-campus resources?

A: For the Macintosh, the best operating system to install is always the most currently available. "Leopard," version 10.5, is the current release of OS X, and should be used on all computers that support it.

Q: What software is required to be able to connect to the wireless network on campus for Apple OSX computers?

A: There is currently no special software to connect the computer to the network. Please make sure that the computer has either built in wireless capabilities or an OSX compatible wireless card.

Q: What Internet Browsers available for the Mac are compatible with the on-campus security software used at Bridgewater State College?

A: Safari and Mozilla Firefox are compatible with our on campus security software that allows you to gain access to the internet.

Q: How do I connect to the wireless internet (WLAN) available on campus with my Airport Wireless Card?

A: Please refer to the wireless setup question in the Internet portion of this page.

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Q: How Do I Map a Network Drive?

A: On campus domain computer: Right Click on My Computer, then select Map Network Drive. From the dialogue that pops up, choose a drive letter from the drop down, and then type in the full path to the network drive (ex. \\\dfs\...). You can choose to have the drive automatically remapped on login in the Map on login button is selected, or deselect it to have the computer map the drive for the current login session only. On an off campus machine/notebook not on the domain, to map to the webhost drive, follow the same procedure, except for the path, type<username>. When prompted, type in BSC\<username> as the username and then the user's password for the password.

Q: I Am Unable to Access a Network Drive- What Should I Do?

A: Make sure that you are successfully connected to the network. Try accessing a webpage from your computer. If you are able to access a web page, then try to remap the drive (see above). If you are still not successful, please call the helpdesk, where a ticket can be placed to have the issue investigated. Please mention the exact path to the network drive as opposed to just the G drive or referring to it by its assigned letter.

Q: How Do I Map a Network Printer?

A: To map a network printer from a domain controlled computer, click on Start -> Run and then type in the path to the printer (ex \\westprintserv\mkc130P1). If you are unsure of the path obtain the correct information from a colleague in the office that has successfully connected to the printer. Once the queue (white box) pops up on the screen, the printer has been added to your printers list and can now be selected to print to in any program.