SE Utah Riparian PartnershipCoordinating Roles (updated October 2017)
As with any restoration partnership, the SE Utah Riparian Partnership (SURP) needs clear accountabilityto facilitate effective collaboration. Building off discussions and job description documents developed by Sue Bellagamba (The Nature Conservancy), and revised through discussions between Kara Dohrenwend (Rim to Rim Restoration), Eli Tome (formerly with UT Forestry, Fire & State Lands -FFSL), andTamarisk Coalition (TC) staff, the following offers a condensed resource to distillwho is taking the overall responsibility of coordination on given projects/tasks thatare being undertaken bySURP. This document is especially pertinent given recent staff turnover at FFSL and TC.
Each project or tasklisted involves participation and input by multiple partners (e.g. based on their skills, interests). RRR and TC are committed to helping provide a clear path for communication about work priorities and needs, and to ensure progress is being made and being reported back to the rest of the group. If members of other organizations participating in SURP are interested in taking the lead on some of these tasks, please let RRR or TC know!
Rim to RimRestorationCoordination Activities
- Coordinate vegetation and support beetle monitoring activities in concert with other SEURP partners (e.g. Grand County, contractors)
- Support the partnership’s logistical and communications needs (e.g. planning inputs, plant materials, development of communications documents)
- Provide leadership and coordination on fundraising and fundraising plan development (including developing and tracking budgets); and
- Provide leadership for data management, with support from BLM, NPS, TC, FFSL and others
Tamarisk CoalitionCoordination Activities
- Plan and facilitate partnership and core team meetings in concert with Rim to Rim and other partners
- Provide leadership for outreach and educationactivities
- Provide leadership to complete 2018charter/MOU updates (with reliance on various partners)
Many partners are involved in each of these projects, but having clear roles, responsibilities, and accountability will sustain good collaboration. A partnership agreement between the coordinating organizations to affirm expectations was drafted in March 2017 and is available upon request. An MOU will also be updated in 2018 to reaffirm the collaborative commitment of all members of the SURP.
Further discussion by and input from the group should occur on the following topics:
- What resources (funding, technical, other) does each organization need to be successful in its leadership role?
- As the group develops a new restoration plan over the next 18 months, the group should also discuss overall capacity and leadership needs and goals.
- Do we need or want a local or out-of- area facilitator or coordinator for SURP to continue in a form similar to how it is evolving through ROR assistance?
- If so, what does the group need from that coordinator?
- Where will funding come from to support that position after ROR funds are depleted?
- RRRwillwork on developing a fundraising plan with input and assistance from other entities, and will be asking for help and input at various times.
- From nonprofits and individuals who may need some funding for relevant work, RRR will need accounting ofexpenses and in kind work, and may need assistance in drafting language to use in writing proposals and approaching donors.
- Ideally all entities and individuals who wish to receive funding for SURP related work will help with the plan, and will help in implementing it.
- The new SE Utah Riparian Plan that will be drafted as the monitoring reports and other baseline data are completed will be drafted through collaboration and input from all partners, facilitated by RRR as a non-agency affiliated entity, with assistance from TC as needed. The process will be collaborative and iterative.
- RRR is acting as the fiscal sponsor for SURP.
- Projects that have been funded through the SURP ROR budget will receive funding when an invoice, with details of labor and materials used, are provided with a deliverable. RRR will keep these records on file and accessible to the group and TC.