Suggestions for Post-Dissolution Planning
Parenting Issues:
- Update contact information for both parents with schools, daycare, medical providers, organizations
- Arrange for sharing of information; provide copies of Parenting Plan, as appropriate, with schools, daycare, medical providers, organizations (Scouts, sports, music lessons, etc.)
- Arrange for payment of child support and daycare by DCS or Electronic Funds Transfer
- Create log and/or calendar for children’s residential time, issues, activities and expenses (check online for some great resources!)
Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO):
- If QDRO needs to be done per Separation Contract, follow-up with your attorney to finalize QDRO
- Advise attorney after QDRO approved, and distribution made per terms of QDRO
Transfer of Title, Ownership and Possession:
- Execute Quitclaim Deeds, Excise Tax Declarations, notice to assessor to transfer real estate ownership and obligations
- Sign off on motor vehicle and boat title documents
- Notify and change names with custodians/administrators of stock and financial accounts (may need certified copy of decree of dissolution)
- Pick-up/deliver/transfer personal property
- Copy photographs and valuable papers (tax returns, house documents, warranties)
- Keep original property settlement agreement/separation contract and copy of divorce documents in a safe, secure location!
- Notify banks, DOL, Social Security, and change passports for any name change(s) for self and/or children. You will need certified copy of the final decree (changing your name) for SSA and passport agency. A conformed copy is usually sufficient for other purposes.
Update Financial Accounts:
- Open bank and credit accounts in own name solely
- Close accounts in joint name or remove names of others
- Remove other’s names from credit accounts
- Correct billing names on household utilities accounts; Internet accounts; and IRS Section 529 and GET accounts (tax-sheltered education accounts for children)
Pre-Death and Health Care Planning:
- Arrange for COBRA (or health care insurance); arrange for or transfer auto insurance; life and premise (homeowner) insurance; boat owner’s insurance
- Update Last Will and Testament
- Amend Living Trusts, if any.
- Execute new Durable Power of Attorney – Health Care Decisions
- Execute new Durable Power of Attorney – Financial Decision-Making
Change Beneficiaries:
- Life insurance and disability policies (check your final divorce papers for life insurance requirements as to child and/or spousal support)
- Pension and Retirement accounts
- Deferred compensation plans
- Employment benefits