Press Release:
Low Carbon Regions in the North Sea
Partners from the UK, Germany, Belgium and Norway are working together to deliver a common approach towardscarbon reduction and energy efficiencywithin the North Sea Region.
The Low Carbon Regions in the North Sea (LOWCAP) cluster project reviews and exchanges knowledge and experiences from four carbon reduction and energy efficiency projects (Build with Care, Care North, North Sea Sustainable Energy Planning and Carbon Capture & Storage) in the North Sea Region.
The European Union’s (EU) 2020 targets for carbon reduction and energy efficiency require innovative and practical initiatives to deliver change. LOWCAP will produce and disseminate policy advice to help meet these targets within the North Sea Region as a key output of the project.
The project’s objective to create a North Sea Region Programme perspective on Carbon Reductions & Energy Efficiency by:
-Compilingkey results from the four partner projects and other related North Sea Region projects;
-Identifying innovative high impact initiatives that contribute to EU targets
-Raising awareness through the creation & expansion of stakeholder networks in North Sea Regionand;
-Influencing decision makers at a local, national, regional & EU level.
The Low Carbon Regions in the North Sea (LOWCAP) project is part of the Interreg IVB NorthSea Region Programme and is partly funded by the European RegionalDevelopment Fund.
Further information can be found on the project website at
Please direct enquiries to Andrew Win, Tel +44 01224 523060
Notes to editors:
- The Low Carbon Regions in the North Sea Project Partners are: UK - Aberdeen City Council, DundeeCollege; Belgium: Intercommunale Leiedal; Germany: City of Bremen, Jade University of Applied Sciences, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and Norway: Tel Tek and Telemark County Council.
- The Interreg IVB, North Sea Region Programme promotes transnational cooperation through four Programme priorities. The Low Carbon Regions in the North Sea (LOWCAP) project was approved in 2011 under the “PromotingSustainable and Competitive Communities” category.
- Interreg IVB, North Sea Region Programme is part of the EuropeanTerritorial Co-operation Programme which is supported by the EuropeanRegional Development Fund (ERDF).
This programme is designed to encourage cross-border, trans-national andinter-regional co-operation and balanced development of the Europeanterritory.