1.  Oath or Affirmation

2.  Obituary Reference

3.  Introduction of New Ministers

4.  Question Hour:

v  101 Aadhar card

v  102 Food Subsidy

v  103 Animal Protection

v  104 Tourism

5.  Question introducing a Breach of Privilege

6.  Papers to be Laid in the Table

7.  Message from the Upper Chamber of Youth Parliament

8.  Welcome to the Foreign Delegates

9.  Calling Attention Notice

10.  Legislative Business

a.  First reading- Care and Assistance to Father and Mother Bill

b.  Bill for consideration-Electoral Reform Bill,III-2013

11.  Adjournment of the House.




1. / SPEAKER- Atreyee Sur Roy chowdhury, XI C
2. / DEPUTY SPEAKER- Shibhasish Biswas, XI A
3. MARSHALL- Kritwish Mondal, X A
4.SECRETARY GENERAL- Aritra Sengupta, X C
5. OFFICE STAFF - Swati Kumari Shaw, XI A
6. OFFICE STAFF - Abhirup Bhattacharjee, X A
7. OFFICE STAFF - Sushmita Samaddar, VIII B
8.PRIME MINISTER- Chandrayee Baidya, X A
9.MINISTER OF FINANCE - Akshita Chatterjee, XI A
13.MINISTER OF LAW & JUSTICE – RuchismitaChakraborty , X A
16.MINISTER OF LABOUR (New)- Kashish Thakur, VIII C
17.MINISTER OF COAL & MINES(New)- Shristi Roy, X A
18.MP (NEW)- Baitani Chakraborty, IX A
19.MP (NEW)- Suravita Sen, IX A
20.M.P. - Isha Ghosh, VIII C
21.M.P. - Dipshita Chaudhury, XI A
22.M.P.- Debasmita Ray, XI A
23.M.P. Akash Sarkar, X C
24.M.P.- Tania Tabasum, X B
25.M.P.- Swagata Das, X B
26.M.P.- Tiasa Banerjee, X A
27.M.P.- Shawan Ganguly, X A
29.M.P.- Sonali Mandal, IX B
30.M.P.- Sreejoni Neogi, VIII B
31.M.P.- Srijita Chakraborty, IX A
33. M.P. Anwesha Kabniratna, XI A
34. MP:- Jigisha Mishra, VII A
35. M.P Varun Mishra, X A
36. M.P. Pallabi Guha, IX A
37. M.P. Binayak Chanda, X A
38. M.P. Bhawna Manhas, X B
39. M.P. Jyotishree Majhi, IX B
40. M.P. K.M.Sriyanka, IX B
41. M.P. Rajashri Roy, X B
42. M.P. Dishita Roy, X B
43. M.P. Suchandra Paul, X B
44. M.P. Debol Mondal, IX C
45. M.P. Sneha Baidya, VIII A
46. M.P. Dishani Saha, X C
47. M.P. Upali Banerjee, XI A
48. M.P. Anushka Bhattacharjee, X B
49. Sonia Gond, XI A
50. Sananda Banerjee, XI A
51. Sunil Sahoo, VIII C
52. Rajni Kumari, XI A
53. Kajal Sonar , IX B
54. Rajatabh Chakraborty , VIII C
{The formal sitting of the youth parliament house begin with the members
occupying their seats and exchanging greetings and pleasantries. The Marshall
arrives in the house to ensure the quorum and thereafter he makes a
ceremonial announcement heralding the arrival of the speaker}
“ekuuh; lHkklnksa ekuuhया v/;{k th !”
{The members stands in their seats till the Speaker has reached his chair and taken his seat after bowing to the opposition members first, then to the Treasury members and at last to the center. The Opposition members and Treasury Bench members also reciprocate by bowing their heads to the speaker.}
(Mrs. Speaker in Chair)
1.Oath Or Affirmation
Speaker: Member to take the oath or affirmation Secretary General Please.
Secretary General:
Miss Baitani Chakraborty and Miss Surobhita Sen who stands elected from
Nabrangpur Constituency of Odisha and Malda constituency of West Bengal
will now take oath or Affirmation.
Secretary General: (Call out) Miss Baitani Chakraborty
(Miss Baitani Chakraborty proceeds from the place that she is occupying to the
right hand side of the secretary General table and hands over her certificates
of election to the office at the table.)
Secretary General: Madam Baitani Chakraborty do you want to take oath or affirmation?
Miss Sreejoni Basu : Affirmation please.
Secretary General: In which language would youlike to take the affirmation?
Miss Baitani Chakraborty: In English please
(The secretary General hands over to Miss Baitani Chakraborty a copy of the
form of oath in the language in which she wants to take the affirmation.)
Miss Baitani Chakraborty :
I, Baitani Chakraborty , having been elected a member of the lower House of
the Youth Parliament Solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the constitution of India and by law established that I will faithfully discharge the
duty upon which I am about to enter.”
(The member then places the affirmation paper on The Table of Secretary General
and shakes hand with the chair. The member then passes behind the chair to
the other side of the Secretary General Table, where she signed the roll of
members. Signing the roll she takes her seat in the House. The MPs welcome
her by thumping on their desk while she shakes hands.)
Secretary General: Miss Surobhita Sen.
Secretary General: Madam Surobhita Sen you want to take oath or affirmation?
Miss Srijita Chakraborty: Oath Please
Secretary General: In which language would you like to take the oath?
Surobhita Sen: Bengali Please.
(Similar process will be adopted once again)
Like the last candidate here also similar steps will be followed
Speaker : Honourable members, as we meet today, it is my duty to inform the House of the sad demise of Sri.Pran Krishan Sikand VeteranBollywoodactor , who was born on February 12 in 1920 in old Delhi and played the dreaded villain and lovable character with elan, in hits like 'Milan', 'Madhumati', 'Bobby', 'Zanjeer' and
'Ram Aur Shyam', passed away at the age of 93.With Pran's death , we have lost an actor of rare calibre and sophistication that symbolized his illustrious career".Considered as one of the most successful actors to portray strong characters of various hues, Pran ruled the Hindi film industry for several decades and won the admiration of millions of fans in India and abroad".
Prime Minister:
Madam, I rise to pay my tributes to Sri.Pran Krishan Sikand (Pran)."I am deeply saddened to learn about the passing away of Shri Pran Krishan Sikand popularly called ,Pran. Shri Pran was a highly talented actor who shall always be remembered by generations of film watchers for his versatile and vivacious acting in multifarious roles.In his passing away, the celluloid world has lost a veteran and acclaimed actor, whose contribution to the Indian film industry remains unparalleled,"
Opposition Party Leader
प्राण सिकंद हिन्दी फिल्मों के एक प्रमुख चरित्र अभिनेता थे जो मुख्यत: अपने खलनायक कि की भूमिका के लिए जाने जाते थे। अपने उर्वर अभिनय काल के दौरान उन्होने ३५० से अधिक फिल्मों फिल्मों में काम किया। अपने करियर के दौरान उन्होने विभिन्न पुरस्कार व सम्मान अपने नाम किए। भारतीय सिनेमा में जोगदान के लिए २०१३ में उन्हे दादा साहब फाल्के सम्मान से नवाजा गया। हम उन्हे पीड़ियो तक याद रखेंगे।उनके मृत्यु से बॉलीवुड एक महान सपूत को खो दिया है?भगवान उनके अमर आत्मा को सद्गति प्रदान करें तथा उनके परिवार को धर्य तथा सहास प्रदान करें ।
Speaker: I request the house to stand in silence for a while to express our deep sorrow.
(The members then stand in silence for a while)
Secretary General May conveys the message of condolences to the bereaved families.
Secretary General: Yes Madam
Speaker: Prime Minister to introduce New Ministers.
Prime Minister:Madam Speaker, I have pleasure in introducing to you, and through you,
to the house, my colleagues, the new ministers
Miss SHRISTI ROY, Minister of Coal &Mines
Miss KASHISH THAKUR,Minister of Labour
(While being introduced each Minister in turn stands with folded hands.The
members greet them by thumping on their desk.)


Speaker: Now the question Hour Begins.

Question no.*101* Shri ‘Varun Mishra’

Shri ‘ Varun Mishra’ : महोदया, बहू चर्चित, आधार विशेष पहचान संख्या परियोजना संकट में पड़ गई हैं। क्योकि बहुत सी सरकारी एजेंसियों ही , इस विशेष पहचान पत्र को नगरिक के अंतिम पहचान पत्र के रूप में मानने से ही इंकार कर रही हैं। गैस एवं तेल आपूर्ती जैसी अन्य सरकारी एजेंसियों इसे तंग करने के रूप में व्यवहार कर रही हैं। क्या वीत्त मंत्री महोदया इस पर स्पष्टीकरण देने की कृपा करेंगीं?

SPEAKER : Hon’ble Minister of Finance

MINISTER OF FINANCE: Aadhaar is a 12 digit individual identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India on behalf of the Government of India.This number will serve as a proof of identity and address, anywhere in India. Each individual needs to enroll only once which is free of cost. Each Aadhaar number will be unique to an individual and will remain valid for life. Aadhaar number will help you provide access to services like banking, mobile phone connections and other government and non-government services.

b)The Aadhaar Card specifically mentions on its rear side the various purposes for which it can be used. There need not be any confusion over it. The immediate use of the UID card could be more visible in case of beneficiaries of various government schemes. However, in the long run it will serve as a definitive document of one's identity proof. Whatever confusion prevails over its use will soon be cleared and it would be in the interest of everyone to get enrolled.

SPEAKER : Shri ‘Varun Mishra’’ ,

Shri ‘Varun Mishra’’: महोदया यह एक तथ्य हैं मसोड़ा राष्ट वहुजन प्राधिकरण विधेयक युवा संसद में पारित नहीं किया गया हैं। युवा संसद की स्थायी समिति ने इस विधेयक को अपने वर्तमान रूप में खारिज कर दिया हैं। उसके बाद भी आखिर इसको देश पर कैसे लागु किया जा रहा हैं?

MINISTER OF FINANCE: Madam, as far as the statement of the member is concerned it is half truth.Yes through an Ordnance it is implemented. Probably my worthy friend has gone to st.petersberg while the ordnance was promulgated.

Ha ha ha ha ha ......

SPEAKER : Smt.Tania Tabsum

Smt.Tania Tabsum: Sir, I would like to know while Countries such as UK, Singapore and Australia considered the idea and abandoned it because of huge expense even for their small populationsand was not worth the benefits the scheme would bring how the country like India accepted it?and Why is Aadhaar necessary when we have NPR(National Citizens Register)?


MINISTER OF FINANCE:Sir the home policy of a country is guided by its History,Geographical location and Economic condition of the people.The countries mentioned by the Honourable member are not sharingsuch a large number of International boundaries as India is. I can suggest my friend to browse the Internet today.HA HA HA HA ......

SPEAKER :silence Silence Please......

MINISTER OF FINANCE:Yes the anxiety regarding NPR the Government of India initiated the NPR which entails the creation of the National Citizens Register. This register is being prepared at the local, sub-district, district, state and national level. इस database में १३ वर्ग होंगे जिनमे demographic सूचनाए दी जाएगी और ३ बर्गों में biometric सांख्यकी होगी और यह सूचना उन वासियों के बारे में होगी जिनकी उर्म ५ साल या उससे अधिक हैं।इसके द्वरा सुरक्षा में सुधार होगा क्योंकि लोग एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर without Permission प्रवेश नेही कर सकते हैं।इसके दावरा सत्यापन होगा तथा सत्यापित जगहों पर Aadhar Card के द्वारा अबेध प्रयोगो को रोका जाएगा।

SPEAKER :Ms. Pallabi Guha

Pallabi Guha:Madam,Preparation of Aadhar card has been given to private agencies.In many places like Kolkata, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Pune,Bhopal people are being charged Rs. 50 each . and in some places on the name of collecting information their personal datas are are being manipulated or tempered?


MINISTER OF FINANCE : The Hon'ble Member has

supplied this information. I will look into it.

Sri Vinayak Chanda: Madam, he may be having the information with him because this is connected with shortage of food.

MINISTER OF FINANCE: The hon. Member has supplied this information. I am not aware about this complain. You have supplied this information. I will definitely look into the matter.

SPEAKER : Next Question : Question No. 102 Ms. Simron Das,Leader Of Opposition

Ms. Simron Das: will the Minister of Agriculture be Pleased to state that :

a)  Cheap foodgrains available to about two-thirds of the country’s population at a price of Rs1/Rs.2— could it cost the exchequer more than double annually than what the government has projected?

b)  Could the plan cost India dearly?

c)  Don’t the Ministry thinks that Food subsidies will have adverse effects on agriculture?


MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE: Madam Speaker Answer to the part A & B of the honourable member :The government has estimated that it will need to budget 1.2 trillion rupees (a little over $22 billion) each year to fund all food subsidies, including the new ones.Under the food security program, the government plans to distribute five kilograms of food grains at highly-subsidized rates –three rupees a kilo for rice,two rupees a kilo for wheat, and onerupee a kilo for some other types of foodgrains. At private stores rice presently costs at least 20-30 rupees per kilo, seven times the amount it could be purchased for under the programme.So, Iam sure the programme will wipe out tears from the millions. No body will die of hunger or sell their children for food.

Answer to the part C of the honourable member Anagricultural subsidyis a governmentalsubsidypaid to farmers andagribusinessesto supplement their income, manage the supply of agriculturalcommodities, and influence the cost and supply of such commodities.The subsidy programmes give farmers extra money for their crops and guarantee aprice floor. Generally, developing countries have a comparative advantage in producing agricultural goods

SPEAKER :Ms.K M Sriyanka

Ms.K M Sriyanka :The consequent higher spending on food subsidies would mean the government would have to make spending cuts elsewhere if it is to keep its fiscal consolidation plans on track?

SPEAKER : Minister of Agriculture please