The Odyssey

Video - Part 4

Word Bank


Odysseus ZeusHadesmotheranimalsrefusecounteract

Philoteius TierisiasStyxfivepoisontouchspell

Athena HermesAeaeaseapotionaffectbed

Circe Eurylochusreturngoddesskilltranced





Odysseus and his crew have been to the Island of ______, which is the home of the witch, ______. Starving, some of the men decide to look for game; however, near the coast, the waiting men spot a ______. They capture it and plan to kill it for food, but ______comes running to them, screaming that the animal is ______. He then explains to Odysseus and the others that, while they were looking for food, some of the men were lured by a witchwho cast a spell on them. This spell turned them into ______.

Odysseus takes it upon himself to leave the crew behind and seek the captured men.

In order to get to the home of Circe, Odysseus must climb a ______. When he begins to lose his strength, ______, who is the messenger of the gods and the son of ______, appears to him. Odysseus immediately realizes that ______must have sent him, and he feels better knowing she is still “with him.” The god is not allowed to ______anything, but he is able to guide Odysseus through his speech. He gives Odysseus ______,which upon first glance, Odysseus thinks is ______. However, the god tells him that it will ______Circe’s ______, so Odysseus accepts his offer. This god also tells Odysseus what he will encounter when he reaches the enchantress, and he instructs Odysseus where to climb so that he will not lose his ______in the process, since he will need it when he reaches his destination.

When Odysseus arrives at the palace, he drinks the ______given to him by ______, and just like ______had told him, the drink has no ______on him. The enchantress tells Odysseus that, in order for his men to be released from her spell, he must go to ______with her, so because no mortal is allowed to ______a ______, he obliges.

Afterwards, his men ______, and they are all invited to stay for food and drink. Much to his dismay, Odysseus and his men accept her invitation only to be ______by her music, food, and drink, which contains the addictive ______blossom. Eventually, Odysseus is questioned about his continual thoughts and longing for his wife and is told by Circe that the ______suns and moons he saw pass were really representative of ______, not days. At first, he does not believe her, but when he seeshis ______buried in sand, he knows she tricked him. Immediately, he tells his men to gather, and he demands assistance from ______, threatening to ______her if she does not oblige. She tells him that the only person who knows the way back to Ithaca is ______; however, he is ______. Therefore, Odysseus must travel to the end of the earth, cross the river of ______( ______), sacrifice a ______, enter the ______, and thus enter ______, which is the land of the ______.

In the mean time in Ithaca, Telemachus wants to use the ______. Penelope tells him he can use it only if he is able to ______it. When he is unable to do this, she instructs him to ______it to his father’s treasury until she decides to ______it to him.

Odysseus’s mother, ______, has become overcome by the loss of her son and decides to ______herself. Penelope pleads with her, telling her that she is her ______just as well as her husband’s, but the woman tells Penelope that she will always be ______her and then walks into the ______to meet the land of the ______, where she believes she will be able to finally see ______again, for the Greeks believed that Hades was beyond the horizon.

The Illustrated Odyssey

from Mythweb (

Book 3, Book 10

1. Why didn’t Eurylochus get turned into swine like the rest of Odysseus’s men?

2. What 2 specific instructions does Hermes give to Odysseus concerning the confrontation he

will encounter with her?

3. Is Hades a god or a place?

If a god, what is he/she the god of?

If a place, where is it?

4. Who is Persephone?