Rom. 12:1Heavenly Father, according to your Word, we present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable in your sight.

Col. 3:12As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, we clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Eph. 6:14In the name of Jesus, we put on His salvation for our helmet, His righteousness for our breastplate, His truth as the belt around our waists, and on our feet the readiness to spread the Gospel of peace. We take up the shield of faith, to put out all the fiery arrows of the evil one, and take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, to fight temptation like Jesus did.

Is. 58:8And, according to Your Word, the glory of the Lord is our rear guard.

Now, Heavenly Father, we praise You and thank You for the armor You have provided for us to dress in this day. We are completely covered and protected for this day in Jesus’ precious blood. Amen. Alleluia!

Mt. 16:18Upon Jesus, we have built our lives, our homes, our marriages, our vocations, our future vocations, our families, and all of our relationships, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them.

Ps. 23:11You are our Shepherd, we shall not want, for you have supplied all our needs according to your riches in glory

Phil. 4:13and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We cast down all imaginations and bring into captivity every evil thought

1 Pt. 5:7and cast all our cares upon You, for You care for us.

We praise You for the gift of our health,

Ps. 103:3for You are our God, who heals all our diseases,

Is. 53:5and by Your stripes we are healed.

3 Jn:2we praise You and thank You for our prosperity and good health, even as our souls prosper.

Neh. 8:10For the joy of the Lord is our strength.

Jer. 1:12Father, we have prayed according to Your Word, and You have said You would watch over your Word to perform it.

Father, rise up and live big within us today, for we are yours. We are willing for You to make us willing, for your will to be the desire of our lives. Lord Jesus, we acknowledge you as our manager, our motivator, and our mind renewer, and we give you all of our time and activities this day.

Father we give you all the glory and humbly ask Jesus to grant us the grace to desire that others may be loved more than us - that others may be esteemed more than us - that, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and we may decrease - that others may be chosen and we are set aside - that others may be praised and we go unnoticed - that others may be preferred to us in everything - that others may become holier than us,provided that we may become as holy as we should. We ask these things in Your Name, Lord Jesus.

Communal Binding Prayer for Protection Before Any Ministry Event
In the name of Jesus Christ, whose authority we possess as Christians, and by the power of His Cross and His Most Precious Blood, we bind the satanic spirits, powers, and forces of the earth, the wind, the air, the fire, the water, the nether world, and the satanic forces of nature. We bind every spirit of darkness, all occult spirits, all spirits of lust, and any spirits of hell. We bind them from this place. We bind them from interacting, communicating and disrupting. We bind them from each one of us, our families, our finances, our possessions, our businesses, our ministries, and from all the people that we minister to. We also bind any physical, emotional, or spiritual injury from happening today. We bind them right now and we command them to submit to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ - right now. We rebuke any curses, hexes, spells, or satanic prayers and send them back to where they came from as a blessing.
We call upon the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael to surround and to protect us. We ask for the intercession of Mary, St. Catherine LaBoure, St. Vincent, St. Peter, St. Paul, the patron saint of this Church, and all of the angels and saints. We especially ask for the prayers and protection of the patron saints, guardian angels, deceased loved ones, and Confirmation saints – of each one of us, and of all the teens that we will be ministering to. We ask that you bless those teens we will be encountering today and that your Holy Spirit may speak through us to draw them much closer to You. We ask that you guide us today as we teach of Your Life, Your Church, and Your Love. We ask that you strengthen us a a Core Team. We pray for Fr. Jim, for Karl, and for all the leaders of this youth ministry program and offer great thanksgiving for the opportunity to come together and to serve you. We graciously thank you for the parish support of St. Catherine LaBoure and ask for their continued love and generosity for Your youth ministry program here.

We ask you to remind people to pray for us, today, Lord, and we ask for your abundant blessings upon those who are supporting this ministry. We ask you, Lord Jesus, continue to watch over, protect, and guide all who have attended any of our ministry events in the past, and all those that we will be reaching in the future. And finally, we ask you, Lord Jesus, to now seal this place in your precious blood, and to fill every part of this building, all this property, and each one of us with the fullness of Your presence and the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen. Alleluia.