Proposal form
This form is for any proposals for spending all or part of the New Homes Bonus allocation for your area. Please read our guidance notes before you start filling in the form. Please type your proposal form; the boxes will expand to accommodate more text. Please email your completed form and any supporting evidence to .
1. Organisation name*Droitwich Rugby Football Club (now a Multi-sport club)
Project information
2. Project nameDRFC - New Pitch Floodlighting
3. Project description
The objective of this project is to spread the existing demand for access to floodlit playing pitches during the winter months by floodlighting another pitch to Rugby Football Union & the Football Association training pitch standards.
This will be done by installing lighting columns, brackets, luminaires, cabling and ducting in accordance with the recommendations and lux levels set by the above sporting bodies.
By upgrading the lights, we will be able to spread the existing demand for access to floodlit playing pitches. By spreading the load we will be able to reduce the excessive wear that presently requires the Committee & Groundsman to limit the use of the existing facility in order to preserve any playing surface. This will enable more users groups (including Minis and juniors) to use the additional playing pitch during the winter months.
4. Who is the project aimed at?
This project is aimed at all Droitwich residents and all existing members and users of the Club including;- Droitwich senior 1st & 2nd Teams, the junior Under 16’s/colts, the under 15’s, 14’s & 13’s. In addition, those attending the weekly Worcester County Rugby training, England touch Nationals & training, Touch users at all levels, ages and leagues, Westbury Celtic Football Club, Droitwich Archery Society as well as those who partake in the outdoor fitness Boot-camp training and other activities accommodated on site.
5. Proposed start date
Subject to obtaining funding, We could be in a position to start the works by May / June 2016 or as soon as practicably possible thereafter. / Proposed end date
This installation would be completed and commissioned within 1 months of commencement – say July 2016.
* If you are not a Town or Parish Council, please talk to us before filling out this form.
Project need, community consultation and support
6. Why is this project needed?To meet the need for locally accessible floodlit playing pitches in the community and to extending the hours during which they can be safely used during the winter months (As identified in the South Worcestershire Playing Pitch Strategy endorsed by Sports England - copy extract attached).
7. Have you consulted the community about how New Homes Bonus allocations for your area should be spent?
We expect you to inform the community about how much New Homes Bonus is available for your area and to invite their views on how it is spent. You may put forward ideas about how it could be spent, but you also need to invite other suggestions.
We will not consider any proposals for spending years 4 and 5 New Homes Bonus allocations unless there is clear evidence that you have consulted the community on how your New Homes Bonus allocations should be spent.
Yes Please go to Q8.
No Please go to Q9.
8. If yes, please tell us how you consulted people and what the outcomes of the consultation were. For allocations of over £10,000 we expect a greater level of consultation.
Please include evidence, such as articles, posters, survey results, with your proposal form.
We have consulted with the local community via digital media, twitter and the Club’s webpage.
We have canvassed our membership, local users and the wider Droitwich community and attach a petition in support of this project / funding application.
9. If no, please explain why not.
We will not consider proposals for spending years 4 and 5 New Homes Bonus allocations unless you have consulted the community on how your allocations should be spent.
Project finances
10. Total project cost£51,403.00 (fifty-one thousand four hundred and three pounds) / Amount required from New Homes Bonus
(exclude any VAT that you can reclaim)
£46,803.00 (forty six thousand eight hundred & three pounds)
11. Other sources of funding / Amount / Already secured?
Fundraising / 1,100.00 / Yes
Donations / 1,300.00 / Yes
Disposal / 1,000.00 / No
Fundraising / 1,200.00 / No – in part
12. When will you be ready to spend the money?
We will be ready to expend the money within three months of confirmation that funding for the project has been approved.
Project outcomes
13. What difference will this project make to your local area and community? Please also say how it will benefit people living close to any new development that has generated the New Homes Bonus for your areaIt will enable the local community and other users in the wider area to partake in more floodlit sporting activities each week at Droitwich RFC during the winter months. This will meet current demand for locally accessible floodlit playing pitches in the community (as identified in the South Worcestershire Playing Pitch Strategy and endorsed by Sports England - copy extract attached).
14. How will you measure the success of the project?
The success of the project will be measured in the numbers of additional playing hours that would be made possible by the facility as well as the number of new members, users and participants from the local community and wider area who would use the existing and proposed floodlit playing pitches during the winter months. We envisage that this improvement to the existing facilities could benefit a wide range of sporting activities and encourage a broad spectrum of the community to play more or try a new sports at this local facility in order to keep fit and healthy. It’s success would also be measured in all participants involvement in the inclusive and integrated social events planned by the club for its users and greater community involvement in the club and visa versa.
District councillor involvement
15. Have you discussed your proposals with the district councillor(s) for your area?Yes XoX No o
Yes. The project was discussed with Cllr Audrey Steel, Cllr Nigel Dowty and Mr Jem Teal of Wychavon Sport & Arts.
If no, please explain why not.
Contact information
Name of main contact / Stuart Yorke-BrooksPosition in your organisation / Droitwich Rugby Football & Club - Development Officer
Address / Temple Broughton Farm, Broughton Green, Droitwich, WR9 7EF.
Phone / 01905 391 868 / 07775 660 160
Email /
Form completed by: / Date:
Email your completed form to .
Form updated: April 2015 Page 3