
Here is my most current resume and I look forward to discussing this further. You can also check out some information on the Bullseye Sights website at Just click on testimonials and then go down to my name and follow the link it is a good read. It covers my 2002 Winter Olympic Torchbearer information. I carried the Torch on opening day Feb. 8th 2002. I was one of the last 12 Torchbearers and was only 1-½ miles from the Stadium. Definitely one of the High Points of my life. With only 1,100 world wide carrying the torch.

A little about me. I started archery at the age 6. With a family history of competitive archers it was hard not to want to get involved. Currently my father has 38 years in and use to shoot quite a bit. My oldest brother 59 has 34 years in and shoots Archery in Illinois. My next older brother 48 has 30 years in and shoots in Reno Nevada. That leaves me; I have 36 years in as an NFAA member. I have 15 of those years as an NFAA Pro Freestyle member. All of us have been NFAA members ever since we started competition. I started competing in tournaments at the age of 7. The following is a list of my history, Instead of boring you with every single tournament or accomplishments, I will lump them together as much as possible. In 37 years there is a lot of information. Thank you again for the opportunity and consideration.

1971- 1st Place ----Wyoming State Indoor Championship--Cub Freestyle Unlimited-This was my first Tournament in my life and I have been hooked ever since.

Cub Division--2 State Indoor Championships

1 State Target Championship (All Wyoming State Championships)

1 State Field Championship Freestyle Division

Youth Division--3 State Indoor Championships “

1 State Field Championship

Indoor Nationals 1st Place (Youth Freestyle 1978)

Many Local Tournament Wins (To many to list)

Young Adult Division-- 3 State Indoor Championships

2 State Target Championship “

2 State Field Championships

Many Local Tournament Wins

Men’s Division-- 1982 -1992-- 7 State Indoor Championships “

7 State Target Championships

5 State Field Championships

2 State 3D Championships

2 Sectional Championships-Men’s Freestyle Indoor -Northwest Section

Men’s Open Division-Utah Open 2nd Place 1991

Vegas Men’s Open Flights—1st Place 1st Flight

Men’s Open Division-Utah Open 3rd Place 1992

Vegas Men’s Open Flights--2nd Place Championship Flight 1992

Many Local and Regional Tournament Wins

Men’s Pro Freestyle 1992-1995 10 State Indoor Championships

9 State Target Championships

8 State Field Championships

4 State 3D Championships

1996 Vegas Indoor Tie for 13th Place Championship Flight

1997 Vegas Indoor 24th Place Championship Flight

1996 Indoor Nationals 10th Place Championship Flight

1998 Winner of Northwest Sectionals Pro Freestyle Division Indoor
Nationals 4th Place Pro Freestyle Championship Overall

2001 and 2002,2003 Currently hold all 4 of the State Titles in the Pro


2003 Vegas-Finished in the money in the Pro Class in31st place with a

299,299,300 Showing.

2003- Clean swept ALL Wyoming State Championships for the 2nd time in row in the Men’s Pro Freestyle Division, I was the first person to

ever sweep a division and the first person to ever double it in any

Division. The tournaments include Indoor Vegas and Blueface,

Outdoor Target, Outdoor Field, and Outdoor 3D

20041st Place Men’s Pro Freestyle, Wyoming State Vegas Championship

with a New State Record of 22X300 and 20X 299.

1st Place Men’s Pro Freestyle Wyoming State Indoor Championship

3rd Place Men’s Pro Freestyle Northwest Sectionals

2005Vegas Tied for 32nd

Indoor Nationals 6th place tie Men’s Pro Freestyle

Big Sky Open 6th. Set a new record for the Pro Am event

Won the Wyoming State Vegas Championships

Won Wyoming State Indoor Championships

2nd Place Wyoming State Target Championships

2nd Place Wyoming State 3D Championships

Won the Wyoming State Field Championship

2006Won Wyoming State Vegas

2nd Wyoming State Indoor

57th Vegas with a 24X 299,23X 299,24X 299 showing

9th Place Indoor Nationals Men’s Pro Freestyle

2007 1st Place Wyoming State Indoor Championship

1st Place Wyoming State Vegas Championship

43rd Place World Archery Festival

2008 1St Place Wyoming State Vegas Championship

102nd Place World Archery Festival (299,297,300)

1ST place Wyoming State Indoor Championship

20th place NFAA Indoor Nationals (54X300,53X300)

I was not able to compete in the 2000 season much, other than the local level due to the murder of my wife Cathy.

Pro Staff contracts I have are: Matin Archery 5 years total (recently resigned with them after 2 years off Stan Releases- 4 years, BCY fibers- 9 years, Winners Choice 9 years, Toxonics 9 Years, Gold Tip Arrows 5 years, Fist quivers (I am the co-designer and inventor of these quivers)-9 years, Brunton Optics 3 Years. Simms Vibration Labs Products 9 years. I was a Pro Staff shooter for GKF for 7 years but they as you know are out of business.

I use to own Bullseye Archery Pro Shop in Rock Springs Wy. (A small shop) for 8 years. I am also WELL known all over the world on all Archery Forums on the Internet as “Pro1” which is a tag name on the forums I have had for over 10 years. I am one of the founding members of and have been there since the beginning. I have helped invent and design several products including Magnocks, Fist Quivers (as listed above). And The “Bow Case Caddie”. As well as prototyping, improvement and testing products for all of my sponsors.

There are a few other things that I feel will help you to get to know me better. I am currently an NFAA Certified instructor (and have been for about 25 years now). I currently coach about 11 students. They range in age from 10 to50 and this is the most enjoyable thing that I do for the sport of Archery. I always participate in “Practice With The Pros” at Indoor Nationals. I also give shooting seminars and demonstrations at the local clubs and schools. I am also the “Wyoming State Archery Association” Parliamentarian and NFAA Range Inspector for the State of Wyoming. As you can see in 38 years I have about done it all. I hope this helps you think I will fit right in. Of course if you have any questions you can call me at any time at the numbers listed at the top of this resume .

Thank you for your time,

Pat Dorigatti