May 22nd PeabodyMass. At Gym Warriors


165 class raw

jamie floyd 250

181 class raw

Domanic ciolino 315

Shirted 198 class

angelo ramirez 475 open and

masters44 years of age 1st place

198 class raw open

1st place Frank Quirk 330

2nd place George sousa 320

198 class masters raw 51-55

Frank Quirk 1st place

220 class masters shirted

Shawn Green 1st place 375

220 class open shirted

criss kozlowski 1st place 300

All three lifts squat – bench - deadlift

Gene Richards 71 years old 165 class raw

251 squat. 220 bench. 350 deadlift. 821 total

Mark Mcgloghlin 17 years old 165 class teen raw

250 squat. 235 bench. 320 dead. 805 total

Don kelley 308 open

313 squat. 245 bench. 441 deadlift. 999 total.


katie hickey womans open raw 114 class


Debbi patti 55-60 class 132.

70 raw

Dianne mcmillon 65-70 class 132

bench 100

Womans 3 lifts.Squat- bench- deadlift

Shawna Sidilou overall winner 132 class open raw no wraps and no belt

160 squat. 80 bench. 250 deadlift. 490 total

Amanda davis

132 2nd place open and 1st place jr. division 22 years old

95 squat. 80 bench. 200 deadlift. 375 total no wraps and no belt

Nicole Gagne 1st place 148 open

no wraps and no belt.

105 squat. 0 bench. 209 deadlift. 314 total

jenny perry 1st place 123 class raw with a belt no wraps

143 squat. 80 bench. 175 deadlift. 403 total

Squat only

Steve tobey with a belt

275 class raw open245

squat and bench

Danny Madden raw 165 class

squat 313. bench 315. total 628

Mary tower masters 40-45 165 class

275 squat + 145 bench .

Push and pull

Andrew keone shirted 220 class

400 bench. which was a pr. and a 500 dead . 900 2 lift total

Mike Baker 242 class open shirted

375 bench and a 475 deadlift. 850 2 lift total

Rep contest for rep your body weight

winner! Danny Madden 164 pounds .30 reps

2nd place domanic ciolino 174 pounds 22 reps

3rd place mark mcgloghlin 149 pounds 18 reps

4th place Gene richards 162 pounds 15 reps