


(One to be completed for each Scheme or service by the commissioning SMT) / File Ref:
Scheme Title /

TTP024a - St AlbansCity Centre Enhancement – Catherine St Rbt

TTP024b - St AlbansCity Centre Enhancement – Peahen Junction

TTP024c - St AlbansCity Centre Enhancement - Eastern Service Rd

IWP Ref(s)
Existing Client Order No. (if applicable) / NA
CDM / No Const. Work / Scheme
Procurement Route: (select one if commissioning Stage 3 design) / Walk & Build
Status: / Designer Only
(Select one only) / Full CDM / Y / Form HS0 to be completed by SMT / Standard SoR / Y
Full CDM - Notifiable / and attached to this appendix. / Target Cost
SMT Responsible:
Name Rob Jepson / Title Strategy Development Manager / Tel No. 56562
Name Shan Shanmugalingam / Title Assistant District Manager / Tel No. 56042
Service(s) Required (select one only)
IWP Preparation Phase - (Stage 1 – Planning) / N
IWP Preparation Phase - (Stage 2 – Preliminary Design) / N
IWP Delivery Phase - (Stage 3 – Detailed Design,
Stage 4 – Works Support & Stage 5 – Post Works Support) / Y
Other Service – Please specify / N


Works to construct scheme substantially completed. Completion of post works elements, including settlement of final account, relevant safety audits, health and safety requirements, HERMIS update, after monitoring. To produce B&A reports.

Commissioning Process required:

Site meeting


Meeting with internal partners


Meeting with external parties

Attendees for meeting:

Rob Jepson

Signed by Client: / Date:
Name: / Position:
Road Name(s):
Various / Section(s) Hermis:
Scheme Works Budget: Depending on snagging / stage 3 safety audits
Stage 3 Design and Stage 4-5 Construction Phase Requirements
Type of Works Areas (identify those relevant):
Footway Maintenance / Drainage renewals / Carriageway Maintenance / Safer Routes to School
Accident Remedial
Traffic Calming
/ Enhancement / Bridge Maintenance
Street lighting /

Traffic signals


Cycle routes

Zebra Crossing

Other Information about works (identify those relevant):

Reconstruction /
Vertical calming features
/ Horizontal calming features

Street lighting




Signalled junctions


Pedestrian signals

User Audits

Procurement Route


Walk / Build


Schedule of Rates


Target Cost

Anticipated Traffic Management:

TM Safety Measures: / Stop / Go / Lane closures / Traffic Lights / Road Closure
Restricted Working Hours: / No / Yes / What hours
Traffic Regulation Order: / No / Yes / Permanent TRO / Temp TRO
Other Restrictions / Schools / Bus Routes / HGV routes / Shopping areas
When Are Works To Be programmed for site:-
Currently on site.
Bodies / Persons to be informed :-
To be discussed with local ADM.
Key Dates:
To be discussed with local ADM.
Project Management Information to be provided:
Performance Indicators
Progress reporting and meetings / Update to be given at progress meetings
Financial monitoring and reports / Update to be given at progress meetings
Feedback reporting / Before & After study to complete. Updates at steering group & forum meetings
Additional information and signatories to the complete forms continued on last page
Other Service Requirements
Type of Works to be undertaken:
Client Support / Traffic counts / Materials testing / Site investigations
Accident Data / Post Scheme monitoring / Ad Hoc safety advice / Options Reports
Project Management Information to be provided:
Performance Indicators
Progress reporting and meetings / Update to be given at progress meetings
Financial monitoring and reports / Update to be given at progress meetings
Feedback reporting / Before & After study to complete. Updates at steering group & forum meetings
Additional information and signatories to the complete forms continued on last page
Continuation from Page 2 (Stage 1 / 2 Commission ), Page 3 (Stage 3-5 commission) or Page 4 (Other Services)


Meetings: -
Progress meetings to update the client on scheme development progress, resource fees, and construction works estimates. Also to advise on scheme progress against original programme. Minutes to be prepared / circulated, approx every 4 weeks.
Steering Group meetings -HCC – HTAM, PTU, TPP, Local Highways Office, SACDC, Traffic Man Police. Minutes to be prepared / circulated, approx every 8 weeks
Forum meetings - Officers, Local Members, Police, Interest groups. Minutes to be prepared / circulated, approx 3 per year.
Other ad hoc meetings as required.
Scheme Monitoring: -
Scheme Finance, Invoicing to break down on scheme by scheme / stage by stage basis.
Staff Costs, Programme / Prediction for financial year on stage by stage basis. Monthly update.
Works Costs, Programme / Prediction. Monthly update.
Before and After Scheme Monitoring, As per general LTP scheme monitoring requirements. Areas for consideration to be agreed with client.
Other ad hoc monitoring as required.
Scheme/ Commission Information
General, Identify at an early stage specific schemes that will involve issues that may have longer lead in periods – TRO’s, Land Searches, etc.
Safety/user audits, EMS, etc, Ensure copies of reports are sent to client and are approved.
IWP, Provide assistance in outlining scheme information for the Integrated Works Programme.
LTP – APR, Provide assistance in outlining scheme information for the LTP Annual Progress Report.
Ad-Hoc, Provide information in relation to finance, programme, and other issues as such requests arise.


Designer Representative:-
Signed:-……………………………… Date:- …………………………..……...
SMT Manager:-
Signed:-……………………………… Date:- …………………………..……...

Form HS0

(Must be used for ‘Full CDM’ & Full CDM – Notifiable’ procedures. May be used for ‘No Construction Work’ & ‘Designer Only’ procedures)

Part 1: Work Package CDM Assessment & CDM Arrangements

Reference No. : /

TTP024a - St AlbansCity Centre Enhancement – Catherine St Rbt

TTP024b - St AlbansCity Centre Enhancement – Peahen Junction
TTP024c - St AlbansCity Centre Enhancement - Eastern Service Rd
Work Package Initiated By: / HCC /


/ Mouchel / Amey
Work Package Description : / General highway works to complete scheme.
Which Work Package / No Construction Work , or
Procurement Procedure will / Designer Only, or
apply? / Full CDM, or
Full CDM – Notifiable /


CDM Roles for the Work Package?
CDM Role / Planning / Design Phase /

Construction Phase

Client / Hertfordshire County Council / Hertfordshire County Council
Lead Designer
(Note 1) / HCC / Mouchel / AmeyLafarge / Other (specify) / HCC / Mouchel / AmeyLafarge / Other(specify)
Planning Supervisor
(Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, ) / HCC / Mouchel / AmeyLafarge / Other(specify) / AmeyLafarge / Other(specify)
Principal Contractor
(Notes1, 2, 5) / AmeyLafarge / Other(specify)


  1. Not required if ‘No Construction Work’ procedure applies to work package.
  2. Not required if ‘Designer Only’ procedure applies to work package.
  3. Planning / design phase Planning Supervisor will be the same as the planning / design phase Lead Designer.
  4. Construction phase Planning Supervisor will be AmeyLafarge in all cases where AmeyLafarge are the Principal Contractor. In other circumstances, the planning / design Planning Supervisor would usually act as Planning Supervisor during the construction phase.
  5. AmeyLafarge will be Principal Contractor unless a specific other is appointed.

Prepared By:Signed:Date:

on behalf of Hertfordshire County Council.



(to be completed and kept up to date by partners involved in the work package)

Partner / Representative / Date / Representative
(change) / Date
Hertfordshire County Council
Mouchel / Project Manager


Comments / Check Point Completion
Check Point / Designer Only* / Full CDM* / Full CDM – Notifiable*
Initial / Date

Planning and Design Phase

Commission Planning and Design Phase / Complete Form HS0 / Complete Form HS0
HCC supply information that may be relevant to health and safety at work.
Planning Supervisor ensures Form 10 Notification is dispatched to Healt & Safety Exec
Designer Risk Assessments Completed
Designer / Planning Supervisor communicate information on residual risks to the constructor / Complete Form HS1(a) + Supporting material. / Complete Form HS1(b or c) + Supporting material. / Complete Form HS1(b or c) + Supporting material.
Designer / Planning Supervisor prepares form HS2 for Planning and Design Stage Information. / Prepare Form HS2 + Supporting material / Prepare Form HS2 + Supporting material
Planning Superviosr updates Form 10 Notification to HSE
Principal Contractor prepares ‘Work Package Construction Health and Safety Plan’
Planning Supervisor approves Work Package Health and Safety Plan.

Construction Phase

Principal Contractor Completes Form HS2 / Add information from construction phase. / Add information from construction phase.
Designer Completes Form HS2 / Add information from construction phase. / Add information from construction phase.
Planning Supervisor Completes Form HS2 / Add information from construction phase. / Add information from construction phase.
Planning Supervisor Updates the Health and Safety File.

*Delete columns not applicable to work package CDM Status.




(One to be completed for each Scheme or service by the commissioning SMT) / File Ref:
Scheme Title /

ITP4245 - St Peters Street (south end) St AlbansCity Centre Enhancement

IWP Ref(s)
Existing Client Order No. (if applicable)
CDM / No Const. Work / Scheme
Procurement Route: (select one if commissioning Stage 3 design) / Walk & Build
Status: / Designer Only
(Select one only) / Full CDM / Form HS0 to be completed by SMT / Standard SoR
Full CDM - Notifiable / Y / and attached to this appendix. / Target Cost / Y
SMT Responsible:
Name Rob Jepson / Title Strategy Development Manager / Tel No. 56562
Name Shan Shanmugalingam / Title Assistant District Manager / Tel No. 56042
Service(s) Required (select one only)
IWP Preparation Phase - (Stage 1 – Planning) / N
IWP Preparation Phase - (Stage 2 – Preliminary Design) / Y
IWP Delivery Phase - (Stage 3 – Detailed Design,
Stage 4 – Works Support & Stage 5 – Post Works Support) / Y
Other Service – Please specify / N


Continue development of this scheme. Work jointly with Partners. Design team to be aware of need for further DfT aspects including monitoring, progress reporting and attendance at all town meetings.
-Promote alternative modes by: improving passenger transport information / links.
-Assist transport providers by: improving bus stop infrastructure and investigating bus priority possibilities.
-Contribute to econonic development by: enhancing the city centre.
-Improve env. & health by: reducing accidents.
-Improve access for all by: working with access groups to try and tackle current problems.
-Obtain best use of network by: re-allocating road space to other modes.
-Reduce movement by: improving passenger transport information / links.
-Improve safety by: addressing accident problems.

Commissioning Process required:

Site meeting


Meeting with internal partners


Meeting with external parties

Attendees for meeting:

Rob Jepson

Signed by Client: / Date:
Name: / Position:
Road Name(s):
St Peters Street (including western service Rd) / Section(s) Hermis:
A1081/90, 100
Scheme Works Budget: £ TBA
Stage 1 or 2 Design Phase Requirements
Type of Works to be undertaken:
Footway Maintenance / Drainage Investigation / Carriageway Maintenance / Safer Routes to School
Accident Remedial
Traffic Calming
Area Enhancement
/ Bridge Maintenance
Street lighting / Traffic signals / Pedestrian Signals /
Cycle Routes
Client Support /
Traffic counts
/ Materials testing /
Site investigations
Accident Data
/ Post Scheme monitoring / Ad Hoc safety advice /
Options Reports

Bodies / Persons to consult / inform :-

Continue as for previous years in developing scheme. Will change as scheme progresses.
Consultations likely:
Public consultations
/ Forums / Leaflet drops
Questionnaires /


Key Dates:
Project Management Information to be provided:
Performance Indicators
Progress reporting and meetings / Update to be given at progress meetings
Financial monitoring and reports / Update to be given at progress meetings
Feedback reporting / Before & After study to complete. Updates at steering group & forum meetings
Additional information and signatories to the complete forms continued on last page
Continuation from Page 2 (Stage 1 / 2 Commission ), Page 3 (Stage 3-5 commission) or Page 4 (Other Services)


Meetings: -
Progress meetings to update the client on scheme development progress, resource fees, and construction works estimates. Also to advise on scheme progress against original programme. Minutes to be prepared / circulated, approx every 4 weeks.
Steering Group meetings -HCC – HTAM, PTU, TPP, Local Highways Office, SACDC, Traffic Man Police. Minutes to be prepared / circulated, approx every 8 weeks
Forum meetings - Officers, Local Members, Police, Interest groups. Minutes to be prepared / circulated, approx 3 per year.
Other ad hoc meetings as required.
Scheme Monitoring: -
Scheme Finance, Invoicing to break down on scheme by scheme / stage by stage basis.
Staff Costs, Programme / Prediction for financial year on stage by stage basis. Monthly update.
Works Costs, Programme / Prediction. Monthly update.
Before and After Scheme Monitoring, As per general LTP scheme monitoring requirements. Areas for consideration to be agreed with client.
Other ad hoc monitoring as required.
Scheme/ Commission Information
General, Identify at an early stage specific schemes that will involve issues that may have longer lead in periods – TRO’s, Land Searches, etc.
Safety/user audits, EMS, etc, Ensure copies of reports are sent to client and are approved.
IWP, Provide assistance in outlining scheme information for the Integrated Works Programme.
LTP – APR, Provide assistance in outlining scheme information for the LTP Annual Progress Report.
Ad-Hoc, Provide information in relation to finance, programme, and other issues as such requests arise.


To receive briefing statement for stages 3-5 from local client following completion of stage 2. Require fee outline for all stages for full 05/06 financial year.
Designer Representative:-
Signed:-……………………………… Date:- …………………………..……...
SMT Manager:-
Signed:-……………………………… Date:- …………………………..……...

Form HS0

(Must be used for ‘Full CDM’ & Full CDM – Notifiable’ procedures. May be used for ‘No Construction Work’ & ‘Designer Only’ procedures)

Part 1: Work Package CDM Assessment & CDM Arrangements

Reference No. : / ITP4245 - St Peters Street (south end) St AlbansCity Centre Enhancement
Work Package Initiated By: / HCC /


/ Mouchel / Amey
Work Package Description :
Which Work Package / No Construction Work , or
Procurement Procedure will / Designer Only, or
apply? / Full CDM, or
Full CDM – Notifiable /


CDM Roles for the Work Package?
CDM Role / Planning / Design Phase /

Construction Phase

Client / Hertfordshire County Council / Hertfordshire County Council
Lead Designer
(Note 1) / HCC / Mouchel / AmeyLafarge / Other (specify) / HCC / Mouchel / AmeyLafarge / Other(specify)
Planning Supervisor
(Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, ) / HCC / Mouchel / AmeyLafarge / Other(specify) / AmeyLafarge / Other(specify)
Principal Contractor
(Notes1, 2, 5) / AmeyLafarge / Other(specify)


  1. Not required if ‘No Construction Work’ procedure applies to work package.
  2. Not required if ‘Designer Only’ procedure applies to work package.
  3. Planning / design phase Planning Supervisor will be the same as the planning / design phase Lead Designer.
  4. Construction phase Planning Supervisor will be AmeyLafarge in all cases where AmeyLafarge are the Principal Contractor. In other circumstances, the planning / design Planning Supervisor would usually act as Planning Supervisor during the construction phase.
  5. AmeyLafarge will be Principal Contractor unless a specific other is appointed.

Prepared By:Signed:Date:

on behalf of Hertfordshire County Council.



(to be completed and kept up to date by partners involved in the work package)

Partner / Representative / Date / Representative
(change) / Date
Hertfordshire County Council
Mouchel / Project Manager


Comments / Check Point Completion
Check Point / Designer Only* / Full CDM* / Full CDM – Notifiable*
Initial / Date

Planning and Design Phase

Commission Planning and Design Phase / Complete Form HS0 / Complete Form HS0
HCC supply information that may be relevant to health and safety at work.
Planning Supervisor ensures Form 10 Notification is dispatched to Healt & Safety Exec
Designer Risk Assessments Completed
Designer / Planning Supervisor communicate information on residual risks to the constructor / Complete Form HS1(a) + Supporting material. / Complete Form HS1(b or c) + Supporting material. / Complete Form HS1(b or c) + Supporting material.
Designer / Planning Supervisor prepares form HS2 for Planning and Design Stage Information. / Prepare Form HS2 + Supporting material / Prepare Form HS2 + Supporting material
Planning Superviosr updates Form 10 Notification to HSE
Principal Contractor prepares ‘Work Package Construction Health and Safety Plan’
Planning Supervisor approves Work Package Health and Safety Plan.

Construction Phase

Principal Contractor Completes Form HS2 / Add information from construction phase. / Add information from construction phase.
Designer Completes Form HS2 / Add information from construction phase. / Add information from construction phase.
Planning Supervisor Completes Form HS2 / Add information from construction phase. / Add information from construction phase.
Planning Supervisor Updates the Health and Safety File.

*Delete columns not applicable to work package CDM Status.




(One to be completed for each Scheme or service by the commissioning SMT) / File Ref:


Scheme Title / TTP024e - St AlbansCity Centre Enhancement - Victoria St/Marlborough Road
TTP024d - St AlbansCity Centre Enhancement - Chequer St
IWP Ref(s)
Existing Client Order No. (if applicable)
CDM / No Const. Work / Scheme
Procurement Route: (select one if commissioning Stage 3 design) / Walk & Build
Status: / Designer Only
(Select one only) / Full CDM / Form HS0 to be completed by SMT / Standard SoR
Full CDM - Notifiable / Y / and attached to this appendix. / Target Cost / Y
SMT Responsible:
Name Rob Jepson / Title Strategy Development Manager / Tel No. 56562
Name Shan Shanmugalingam / Title Assistant District Manager / Tel No. 56042
Service(s) Required (select one only)
IWP Preparation Phase - (Stage 1 – Planning) / N
IWP Preparation Phase - (Stage 2 – Preliminary Design) / Y
IWP Delivery Phase - (Stage 3 – Detailed Design,
Stage 4 – Works Support & Stage 5 – Post Works Support) / Y
Other Service – Please specify / N