Institute of Internal Auditors
Ottawa Chapter
Record of Decisions
Annual General Meeting - May 25, 2017
Board Members in attendance:Joe Carpinone
John Cathcart
James Go
Claudine Hébert
Jessica Perkins
Michèle Serano
Ziad Shadid / Absent with regrets:
John Asher
Peter Cardeneo
Clarissa Crane
Christopher MacDonald
Rosemary Stephenson
Sabin Chassé
1. Keynote Presentation
Robert Kuling, Chairman, North American Board, IIA, presented the keynote address.
2. Presentation of the Brian Aiken Award
Brian Aiken presented the award to John Lees in recognition of his contributions to the profession.
3. Minutes from the May 2016 Annual General Meeting
Members in attendance were asked to review the minutes from the May 2016 Annual General Meeting. No comments or questions were voiced.
Claudine Hébert made a motion to accept the minutes and Michèle Serano seconded it. A vote was held and the motion to accept the minutes was passed.
4. Recognition of Volunteers and Partners – Joe Carpinone
Joe recognized retiring Board members John Asher, Lauren Gadd, Christopher MacDonald and Cindy Shepherd and thanked them for their hard work.
He also thanked all of the Chapter's volunteers.
5. President’s Report – Joe Carpinone
Joe presented highlights of the Chapter’s accomplishments from the 2016-17 year. These included:
1. Hosted a Chinese delegation from the Guangdong Provincial Department of Audit.
2. Developed and implemented a working strategy with IFACI (Institute Francais De L’audit et du Controle Internes), establishing a collaborative model between IIA Ottawa and IFACI.
3. Successfully renewed our Recognized CPE Provider status for 2017.
4. Developed a Communications Policy (reduce number of emails to members with increased use of social media).
5. Continued to promote internal audit at the university / college level.
6. Continued to support the Academy of Internal Audit.
7. Planned a 50th Anniversary Event.
8. The Chapter offered over 128 CPE hours (16 days) of training, including fourteen seminars, one breakfast sessions and two IIAOttawa@Noon sessions.
6. Treasurer’s Report – Joe Carpinone
Joe reported a net surplus of approximately $10,000 compared to a budgeted net loss of $13,000. The difference was mainly due to higher than expected attendance at IIA training events.
Overall, the Ottawa Chapter continues to be in a strong financial position, with profitable and well-attended programs, and sufficient cash for potential operational requirements.
7. 2016-17 Board
The Ottawa Chapter proposed the following new Board members for 2017-18:
◦ Ziad Shadid – VP Operations
◦ Justice Ndayegamiye – Vice-Chair of Programs
◦ Robert Rae – Member Services
◦ Emilie Wilcox – Certifications and Events
◦ Brandon Bignell - Communications
John Cathcart made a motion to accept all of the proposed candidates and Claudine Hébert seconded the motion. A vote was held and the motion passed.
8. Adjournment
The next AGM will be held in May 2018. Members will be contacted with the details once they have been finalized.