Texas Department of Information Resources

Test Scenario


Version 1.3 ● 14 JAN 2008

NOTE: Please remove this page when creating a Test Scenarios deliverable.

Texas Project Delivery Framework TEST SCENARIOS

Using This Template

The companion tool, Test Scenario Instructions, provides detailed direction for completing this template. This and other Framework Extension tools are available on the Framework Web site.

To create a deliverable from this template:

  1. Delete the template title page (previous page) and this page.
  2. Replace [bracketed text] on the cover page (next page) with your project and agency information.
  3. Replace [bracketed text] in the tool header area at the top of page i (Contents page) with the same project and agency information as on the cover page.

Note: Please do not remove or modify content in the footer area.

  1. Complete the entire template. Each section contains abbreviated instructions, shown in italics, and a content area. The content area is marked with a placeholder symbol (Þ) or with a table. Relevant text from other project deliverables may be pasted into content areas.

Note: Please do not remove the italicized instructions.

  1. Update the table of contents by right-clicking and selecting “Update Field,” then “Update entire table.”

NOTE: Please remove this page when creating a Test Scenarios deliverable.

Based on

DIR Document 25TS-T1-3



[Agency/Organization Name]


VERSION: [Version Number] / REVISION DATE: [Date]
Approver Name / Title / Signature / Date

[Agency/Organization Name] TEST SCENARIOS
[Project Name] [Version Number] | [Revision Date]


Section 1. Overview 1

Section 2. Test Identifier 2

Section 3. Requirements Traceability Matrix 3

Section 4. Test Scenario Summary 4

Section 5. Test Scenarios 5

Section 6. References 9

Section 7. Glossary 10

Section 8. Revision History 11

Section 9. Appendices 12

Based on

DIR Document 25TS-T1-3 Page i

[Agency/Organization Name] TEST SCENARIOS
[Project Name] [Version Number] | [Revision Date]

Section 1. Overview

Provide high-level introductory information on the test scenarios for the product being tested.


Section 2. Test Identifier

Specify the method used for identifying test scenarios, procedures, descriptions, and other test information.


Section 3. Requirements Traceability Matrix

Provide a reference to the location of the matrix that specifies the traceability of requirements (as documented in the System Requirements Specification and Software Requirements Specification) to design components, code components, test scenarios, test descriptions, and test procedures. If data sets or other test-related information are identified, then show the traceability of these items as well.


Section 4. Test Scenario Summary

Provide a summary of the test effort, listing the total number of test scenarios to be executed, the total number of test descriptions for each test scenario, and the total number of test procedures to be executed for each test description.

Use the PASS/FAIL column to indicate the status of the associated test scenario once it is executed.

PASS / FAIL / Test
Scenario ID / Total Test Descriptions for this Scenario / Total Test Procedures for this Scenario

Section 5. Test Scenarios

Customize the following sections to contain the test scenarios and their associated test descriptions and test procedures. Each subsection should be labeled sequentially and titled appropriately for a specific test scenario, description, and procedure.

5.1 Test Scenario ProjName100000

Describe the test scenario to be tested.


5.1.1 Test Description ProjName100100

Describe the test to be performed to assure the correctness of a specific functionality contained within its associated test scenario.

Use the PASS/FAIL column to indicate the status of the associated test once it is executed.

PASS / FAIL / Sequence of Execution # / Procedure / Setup / Initialization / Data / Test for Test Description 100100 – Sequence Item 1 – Test Procedure 100101 Summary

Provide an overview of the test procedure used in Step 1 of the testing to satisfy Test Description 100100.

Þ Setup/Initialization/Special Instructions for ProjNameSetup000001 for Test Description 100100 – Sequence Item 1 – Test Procedure 100101

Describe the setup, initialization, and other special instructions specific to this test.

Þ Data for ProjNameData000012 for Test Description 100100 – Sequence Item 1 – Test Procedure 100101

Specify file names for data or the actual data required to execute Step 1 – Test Procedure 100101.

Þ Steps for Test Description 100100 – Sequence Item 1 – Test Procedure 100101

Specify the steps for executing Test Procedure 100101.

Use the PASS/FAIL column to indicate the status of the associated step.

PASS / FAIL / Test Procedure 100101 Step /
END OF TEST PROCEDURE / Expected Results for Test Description 100100 – Sequence Item 1 – Test Procedure 100101

Specify the results that indicate that the test of the item is successful.


5.1.2 Test Description ProjName100200

Describe the test to be performed to assure the correctness of a specific functionality contained within its associated test scenario.

Use the PASS/FAIL column to indicate the status of the associated test once it is executed.

PASS / FAIL / Sequence of Execution # / Procedure / Setup / Initialization / Data / Test for Test Description 100200 – Sequence Item 1 – Test Procedure 100201 Summary

Provide an overview of the test procedure used in Step 1 of the testing to satisfy Test Description 100200.

Þ Setup/Initialization/Special Instructions for ProjNameSetup000001 for Test Description 100200 – Sequence Item 1 – Test Procedure 100201

Describe the setup, initialization, and other special instructions specific to this test.

Þ Data for ProjNameData000012 for Test Description 100200 – Sequence Item 1 – Test Procedure 100201

Specify file names for data or the actual data required to execute Step 1 – Test Procedure 100201.

Þ Steps for Test Description 100200 – Sequence Item 1 – Test Procedure 100201

Specify the steps for executing Test Procedure 100201.

Use the PASS/FAIL column to indicate the status of the associated step.

PASS/ FAIL / Test Procedure 100101 Step /
END OF TEST PROCEDURE Expected Results for Test Description 100200 – Sequence Item 1 – Test Procedure 100201

Specify the results that indicate that the test of the item is successful.


Section 6. References

Identify the information sources referenced in the test scenarios and utilized in developing the test scenarios.

Document No. / Document Title / Date / Author /

Section 7. Glossary

Define all terms and acronyms required to interpret the test scenarios properly.


Section 8. Revision History

Identify document changes.

Version / Date / Name / Description /

Section 9. Appendices

Include any relevant appendices.


Based on

DIR Document 25TS-T1-3 Page i