Hello dear correspondant,
y name is Sindy, I am 15 ½ Years old, I live in Alfortville; it is nearby Paris.
I have two brothers, my big brother is Fabien, he is 18 Years old and Florian is 14 Years old, he’s my little brother. So I am the second child of the family. My parents are divorced but my mom, this is Christèle who is 39 Years old remarried Francis who is 42 Years old, and he’s my step-father. And Fabricet is my dad and he is 42 Years old too. I have got 3 cats, the first is Crapule, the second is Grisou and the last is Gribouille. We gave this name for Crapule, because it’s a little bandit and it does some stupid things. For Grisou it’s because it is all gray and white. And for Gribouille because it has a little baby head and it is gray. They are 6 months. They are so beautiful.
I am a simple girl, I like R&B music but not French music it is strange but it’s me and fashion but I am not a fashion victim. I go to do my shopping in Créteil Soleil in the suburbs of Paris with my friends and my family. I like to joke with my friends and my family but sometimes I am not funny but we joke. I love to cook cakes; it’s my principal hobby, without wanting to boast I cook really well. As I cook, I would like to learn the traditional recipes of your country.
I would like to know some customs in your country like the preparations for Christmas or Easter, this should be different from France I think. But also what takes place in a day in your High school because it’s not similar to France and another country , because in France we have class the morning at 8 o’clock and the Afternoon until 17. 30 or 18. 30; it’s different with the Italians for example.
I would like to know what your country is like, because I have never visited your country and to discover this country only to read it will be fabulous. And for you vice versa for France.
Good-bye and I hope that you know me a little now.