ASO VP : John Eleby
ICC Co-Chair: Andre Shirley
Parliamentarian: Vacant
Treasurer Vacant
Historian: Marylin Romero / Secretary Jordan Collier
ASO Advisor : Deborah Campbell
- Preliminary Items
a)Call to Order, Roll Call, and establishment of Quorum @ 1:00 pm, we had a moment of silence for Timothy Moore
b)Adoption of Minutes (03-02-17): BSU moved to approve minutes 2nd LATTC nursing no objections. Motion passes. Change agenda to minutes.
- Introductions and Reports (5 minutes each)
a)ASO Vice President/ Co-Chair (5 minutes total): Vp- Communication with the chair ASAP, e-board club visits. Co- Chair-, Monday 03-27 is the Women’s appreciation luncheon in TE-101. A lot of clubs lack communication to the chairs emails. This is considered insubordination.
b)Executive Board Reports (5 minute total)- Monday’s @ 11 am week of the meeting
c)Committee Reports (5 minutes total)- Judicial committee Wednesdays@ 1, reviewed the bylaws from ELAC, ASO and the next meeting April 12@ 1
d)Advisor Report (5 Minute totals) - March is Women’s Appreciation Luncheon@ 11am- 2:30 pm.
- Discussion Items
a)ICC Appointments (5 minutes)- Treasurer- Devin Aleman
b)ICC Club Calendar (5 minutes)- April1st- last week of school give calendar to ICC Secretary
c)ICC Event Announcements (5 Minutes) - One week notice before the event.
d)ICC Absences (5 Minutes)-if you get 2 absences your club is put on probation and if you get that third absence you are automatic de-chartered will be on agenda for our next meeting. You will be off-probation when they come back to ICC meeting and ask the ICC to stay a club.
e)Club Visits (5 Minutes) - All the e-board will be visiting your clubs. Ask us questions or concerns during your meetings.
f)Fundraising Deposits (10 Minutes) - 10 brand new clubs will get a new club account. Deadline is Thursdays B/W 2-4 in a sealed envelope with the yellow money count sheet attached. Inactive clubs money will money back to the ICC account. Moved to give all clubs present a seed fund. BSU 2nd Baking and culinary. No objections. Motion Passes. Timeline is 5 days.
g)Support for Food Truck (5 Minutes) - Passing around a petition to help support the food truck.
- Action Items
a.) ICC appointments- Motion to approve treasurer BSU 2nd baking and culinary. No objections, motion passes.
b.)Support for Food Truck- BSU formally moved to support the food truck. 2nd Viscom. No objections. Motion Passes.
- Club Announcement ( 15 minutes)- Club Conture- Bake sale on April 19th
Anniversary- May 17th, Viscom- May 15th-18th Mother’s Day cards (12-3). BSU- will be having executive board meeting every 1st and 3rd Tuesday. There is an open meeting @ 1 in the grass area (Black porch), Stem is having a presentation about drones that the school is bringing on campus, and the event will be on April 13th. ARC meeting May 28th at the reef 4 pm. Guardian Scholars will be May 18th at Stevens Steakhouse at 6, Rise is having a scholarship dinner on April 20th. Paralegal is having a legal clinic April 28th 10-4 more info. to follow.
- Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items (5 minutes total per speaker) -R.I.S.E: Scholarships is for undocumented students. Durrell- Next Thursday JJ from American Chemical society, next Thursday@ 12:30 love connection is paying trade tech to attend.
- Adjournment@ 2:16 pm.