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Original Application OnlyArkansas FFA Association
Three Capitol Mall, Room 501
Date of Application: Luther S. Hardin Bldg
Little Rock, AR 72201
Name / Chapter / DistrictHome Address / City / State / Zip
Phone () - / Age / GradeNextSchool Year / #Years in FFA
I wish to serve on Nominating Audit I have no preference
Two students from each district will be selected to serve on the Nominating Committee. Members not selected for the Nominating Committee may be chosen for the Audit Committee. Chapters having a State Officer Candidate cannot have a member serving on the Nominating Committee. Convention meal expenses for Nominating/AuditCommittee Members at Camp Couchdale will be paid by the Arkansas FFA Foundation.
Nominatingand Audit Committee members are expected to wear official dress.
Summary of accomplishments in FFA:Summary of SAE:
A. Agriculture Production B. Learning Activities and Work Experience
SchoolYear / Production Enterprises / Learning Activities
Kind of Enterprise / Scope / Kind of Activity / Hours Worked
First Year
20 - 20
Second Year
20 - 20
Third Year
20 - 20
Fourth Year
20 - 20
Statement of why you wish to serve on the Nominating Committee:
*If chosen for the Nominating Committee, will you be able to arrive at CampCouchdale by 12 noon on Saturday and work until the Convention closes at 12 noon Friday? Yes NoI have official dress and will wear it during the convention: Yes No
Does your chapter have a state officer candidate? Yes No
Do you plan to run for state office in the following years? Yes No
Advisor’s Statement:
Signature Student Signature Advisor
Name of Applicant:
FFASTATE Nominating Committee
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