Connellsville Twp El Sch

School Level Plan

07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015


School Profile


Connellsville Twp El Sch

730 Rockridge Rd

Connellsville, PA 15425


Federal Accountability Designation: Title I - Not Designated

Title I Status: Yes

Principal: Charles Michael

Superintendent: Daniel Lujetic

Planning Committee

Name / Role
Amy Ambrisco / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Gretchen Bryner / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Crystal Christopher / Parent
Jean Dugan / Parent
Mary Fantuzzo / Ed Specialist - Other
Trudie Harvey / Ed Specialist - School Counselor
Tanya Hodge / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Brittany Johnson / Ed Specialist - Other
Charles Michael / Administrator
Andrea Miller / Parent
Amy Rummel / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Wendy Schomer / Parent
Traci Strauser / Parent
Lisa Whoric / Elementary School Teacher - Special Education


Needs Assessment

School Accomplishments

Accomplishment #1:

1. Science Scores exceeded state's percentage proficient or advanced in Nature of Science

Accomplishment #2:

2. Math Scores have improved with more exposure to the Common Core.

Accomplishment #3:

3. Science scores are exceeding state average in Biological Sciences

Accomplishment #4:

4. Science Scores are exceeding state averages in Physical Science.

Accomplishment #5:

5. Science scores are exceeding state averages in Earth and Space Sciences.

Accomplishment #6:

6. Geometry exceeded state averages in 5 and 6

Accomplishment #7:

7. Algebraic Concepts exceeded state averages 5 and 6.

Accomplishment #8:

8. 5th grade scores were above average in Revising and Editing in Writing

School Concerns

Concern #1:

1. Writing scores are predominantly lower than average.

Concern #2:

2. The disparity between regular education and the subgroups in Reading is large.

Concern #3:

3.The disparitybetween subgroups and regular education in Math is large.

Concern #4:

4. Advanced students are not growing in scores.

Prioritized Systemic Challenges

Systemic Challenge #1(Guiding Question #4) Ensure that there is a system within the school that fully ensures consistent implementation of effective instructional practices that meet the needs of all students across all classrooms and aligns with the Pennsylvania Framework for Teaching

Aligned Concerns:

1. Writing scores are predominantly lower than average.

2. The disparity between regular education and the subgroups in Reading is large.

3.The disparitybetween subgroups and regular education in Math is large.

4. Advanced students are not growing in scores.

Systemic Challenge #2(Guiding Question #5) Ensure that the organizational structure, processes, materials, equipment, and human and fiscal resources within the school align with the school’s goals for student growth and continuous school improvement.

Aligned Concerns:

1. Writing scores are predominantly lower than average.

2. The disparity between regular education and the subgroups in Reading is large.

3.The disparitybetween subgroups and regular education in Math is large.

4. Advanced students are not growing in scores.

Systemic Challenge #3(Guiding Question #1) Ensure that there is a system in the school and/or district that fully ensures the principal is enabled to serve as a strong instructional leader who, in partnership with the school community (students, staff, parents, community, etc.) leads achievement growth and continuous improvement within the school.

Aligned Concerns:

2. The disparity between regular education and the subgroups in Reading is large.

4. Advanced students are not growing in scores.


School Level Plan

Action Plans

Goal #1: Ensure that there is a system within the school that fully ensures consistent implementation of effective instructional practices that meet the needs of all students across all classrooms and aligns with the Pennsylvania Framework for Teaching

Indicators of Effectiveness:

Type: Interim

Data Source: Aimsweb

Specific Targets: Students will show a median increase of 10 points in raw scores.

Type: Annual

Data Source: Study Island Benchmark

Specific Targets: Students will improve test scores an average of 10% from baseline.

Type: Annual

Data Source: PSSA

Specific Targets: Students will show a 10% increase from below basic and basic to proficient and advanced levels.


Walk Throughs


The principal will conduct monthly walk throughs to ensure efficient and effective instruction.

SAS Alignment: Standards, Curriculum Framework, Instruction, Materials & Resources

Lesson Plan Checks


Principal will check lesson plans weekly.

SAS Alignment: Standards, Assessment, Curriculum Framework, Instruction, Materials & Resources

Differentiated Instruction


Teachers will differentiate instruction to meet all learning levels.

SAS Alignment: Standards, Instruction, Materials & Resources

Data Time


Teachers will use a 35 minute period to review student data.

SAS Alignment: Standards, Instruction

Professional Development


Teachers will attend professional development sessions to improve instruction.

SAS Alignment: Standards, Instruction

Implementation Steps:

Walk Throughs


Principal will walk through classroom and provide feedback to the teacher. Feedback may be in various forms. (Written, verbal)

Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/1/2016

Program Area(s): Professional Education

Supported Strategies:

  • Walk Throughs

Lesson Plan Check


Principal will monitor lesson plans weekly. Feedback will be given to teachers.

Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/1/2016

Program Area(s): Professional Education

Supported Strategies:

  • Lesson Plan Checks

Differentiated Instruction


Teachers will use various levels of materials to reach the needs of all students. (Below to above level) Different styles of assessment should be used also.

Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/1/2016

Program Area(s): Student Services

Supported Strategies:

  • Differentiated Instruction

Data Time


Teachers will use a 35 minute period each week to evaluate data used to drive instruction. Based on the data, instruction will be modified.

Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/1/2016

Program Area(s): Student Services

Supported Strategies:

  • Data Time

Professional Development


Teachers and principal will attend professional development classes/workshops offered to them. They will then share knowledge with the rest of the staff.

Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/1/2016

Program Area(s): Professional Education

Supported Strategies:

  • Professional Development

Goal #2: Ensure that the organizational structure, processes, materials, equipment, and human and fiscal resources within the school align with the school’s goals for student growth and continuous school improvement.

Indicators of Effectiveness:

Type: Interim

Data Source: Aimsweb

Specific Targets: Students will achieve a 10 point increase in the raw score.

Type: Annual

Data Source: Study Island Benchmarking

Specific Targets: Students will show a 10% increase in scores in Reading and Math from the baseline score.

Type: Annual

Data Source: PSSA

Specific Targets: Students will show an increase of 10% moving from basic and below basic to proficient and advanced levels.


Walk Throughs


The principal will conduct monthly walk throughs to ensure efficient and effective instruction.

SAS Alignment: Standards, Curriculum Framework, Instruction, Materials & Resources

Lesson Plan Checks


Principal will check lesson plans weekly.

SAS Alignment: Standards, Assessment, Curriculum Framework, Instruction, Materials & Resources

Falcon Foundation Funds


Teachers will apply to Falcon Foundation for needed funds.

SAS Alignment: Instruction, Materials & Resources

Implementation Steps:

Walk Throughs


Principal will walk through classroom and provide feedback to the teacher. Feedback may be in various forms. (Written, verbal)

Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/1/2016

Program Area(s): Professional Education

Supported Strategies:

  • Walk Throughs

Lesson Plan Check


Principal will monitor lesson plans weekly. Feedback will be given to teachers.

Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/1/2016

Program Area(s): Professional Education

Supported Strategies:

  • Lesson Plan Checks

Falcon Foundation Funds


Teachers may apply to the Falcon Foundation for funding. Funding may cover materails needed to reach standards not covered by current materials.

Start Date: 8/25/2014 End Date: 6/1/2016

Program Area(s): Student Services

Supported Strategies:

  • Falcon Foundation Funds


Appendix: Professional Development Implementation Step Details

No Professional Development Implementation Steps have been identified for Connellsville Twp El Sch.


Assurance of Quality and Accountability

We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the school level plan for Connellsville Twp El Sch in the Connellsville Area SD has been duly reviewed by a Quality Review Team convened by the Superintendent of Schools and formally approved by the district's Board of Education, per guidelines required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

We hereby affirm and assure the Secretary of Education that the school level plan:

  • Addresses all the required components prescribed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education
  • Meets ESEA requirements for Title I schools
  • Reflects sound educational practice
  • Has a high probability of improving student achievement
  • Has sufficient District leadership and support to ensure successful implementation

With this Assurance of Quality & Accountability, we, therefore, request that the Secretary of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Education grant formal approval to implement the school level plan submitted by Connellsville Twp El Sch in the Connellsville Area SD for the 2014-2015 school-year.

No signature has been provided

Superintendent/Chief Executive Officer

No signature has been provided

Board President

No signature has been provided

IU Executive Director