20 – 22 April

Baltimore, Maryland USA

Registrant(s) Information *Are required fields & must be completed.

*Last/Family/Surname*First/Given Name


*Address(line 1) *Address (line2)

*CityUS. State/Canadian Province*Postal Code/Zip*Country/Region

*Main Phone Number*Main Fax Number

*Email AddressTo receive confirmation, please enter a valid email address.CC:Email If an above email is entered the above recipient will receive a copy of your confirmation letter.

I ama IEEE Society Member: (check all that apply) ? DEIS ? IAS ? OES ? PELS ? PES ? VTS ? Sensors Council ? Systems Council ? NTDC

Please fill in other technical Society memberships related to ESTS. Please List: ______

Registration Categories Early Advanced Late

Before 1-March After1-March After 1-April/Onsite

IEEE Member US$400US$450 US$500

Non Member US$400US$450 US$500

Life Member US$225US$275 US$300

*Student US$225US$275 US$300

*Students registration requires proof of current enrollment – Full time

Fax a copy of your student ID to +1 732 465 6447 Attn: Diana Krynski

Registration Fee Total US$______

Registration fee includes:Conference Reception on Monday, Banquet on Tuesday, Breakfast, and Lunch on Tuesday/Wednesday, and one copy of a CD-ROM of the proceedings.

IEEE Member? Yes No / Member Associate Life Student - IEEE Number:______
Are you an author? Yes No / Authors are required to register by 22February 2009.
If you are presenting a paper, please list your four-digit Paper ID number here. This information will help to determine which authors’ are/not registered.
Authors, please list paper ID: ______
Do you require Special Access? Yes No / Special Access Details: ______
Do you have Dietary Restrictions? Yes No / Dietary Restriction Details:______
Emergency Contact Information / Emergency Contact:______
Emergency Telephone:______
Yes No Note: IEEE may use the information you provide to contact you from time to time concerning similar IEEE conferences, technical products and/or services, or to ask your opinions. If you do not want us to contact you, please select “No.”


2009 ESTS

20 – 22 April

Baltimore, Maryland

Attendee(s) Name______


To help us with meal planning, please indicate which meals you plan to attend. Your selections here are not binding – you are welcome to all events.

Monday, 20 April:

Reception: Yes, I plan to attend. No, I do not plan to attend. Maybe

Tuesday 21 April:

Breakfast: Yes, I plan to attend. No, I do not plan to attend. Maybe

Lunch: Yes, I plan to attend. No, I do not plan to attend. Maybe

Banquet: Yes, I plan to attend. No, I do not plan to attend. Maybe

Wednesday 22 April:

Breakfast: Yes, I plan to attend. No, I do not plan to attend. Maybe

Lunch: Yes, I plan to attend. No, I do not plan to attend. Maybe


Additional Items:

Banquet Tuesday 21 April #______@US$60 = US$______

Extra CD-ROM of Proceedings #______@US$75 = US$______

Additional OptionTotal US$______

Total Remittance US$______

Visa Assistance Letters

Speakers, Committee members and paid attendees requiring visa assistance letters must send an email to


Cancellation Policy:Registration fees are nonrefundable after 15 March 2009. There is a US$50 service fee on all cancellations prior to 15 March 2009.

Method of Payment:

(please note this conference does not acceptwire transfer payments)

CHECK (Payable to: 2009 ESTS)

Purchase Order

VisaMasterCard American Express Discover

Card Number______Exp Date ______

Name on Card______Authorized Signature ______

IEEE-MCM Diana Krynski, Registrar

445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 USA

USA & Canada +1 800 810 4333 International +1 732 465 7810

Fax: +1 732 465 6447

