Grade 9 VIDEO Assignment


Create a 30 second picture montage with music using Windows Movie Maker. Be sure to add a title, text and have ending credits. You can take your own photos or get them from the internet. The photos must be resized to fit the screen size which is (800 x 600).

Your video may be on any topic approved by your instructor:

Examples -

·  Products such as, cars, clothing line, music artist, etc.

·  Sports teams, sporting event, athlete, etc.

·  Computers/Gaming, newest video games, etc.

·  Public service announcement such as anorexia, anti-smoking, say no to drugs, etc.


CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Score
Photos resized properly / All photos seem to fit perfectly. No evidence of stretching or resizing. / Most photos seem to fit the video. Some evidence of stretching or resizing. / Some photos seem to fit. Some photos look out of place. / Photos do not look natural. Obviously stretched or shrunk.
Originality / Unique design, a one of its kind. Evidence of planning and thought. / Unique but similar to others in the class. / Similar to many others in the class, not much interest generated. / No interest generated from design. No evidence of planning or thought
Composition / Student applies design principles (such as unity, contrast, balance, movement, direction, emphasis, and center of interest) with great skill. / Student applies design principles (such as unity, contrast, balance, movement, direction, emphasis, and center of interest) with fair skill. / Student tries to apply design principles (such as unity, contrast, balance, movement, direction, emphasis, and center of interest) but the overall result is not pleasing. / The student does not appear to be able to apply most design principles to his/her own work.
Integration / All elements of cover compliment each other.
Cover has distinctive theme. / Most elements of cover compliment each other.
Cover has somewhat of a distinctive theme. / Some of the elements of the cover compliment each other.
Cover has no real distinctive theme. / Cover has no direction, theme is not evident.
Impact of Text / Strong use of font, colour, effects and placement / Most text demonstrates good use of fonts, colour, effects and placement / Some text demonstrates good use of fonts, colour, effects and placement / Weak font, colour, effects and placement
Flow of Video / Excellent flow, not too fast or too slow. Music fit perfectly. / Good flow, not too fast or too slow. Music is appropriate but another song would make a better fit. / Flow is odd, too fast or too slow. Music does not go with video. / Bad flow to video, much too fast or slow. Music was inappropriate for video.
