Camp Sparky General Mtg Minutes


Upcoming Events:

Director Training Session

Diamondbacks Game

Car Wash

Evenings in Education

Under the Sea Day Camp


9/16 after general mtg


9/22 at 8am

9/26 4-6pm in Ed Lecture Hall

9/28 at Thew

10/12 – 10/14 (leaving Fri. at 3pm)

  1. Icebreaker – team poker
  2. CS Song + Weenie Man
  3. Water Camp wrap-up
  4. Station 1 – the Water Cycle (Eric)
  5. Kids already knew the info, so the station was a little short
  6. the review was good for them and they didn’t remember it all, but it is good for directors to check with the school about what the kids have already learned
  7. Station 2 – Water Conservation (Craig)
  8. He didn’t have much time to prep
  9. Did not have the video, but it would have taken too long if they did
  10. Did not have much time with the poster activity
  11. sometimes the other kids had wait time during other activities; maybe they could have been working on posters while they waited
  12. Group activity had a lot of wait time while the kids were just sitting and watching
  13. maybe we could split the class into two groups so more kids can be doing the activity at the same time?
  14. it was good that every student had a turn to do the activity individually, but it took a long time
  15. Station 3 – Adhesion/Cohesion (Lara)
  16. Water on desks ruined some nametags
  17. maybe we could put newspapers and then waxpaper on desk (need a surface that won’t absorb water)
  18. Repetition of vocabulary words is good
  19. Station 4 – Water Filtration (Alanna)
  20. Station was not long enough – Alanna was creative and made up stuff for the kids to do, but the station might need more content
  21. idea came from Magic School Bus, so maybe the MSB filtration video could be used
  22. Overall camp
  23. Some preparation was lacking
  24. splitting students into groups w/nametags ahead of time
  25. figuring out songs to use
  26. having enough people to run it at the start of the day
  27. New members didn’t know enough about what to do/expect
  28. songs, schedule, where to go when, etc.
  29. *Advice for directing
  30. both directors should know all stations well
  31. make sure to keep communication w/the teachers clear and constant (Ke had a hard time getting info about what the kids already knew about water out of the teachers)
  32. Even though everything didn’t work out perfectly, the camp ran more and more smoothly as the day progressed, and good teamwork made it a good camp
  33. Under the Sea Camp intro
  34. Sept. 28 @ Thew (River and Apache) – 8:30 to 1:30 (12:40-1:30 is lunch/recess)
  35. Sara A. and Raquel are directing
  36. Evenings in Education is the Wednesday before, so staffers will preferably be able to attend both the Sunday Mock Camp and the Wednesday one (Evenings in Education will be a second mock camp, just adjusted a bit cause the audience will be ASU freshman)
  37. *Evenings in Education
  38. Wed., Sept. 26 4:40-6:00pm
  39. Stations
  40. How waves are made
  41. Animal Life (Predator-Prey game, yeah!)
  42. Environmental concerns
  43. Future Talks
  44. Sign-up sheet passed around
  45. Car Wash
  46. Sept 22 (this Sat) 8am-2pm @ Sonic on Broadway (near Safeway)
  47. It will be a good time! – everyone come and help out for as long as you can, even if you don’t know how to wash cars (Tasha)
  48. Car pool in SE corner of Gammage @ 7:45
  49. If you need a ride later than that, call someone
  50. Everyone wear your CampSparky t-shirts
  51. Diamondbacks Game
  52. Fri., Sept 21 (this Fri.) 6:40 pm
  53. Car pool leaving from SE corner of Gammage @ 6pm
  54. Diamondbacks vs. Dodgers
  55. Bring money to buy a ticket
  56. Intramurals
  57. Deadline to sign up is TODAY (Brad has to register by tomorrow noon)
  58. 12 people signed up so far (15 total spots are available)
  59. CCI
  60. Oct. 12-14 (Fri. to Sun.)
  61. CCI = counselor camp-in
  62. We bond, we learn about ourselves, we learn about each other, we eat, we sit around the camp fire, we sing songs, we play games, we learn how to be better counselors and CampSparky members, we have a good time!
  63. If you go, we ask that you contribute $10 for the cost of food (we’re a non-profit org; all our money needs to go toward the kids)
  64. Director Training Session (after general mtg)