Contents: /
- Terminology: aggression, Violence, bullying, mobbing, mobbning, stalking, harassment
- Classification of aggression, violence and bullying
- Theories on aggression
- Theories on bullying and mobbing
- Socio-psychological consequences of aggression and violence
- Types of aggressors and victims
- Domestic violence
- School violence (peer bullying)
- Cyber bullying
- Best practices in aggression and violence prevention
Bibliography: / ^ Akert, R.M., Aronson, E., & Wilson, T.D. (2010). Social Psychology (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
^ Berkowitz, L. (1993). Aggression: Its causes, consequences, and control. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
^ McElliskem, Joseph E. (2004). "Affective and Predatory Violence: a Bimodal Classification System of Human Aggression and Violence". Aggression & Violent Behavior 10: 1–30. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2003.06.002.
^ a b Student Reports of Bullying, Results From the 2001 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey, US National Center for Education Statistics
^ (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Fact Sheet #FS-200127)
^ Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying Policy – University of Manchester
^ At least 15 states have passed laws addressing bullying among school children. Google Search
^ Bennett, Elizabeth Peer Abuse Know More: Bullying From a Psychological Perspective (2006)
^ a b Besag, V. E. (1989) Bullies and Victims in Schools. Milton Keynes, England: Open University Press
Subject: Drama education
Contents: / Drama conventions and strategies in human developement and education.
Bibliography: / Neelands J., Goode T. (2000) Structuring Drama Work, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Way B. (1998) Development through Drama, New York, Humanity Books.
Ackroyd J. red., Neelands J. red. (2004) Drama Research. The Research Journal of National Drama, 3/June 2004, London, National Drama Publications.
Witerska K. (2011) How to make them fly? Development frameworks for drama [w:] Drama Research, Vol 2 No.1: April 2011, London, National Drama Publications.
Subject: Methods of activation in early childhood education
Contents: / Early childhood education and methods of child’s activation using movement, sensory integration,arts, creativity, etc.
Bibliography: / Havighurst R. (1981) Developmental tasks and education, New York, McKay.
Kohlberg L. (1984) Essays on moral development: The psychology of moral development (T.2), San Francisco, Harper & Row.
Slavin R. E. (2003) Educational Psychology, Boston- New York - San Francisco - Mexico City – Montreal – Toronto – London – Madrid – Munich – Paris - Hong Kong – Singapore – Tokyo - Cape Town – Sydney, Pearson Education.
Subject: Philosophy
Contents: / Metaphysics
1. Problems of Stability and Change
2. Idealism
3. Realism
4. Mind and Body
5. Freedom and Determinism
1. Does God exist?
2. God and the question of Evil
3. Saint Augustine: Philosophy and Faith
4. Saint Thomas Aquinas and Scholasticism
5. Ludwig Feuerbach: Anthropology vs. Theology
Knowledge and Science
1. Science
2. Methodological Empiricism
3. Experiential Empiricism
4. Rationalism
5. Kant’s ‘Copernican Revolution’
1. The Intellectualism of Ethics
2. The Golden Mean
3. The Metaphysics of morality
4. Utilitarianism
5. Ethical Relativism
Political Philosophy
1. Sophistry
2. The IdealState
3. The Social Contract
4. Dialectics
1. Beauty
2. Art
3. Psychoanalytical aesthetics
4. Semiotic aesthetics
5. Aestheticisation
Bibliography: / A Companion to Ethics, 1991: (red.) Singer Peter, Blackwell, Oxford.
Davies Brian, 1993: An introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Vardy Peter, 1992: The Puzzle of Evil, Fount Paperbacks, Glasgow.
Magee Bryan, Popper, 1973: Fontana, London.
Losee John, 1993: A Historical Introduction of the Philosophy of Science, OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford.
Singer Peter, 1993: Practical Ethics, CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge.
Wolff Jonatan, 1996: Political Philosophy: An Introduction, OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford.
Harrison Ross, 1993: Democracy, Routledge, London.
Sheppard Ann, 1987: Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art, OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford.
Graham Gordon,1997: Philosophy of the Arts, Routledge, London.
Warburton Nigel, 1999: Philosophy: the basic Third Editions, Routledge, London.
Megee Bryan, 1987: Great Philosophers, OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford.
Subject: Prevention of addiction
Contents: / I. Prevention
- Tradition and modern models of prevention
- Types of preventive strategies
- levels of prevention
- Evaluation of preventive strategies
- Definition of addiction
- Phases of addiction
- Characteristics / symptoms of addiction
- Active methods in prevention activities
- Elements of prevention programs
- Presentations of preventive programmes and workshops
- Effects of alkohol
- Factors and risk of addiction
- Risks and harm of alcohol consumption in adolescents
- The concept of alcoholism
- Types of alcoholics
- Myths about alcoholism
- Characteristics of alcoholic and health families
- Codependency
- Institutions,which deal with addiction prevention
Bibliography: / Doughty C. 2005. The effectiveness of mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention in children, adolescents and adults: a critical appraisal of the literature. New Zealand Health Technology Assessment Report, June 8(2).
Ministry of Health. 2002. Building on Strengths: A New Approach to Promoting Mental Health in New Zealand/Aotearoa WellingtonNew Zealand.
Ministry of Health. 2006. Te Kokiri: The Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan 2006–2015. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
Ministry of Health. 2010. Mental Health and Alcohol and Drug Sector Monitoring and Improvement Report 2009/10. Prepared by Mental Health and Alcohol and Drug Policy group Population Health Directorate. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
Relapse Prevention for Addictive Behaviours - A Manual for Therapists
Subject: Social Prevention
Contents: / I. Prevention
- Tradition and modern models of prevention
- Types of preventive strategies
- levels of prevention
- Evaluation of preventive strategies
III Methodology of prevention
-How to plan preventive program?
-Outline of preventive program
-The role of creative methods in prevention
-Traps in prevention
IV Good practices In School prevention
Bibliography: / Howes, Carollee (1999), “Attachment Relationships
in the Context of Multiple Caregivers,” in J. Cassidy
and P.R. Shaver, eds., Handbook of Attachment
Theory and Research (NY: Guilford Press)
Hyson, Marion C. (1994), The Emotional
Development of Young Children: Building an
Emotion-Centered Curriculum (New York: Teachers
College Press).
Pelton, Leroy H. (1994), “The Role of Material
Factors in Child Abuse and Neglect,” in Gary B.
Melton and Frank D. Barry, eds., Protecting
Children from Abuse and Neglect: Foundations for
a New National Strategy (New York: Guilford
Dunst, Carl J. and Angela G. Deal (1994), “Needs-
Based Family-Centered Intervention Practices,” in
Carl J. Dunst, Carol M. Trivette, and Angela G. Deal
eds., Supporting and Strengthening Families, Vol. I:
Methods, Strategies, and Practices (Cambridge,
MA: Brookline Books)
Subject: Psychopedagogy of Creativity
Contents: / The main goal of the subject is to introduce students to the basic pedagogical and psychological knowledge about creativity and the conditions of the development of creative abilities of children, adolescents and adults. Lecture are subordinated to the four dimensions perception of creativity and modern theories of creativity and education.
Main topics:
1.Teaching creativity, its objectives and the subject of research. 2. The concept of creativity, its definitions. Myths about creativity.
2. Four aspects (dimensions) of creativity.
3. Creative people and their characteristics.
4. Classic theories of creativity and its criticism.
5. Microscopic theories of creativity: the theory of divergent thinking. Factors of divergent thinking. Creative solving problems and its stages.
6. Environmental theories: the theory of System Csikszentmihaly, Urban and Amabile.
6. Creativity as the way to self-realization. Theories of creativity and creative attitude in humanistic psychology and social pedagogy.
7. Programs for developing creativity in different institutions.
8. Basic rules in teaching creativity and teaching in creative ways.
Bibliography: / Polish literature:
Dobrołowicz W. (1995), Psychodydaktyka kreatywności, Wydawnictwo WSPS, Warszawa, rozdział 3, 4 i 5.
Kozielecki J. (1996), Człowiek oświecony czy innowacyjny, W: Człowiek wielowymiarowy, Wydawnictwo „Żak”, Warszawa.
Maslow A.H. (1986), Twórczość, W: W stronę psychologii istnienia, IW „Pax”, Warszawa, część IV, s. 135-146.
Pietrasiński Z. (1980), Przygotowanie do aktywności twórczej, W: Model wykształconego Polaka, pod red. Suchodolskiego B., Ossolineum, Wrocław.
Popek S. (1998), Twórczość dzieci, W: Encyklopedia psychologii, pod red. Szewczuka W., Fundacja Innowacja, Warszawa.
Rogers C.R. (2002), Ku teorii kreatywności, W: O stawaniu się osobą, Dom Wydawniczy REBIS, Poznań, rozdz. 19, s. 420-434.
Nęcka E. (1995), Proces twórczy i jego ograniczenia, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków, rozdz. VII-X.
Nęcka E. (2001), Psychologia twórczości, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk, rozdz. 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10.
Szmidt K.J. (2001), Twórczość i pomoc w tworzeniu w perspektywie pedagogiki społecznej, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź, rozdz. 1.
Szmidt K.J. (2001), Szkolne inhibitory twórczej aktywności uczniów w świetle wyników badań typu action research, W: Nowe konteksty (dla) edukacji alternatywnej XXI wieku, pod red. B. Śliwerskiego, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków.
Szmidt K.J. (2003), Współczesne koncepcje wychowania do kreatywności i nauczania twórczości – przegląd stanowisk polskich, W: Dydaktyka twórczości, pod red. K.J. Szmidta, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków.
Szmidt K.J. (2007), Pedagogika twórczości, GWP, Gdańsk.
Szymański M.S. (1987), Twórczość i style poznawcze uczniów, WSiP, Warszawa, rozdz. VII, s. 53-76.
English literature:
A Discourse on Novelty and Creation / Carl R. Hausman. - New York : Stete UniversityNew York Press, 1984
Business creativity : practitioner's handbook / ed. by Kanes Rajah. - London : GreenwichUniversity Press, cop. 2007.
Complex creativity : the pathway to opportunity finding / ed. by Kanes Rajah. - London : GreenwichUniversity Press, cop. 2007.
Creative approaches to problem solving : a framework for change / Scott G. Isaksen, K. Brian Dorval, Donald J. Treffinger. - 2nd ed. - Dobuque : Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, cop. 2000.
Encyclopedia of Creativity : Vol. 1, A-H / ed. Mark A. Runco, Steven R. Pritzker. - San Diego [etc.] : Academic Press, 1999.
Encyclopedia of Creativity : Vol. 2, I-Z, Indexes / ed. Mark A. Runco, Steven R. Pritzker. - San Diego [etc.] : Academic Press, 1999.
Emotional illness and creativity : a psychoanalytic and phenomenologic study / Richard D. Chessic. - Madison : International Universities Press, 1999.
Facilitative leadership : making a difference with creative problem solving / edited by Scott G. Isaksen with Luc De Schryver et al., foreword by Stanley S. Gryskiewicz; Creativity Reaserch Unit, Creative Problem Solving Group - Buffalo. - Dobuque : Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, cop. 2000.
The international handbook of creativity / edited by James C. Kaufman, Robert J. Sternberg. - Cambridge : CambridgeUniversity Press, 2006.
Toolbox for Creative Problem Solving : Basic Tools and Resources / Scott G. Isaken, K. Brian Dorval, Donald J. Treffinger. - New York : The Creative Problem Solving Group - Buffalo, 1998.
Subject: Didactics of Creativity
Contents: / The main goal of the subject is to introduce students into practical aspects of stimulating creative thinking and creative attitudes. During classes students are using innovative tools, techniques and methods of creative work and preparing own projects for implementation creativity into pedagogical and educational situations.
Main topics:
- Theories of creative attitude and its measurement
- The concept of barriers and inhibitors of creativity. School students creativity inhibitors.
- Supporting of creativity.
- Characteristics of the environment stimulating the creative development of students and workers.
- Aid in the creation and its types. Models of help in creation.
- Psycho-pedagogy principles of help in creating. Creativity: assumptions, objectives, principles and didactic tools.
- Divergent and convergent thinking in the process of creativity. Techniques for idea generation and divergent thinking methods. Brainstorming, Mind Mapping, Free Writing, Effective Problem Solving, Associations in creative process.
- Out-of-the-box thinking and its stimulation.
- Role of metaphor and analogy in developing creative skills.
- Role of Drama in Creativity.
- Creative methods of teaching. Project of creative lesson.
- The effects of the creative lesson.
Bibliography: / Polish literature:
Dydaktyka twórczości : koncepcje - problemy - rozwiązania / red. Krzysztof J. Szmidt. - Kraków : "Impuls", 2003.
Jak stosować myślenie lateralne : Rozwiązywanie problemów metodą pozalogiczną / Edward de Bono. - Warszawa : "Medium", [1999].
Mapping w twórczym samorozwoju i arteterapii / Wiesław Karolak. - Łódź : Wydaw. Wyższej Szkoły Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w Łodzi, 2006.
English literature:
A Discourse on Novelty and Creation / Carl R. Hausman. - New York : Stete UniversityNew York Press, 1984
Business creativity : practitioner's handbook / ed. by Kanes Rajah. - London : GreenwichUniversity Press, cop. 2007.
Complex creativity : the pathway to opportunity finding / ed. by Kanes Rajah. - London : GreenwichUniversity Press, cop. 2007.
Creative approaches to problem solving : a framework for change / Scott G. Isaksen, K. Brian Dorval, Donald J. Treffinger. - 2nd ed. - Dobuque : Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, cop. 2000.
Encyclopedia of Creativity : Vol. 1, A-H / ed. Mark A. Runco, Steven R. Pritzker. - San Diego [etc.] : Academic Press, 1999.
Encyclopedia of Creativity : Vol. 2, I-Z, Indexes / ed. Mark A. Runco, Steven R. Pritzker. - San Diego [etc.] : Academic Press, 1999.
Emotional illness and creativity : a psychoanalytic and phenomenologic study / Richard D. Chessic. - Madison : International Universities Press, 1999.
Facilitative leadership : making a difference with creative problem solving / edited by Scott G. Isaksen with Luc De Schryver et al., foreword by Stanley S. Gryskiewicz; Creativity Reaserch Unit, Creative Problem Solving Group - Buffalo. - Dobuque : Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, cop. 2000.
Subject: Youth Subculture
Contents: /
- Terminology: subcultures;culture; counterculture; anticulture, generation; social movement, generation gap
- Analysis of selected group processes: deindividuation, conformity, imitation, modelling, diffusion of responsibility, group thinking syndrome
- Group structures; group roles
- Typology of subcultures
-Social-moral Revolt (Beat Generation; Hippies)
-Escape and isolation groups (SkinHeads)
-Creative groups (Graphiti)
- Prevention against destructive cults
Bibliography: / Baron, Stephen W. 1989. ‘Resistance and Its Consequences: The Street Culture of Punks.’Youth and Society 21
Bennett, Andy 1999. ‘Subcultures or Neo-Tribes? Rethinking the Relationship between Youth,Style, and Musical Taste.’ Sociology 33:
Bennett, Andy 2001. Cultures of Popular Music. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.
Brake, Michael 1985. Comparative Youth Culture: The sociology of youth cultures and youth subcultures
in America, Britain and Canada. London: Routledge.
Nowakowski P.T, The Phenomen of Cults from a Scientific Perspective