Instructions related to the application form for listing at the Beirut Stock Exchange.

1-Obligation to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the present application form.

2-All titles must be printed in bold and answered appropriately.

3-If the application is presented at the same time of a public issue, an announcement of such issue must be made as exhibit constituting an integral part of this application.

4-All the questions must be answered in the orderly manner as set forth herein.

5-Attached is the list of documents to be presented.

6-In the event that the demand is accepted by the Beirut Stock Exchange , the application form will be kept at the documentation department of the Beirut Stock Exchange and will be available to the public and may be published according to the provisions of the By-laws

Beirut Stock Exchange

Acceptance form for listing in the official and junior markets.

Full name of the company ( The issuer) :

Name of the legal representative:

Head Office address:

Phone number: Telex: Fax : Mailing address:

Nature of the financial
Instruments object of the application form / Numbers / Commercial symbols (in case the instruments are listed in other stock exchanges)

1-Object, activities and assets of the issuer.

a)Description of the issuer’s commercial object, its previous activities and the forthcoming ones including its branches activities if existing, and the competitive conditions pertaining to those activities.

b)Indicate in detail the issuer’s factories addresses and its real assets and their number and location if existing.

c)Description of any ongoing contract or project under execution at the date of the filing of the application and not included in the normal course of the issuer’s activities or any of its branches since it is considered primordial with regard to the issuer or its branches.

2-History of the company

Chronological background of the company from its date of formation until the date of presenting the application including the name of the shareholders at the date of establishment, the primary commercial designation of the issuer (in case of amendment), the principal first location (in case of amendment), capital and names of the signatories at the date of establishment, duration and all modifications thereof and their dates.

3-Legal procedural rules

Indicate all pending juridical proceedings whatever are the indemnities requested or the real properties involved whereby the company or any of its branches are party, with mention of the judicial or administrative authorities overseeing the matter, the names of the parties to said proceedings and the purported events which constitute the basis of such proceedings.

4-Management of the Company

Fill up the relevant below information related to the Chairman, the General Manager and the Assistant General Manager, if any, the members of the board, and all the managers signing separately on behalf of the company or any of their delegates for the management of the company.

Name / Age / Address / Duties, date of election or appointment for the first time / Number of shares of all categories he owns

In addition, the experience of the Chairman, the General Manager, and the Assistant General Manager, if any, and all the individuals empowered to sign separately on behalf of the company, thus for the period of five years proceeding their election or nomination, indicating for each one the position held, and the activities they were performing and the name of the institution they were working in.

Also to specify the other duties they are presently carrying out in other companies or institutions.

5-Distribution of the issuer’s capital amongst the categories of shares if existing:

Value of the capital / Share’s categories / Issued shares for each category / Distribution of capital for each category of shares / Value of the shares

6-Rights pertaining to the shares

Indicate the shareholders rights from the benefits of the shares (upon distribution of dividends) and the conditions of assignment of the shares if the shares are nominal, and other rights or privileges or preferences related to the shares intended to be listed on the stock market.

The conditions of any distribution of benefits related to the shares (distribution of dividends) during the last five years along with the date of distribution, the amount paid and distributed for each share and the total amount paid or any other consideration related to each distribution or to the non-distribution of the cumulated benefits.

7-Issuer’s capital increase through subscription in cash

Increase of capital through shares issued in cash during the last five years:

Date / Numbers & categories of shares / Value of each share / Value of the capital increase for each category of shares
Total / Total

8-Motive of the capital increase

Brief description of the use of the funds resulting from the capital increase.

9-Issuer’s capital increase resulting from the increase not in cash

Increase of the capital through issuing not in cash during the last five years.

Date / Means of issuance / Numbers & categories of shares / Value of one share / Capital increase for each category of shares
Total / Total

10- Brief description of the moveable and fixed assets which constituted the capital increase and value of the assessment.

11- Shareholders owning 10% of the voting rights

Provide information concerning each shareholder possessing 10% or up of the voting rights in the issuing company or within any category of shares.

Name & address of the shareholder / Category (ies) of shares / Number of shares / Percentage towards the totality of the voting rights in the company and within each category

12- Investments in the moveable and fixed assets

Provide a detailed statement in the form of list or chart showing the book value at the date of application, the accounting value and the current market value of the investments in the moveable and fixed assets pertaining to other companies other than the subsidiaries owned in its majority by the issuer.

13- Securities, real rights and guarantees

Provide all the real rights and securities which constitute the fixed assets owned by the issuer or any of its branches, and specify the guarantees granted by the issuer to any other third party.

14- The subsidiaries

Provide the following information about every subsidiary of the applicant issuer:

Name / Law of the country at the establishment / Percentage owned by the issuer in the subsidiary’s capital / Nature of business / Capital of the mother company or the subsidiary

15- The mother company

Provide the following information about the mother company:

Name / Law of the country at the establishment / Percentage owned by the mother company in the issuer’s capital / Nature of the mother company’s activity

16- Issuance of bonds for the last ten year

Name / Numbers & categories of bonds / Value of the issue of each category
  • Brief description of how the funds resulting from the issuance was used.

Interest rate

Determine the interest rate or if it is a variable interest rate, indicate the principles and the periods adopted to fix it.

Order of priorities:

Mention the priority of the financial instrument towards the issue of other bonds.

Other conditions:

Mention whether the issue may be convertible or guaranteed, and other major condition.

Conditions of payment:

Mention the name and address of the appointed representative in charge of payment (if existing) and the location of payment of: the initial sum, the related interest and other payments (if existing).

17- Mention other stock exchanges and financial markets( if existing) in which the instruments of the company are listed along with the date of listing.

18- Mention in detail whether any other stock exchange or financial market have refused a previous demand of listing for the issuer.

19- Provide detailed information on the transactions of the issuer’s financial instruments in any stock exchange or financial market during the last six months or at least during the period of time in which the transactions concerning those instruments took place.

20- Date of termination of the fiscal year.

21- (Identification) of the auditors.

22- (identification) of the legal advisors.

23- Date of the last general assembly meeting.

24- Identification of the broker who presents the application.

25- Other comments (remarks)

Certificate of the issuer

I, The undersigned, in my capacity as signatory on behalf of the issuer company and by virtue of the powers vested in me, declare that the demand for listing has been prepared and presented in compliance with the content of the bylaws of the company or any amendments which took place, and in accordance with the resolutions of the general assemblies and board of directors, and that the information set forth herein are true and correct and objective, and that the company did not omit any major and necessary and fundamental fact and is responsible for any wrong or untrue information which might cause confusion at all levels, thus within the information available to the company.

Place Date

Name of the company Signature, Full name , capacity,